Coincidentally, I found / discovered David Choe through the infamous TigerBelly podcast with Bobby Lee. I probably did hear of him before,
but didn't really 'really' find out what he was about. But now - his thoughts, ideas, artwork, show is growing on me bit by bit. Like other personalities that I am fan of,
not everything is to my taste or agree with. But as long as the majority is - that should be enough. *ALL IMAGES / ART IN THIS FAN PAGE IS CREATED BY DAVID SOE (FROM HIS TIKTOK OR SHOW).


COOL CHOE ART (favorite so far)

02/26/25: Play Harder, Not Smarter haha
Since 'play' is the opposite of 'work', it only makes sense to just play harder and not smarter. There is no such thing as playing smart. Let your inner kid inside you out. Action figures, dolls, whatever.
Not only do we need G.I. Choes, we need an Asian Batman. I'd vouch for Choe to play an Asian Batman.
02/22/25: Gettin' "Hitch"-y Wid It, with Choe
You gotta watch "Hitchhikin' with Choe", he hitchhikes all the way up the Pacific coast from socal (forgot from where to where) with a random companion. Hitch-hiking is crazy or insane enough. But livin' off the land and livin' minimally while doing so is difficult and it takes a lot of guts and the nothing to lose determination. I wouldn't want to hitch-hike even for 1 mile.
Along the journey, you'll get see Choe eat his impromptu Sardine Sandwich / Tang Balls specialty. Unfortunately, I dislike sardines and tuna. It would make that Cap'n Crunch / sugar sandwich a bit more appetizing. Haha.
The show can be seen on Youtube, or the channel that Eddie Huang has spoke out against.
The most salient from Choe's recent vlog - nobody is going to remember a person 50+ years from now. Don't live life looking for validation. Don't live life looking to conform. Don't live life in fear, or holding you back from what you want to do or what makes you happy.
Do what you are passionate about, or what makes you happy. "Creativity" is the true "genius", not what society says it is. It's a word that is often over-used and has lost its meaning. Anyone with a creative outlet can be one. There should be a new term for someone who can create a lasting or eternal product - whether it's in music, art or another. Pop / maintstream culture - everything that is out there today, is all going to be forgotten. Completely forgettable garbage.
It's true - most of us never heard of the classical painters until we saw TMNT. Hahaha. Likewise, I never really knew Mozart's music until I watched "Amadeus".
I think we can all benefit from adhering to Choe's "let go and embrace" mentality. Holding onto negative energy can just be tiring or draining, as life is short.
02/07/25: Are We Human Beings, Human 'Doings', or - Not Even Human At All
Choe asks the most philosophical questions or inquiries sometimes - you learn more from this guy than all the useless Philosophy departments combined. Second to, "All We Are, Is Dust. In the Wind. Dude" haha. And that's the quintessential truth, ruth.
We Asian Guys are treated as 'not human at all' or 'invisible', so I guess that answers this. Everyone else are practically Human Doings - look at me, look at me, I'm doing this, I'm going to do this!
02/02/25: Self-Admir-Asian
Exactly my thoughts - we tend to not let go of the pain or suffering because it enhances our creative juices or makes our artistry better.
Asian Supremacy is not about hating (while other types do), but being only proud of our own race and our talents. While Asian Guys might be at the bottom in terms of desirability, we just have
to flip the script and say - who the fuck cares. Relationships and even women are overrated, and ain't worth all the troubles. Hahah. Just jack off to them to get yer groove on.
01/21/25: I Want My (not MTV), but 'G.I. "Choe's"'
"G.I. Choe" is certainly lookin' "down" these days haha:
The only 'editing' I've done to my life is complete 'deletion'. I mean Recycle Bin deletion (which is permanent).
01/06/25: Are We At The "Point of No Return"
To me, it's a both Yes and No. No - you can always better yourself in becoming more positive and confident. Yes - when it comes to trauma, I don't really believe in forgiving but it's situational. You know the sayin' "Choe forgives, I don't" haha. But then there is; "To err is human. To forgive is divine".
The world or society as it is, that is certainly a "Point of No Return". It's incapable of change. We just have to wait for the world to end I guess.
My default setting is exactly that. However - a slight difference. I'm anti-social as a natural disposation, not because I hate myself (well, I used to be growing up) but because human beings are fucked up. The world is fucked up.
Still - there should be part of anyone (as long as you're not a misanthrope) that does see some good in humanity on occasion.
12/05/24: "Choe-Lee" Cow! Old Boyz Reunite
It's the Choe vs. Lee one-on-one we've been looking for. Not exactly, but perhaps Choe might re-visit Tigerbelly again. Goddamn, some of the first words out of Choe's mouth: "You lost weight".
We all know that actually means, "You're Still Fat". Or in some cases, "You're Fatter". Bobby Lee became annoyed again when Choe didn't notice Bobby Lee mentioning quitting smoking, porn and drugs. What did Choe bring up instead? Video games. But that's his thing.
Bring on the holiday cheers with some hefty "Choe-Choe-Choes". Or Get on dat Ho Train, and grab a "Where dem 'Ho Ho Hos' at" sweater as a gift from goodiebrands haha.
11/29/24: "Tell Me The Truth" - Bobby Lee, Put Down That Donut. Hahaha
Well, at least that's the truth. And also - we all use our phones when taking a shit. Hahaha.
What's my ultimate truth? I was that awkward guy who was picked on as a child. I was that guy who usually sat alone at the school cafeteria when others would avoid where I sat. I was that guy was picked last
or wasn't picked at all during recess. I was that guy who girls avoided or looked away. I'm not sure if this shaped my current distaste for human beings, or if it's just how everyone maliciously treat each other with
subtle racism and whatnot.
My conclusion: it's better to stick with your own. But if you are in a forgiving or humanitarian mood, give the benefit of the doubt as well.
11/22/24: Discomfort is the only comfort for true expression
True dat. By the way, how can I get one of 'em large-ass paper coffee mugs? hahaha. I can't wait for "Heat 2" with Choe as lead.
11/16/24: Thrift Store Parking Lot Guy - Scam Artist, Terrible Actor, or Both?
Your father's painting my ass - you better come up with a better story. Also - tears might help with the authenticity. Aside from fuckin' hating pickles,
I prefer you forking over 100K instead for this classic Monet. Hahaha.
Zach Lee couldn't be Bobby Lee - otherwise, it wouldn't be "Ex-Zach-t" hahah. Oh right - Bobby Lee is that "Mish-tah Reeeee" haha.
Sorry, Choe. I hate your taste in movies. If you're a fan of a content creator, you don't need to have the same taste or like what they like. Otherwise - I would be unsubbing from almost everyone. Hahaha. With all the crap hollywood is today, I only support Asian films and Asians in film.
11/09/24: Food and Music - My Final Frontier and love languages
Sorry, Choe. I hate touch. Food, food and more food. That is all. Hahaha. And playing some therapeutic classical pieces.
Did you watch the old Choe Show episode where Steve-O gets anesthesia - possible to prep for that new Jackass movie haha. Anesthesia is also seen as a type of drug. Why not. Let's get Haaaa-eeeeeeeeeeeeee!
And that - let me goddamn practice and play music, and that's a love language enough. Allowing me to do my things.
Archived Thoughts / Entries
FAVORITE CHOE CLIPS / IMAGES (direct link to Choe's TikTok - click on image)