10/31/24 - World Series (vs. Yankees) - "Cause we are the champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting til the end. Cause we are the champions"

10/21/24 - Playoffs (vs. Mets) - TO THE WORLD SERIES

10/12/24 - Playoffs (vs. Padres) - NEXT ROUND

"See ya wouldn't want to be ya"

10/05/24 - FINAL 2024 SEASON STATS FOR "MR.54/59"

Batting Avg.: .310
HR: 54
SB: 59
RBI: 130
Hits: 197

09/26/24 - vs. Padres - ClINCHES NL WEST DIVISION TITLE

"Hi LAA! We're Division Champs, how y'all doin'? Oh, right Hahaha"

09/22/24 - vs. Rockies - THE NEW "CRUSH HOUR" HAHA (Shohei and Mookie Betts back-to-back homers)

09/19/24 - vs. Marlins - 6 for 6, 3 HR's, 50 / 50 exclusive club ("Fishin' ain't easy I guess with them Fishes out of water haha")

08/23/24 - vs. Rays - Reaching 40 / 40

06/26/24 - vs. ChiSox - "25 and Alive"

Shohei is gettin' in his groove, and made franchise history with 10 games with an RBI. In the end however - just win dammit.

05/05/24 - vs. Braves 2 HR Day (including a 464-Footer: "You're Gonna Need A Bigger Ballpark" haha)

I believe Shohei already hit 470+ footers, but in case - build a bigger ballpark.


Saturday, March 01, 2025: Let The HR Count Begin haha

Can Shohei be Number 1 this season? Fully healthy - yes. But more importantly, fans are more interested in Shohei returning to pitching again. But that might not be for awhile. That's fine - it is quite a load having to both pitch and hit effectively. Only Shohei can do it.

With that said - "Hi LAA! We're World Series Champs. And we might be again this season. How are ticket sales these days". Hahaha.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025: It's time to repeat

I awakened from slumber, to find out that pre-season is already here and the new season. It's encouraging to see Shohei practicing pitching again. It'll be worth the wait to see Shohei's full arsenal as a batter and a pitcher. But is he really 100% or close to it. And is he going to pitch right away, or after a handful of games. I'd take it slow as a caution.

Thursday, October 31, 2024: Song Of The Day - "We Are The Champions"

Congratulations to Shohei and LAD for an extraordinary season and winning it all. Who would have thunk it - Shohei's first season with his new team, and winning the World Series (while breaking records and making history along the way). While Shohei did not have a standout World Series (struggled with only 1 hit the entire series), his teammates more than picked up the slack. Shohei did have a great post-season run overall however. It's unfortunate about Sho's shoulder injury. So what's to look forward to next season other than defending the title? Simple - hopefully, we'll get see him pitch. His recent shoulder injury might be a minor setback however.

It would've been nice to have the winning game celebrated at Dodger Stadium instead. I think the sweep potential was there - had Shohei been his full self. Damn Yankees - more like, Yankees Were 'Damned' haha. The rest of the league were Damned. The Great Sho' has cometh.

Monday, October 21, 2024:

The Great Sho' in the big show is all that counts. I don't know about anything else. Even Sho' knows however, that it was a team effort. I heard Tommy Edman and Mookie Betts were intrumental during their playoff run, especially against the Mets. Win it all!

Saturday, October 05, 2024: Let the playoffs Begin

Good luck to Shohei Ohtani and LAD. Go all the way, or go home. Shohei does well under pressure - he's won the World Championships afterall. There's only 1 Mr. Baseball - Shohei Ohtani. Nothing else.

Rememeber Bo Know? Sho' Knows even more. Hahah.

Friday, September 27, 2024: Congrats to The NL West Division Champs!

Shohei has come through. Has come through in record-shattering or historic ways. Now it's time to focus on the playoffs, which is on a whole, new level. I believe Shohei is up to the challenge. No pressure. Haha.

One thing is for sure. It's a godsend that Shohei left that hellhole of a losing ballclub (which I hear has the worst record in their history. Justice. Haha).

Friday, September 20, 2024: Is Shohei ready to pitch for the playoffs?

It would be a great surprise. But there is concern - we haven't seen Shohei pitch in a live game for awhile. Perhaps the club has been saving The Great Sho' for the playoffs. Some of us prefer Shohei to pitch in regular games first. You just have to trust in the process. Or else.

Thursday, September 19, 2024: The Greatest Sho' On Earth Does It

Shohei's exclusive 50 / 50 club. While the celebration is justly deserved, Shohei is focused on the post-season or playoffs. His performance in the playoffs can only elevate his status even more.

Saturday, August 31, 2024: "Mr. Baseball" Heading Towards 50 / 50

43 / 43 and counting. And The Great Sho' hasn't pitched yet nor is ready to pitch yet. When he's fully healthy, more records might be broken. Instead of going all out, I think it's more important to conserve and prepare. Perhaps going all out in the post-season.

Saturday, August 24, 2024: Congratulations on 'turning' 40 / 40

Shohei is continuing to break records and going into history books. Shohei reached the 40 HR / 40 stolen bases by clinching the win. It could've just been a single, double or triple - but no, a walk-off Grand Slam! For sure, the feat is definitely one worth celebrating. As if they won the World Series haha. Here is the interview where the Great Sho' gets drenched:

Thursday, August 22, 2024: Being Fine With 39-39

Shohei is nearing the 40-40 landmark (homers / stolen bases). What else can't he do. We're all waiting in anticipation for Sho' to pitch when he's fully healthy. Only when he can pitch fully healthy and at his normal speeds.

Have LAD been riddled with injuries or inconsistent lineups. Post-All Star break, I think LAD is doing a tad better than the first half. Hopefully.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024: "You're Definitely Gonna Need A Bigger Ballpark" hahah

A 473-Footer for Shohei's 30th HR out of the ballpark. Fortunately, it didn't land near any parking areas. I'm hoping that the second half of the season (post-All Star game, and post-"Someone Worse Than Roseanne Barr Singing The Anthem" fiasco haha) is going to be a breakout for LAD. The first half, unfortunately, has not been that consistent.

I've been curious as to what the hell that stretch or pose Shohei is doin' at the base. Or is everyone doin' it. Damn - while yer at it, just shake yer hips back and forth in a wildly exaggerated, clownish form to the lyrics; "Shohei's gonna shake, shake, shake. SAS is gonna hate, hate, hate, hate. Just homer it off. Homer it off" haha. By the way, I really thought Katy Perry sung that. I guess they're all the same.

Thursday, June 27, 2024:

Congratulations on the franchise record of 10+ consecutive games with an RBI. I'm sure the Sho' is amused by it, but in the end - winning is all that matters to him.

Sunday, May 05, 2024: How "Sweep" It Is

The first 2-HR game for Shohei Ohtani of the season,"doubling" down on the Braves for the win. Another 460+ footer.

I think he's still gettin' warmed up. And we cannot wait until he's fully healthy to pitch again.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024: What Is Shohei's Greatest HR?

Probably the one when he hit the ceiling / roof at the Tokyo Dome. And then the recent "Welcome To The Nat" 450-Footer haha.

And of course - Shohei's bat splintered again. Raw power. Since there's nothing else going on or no news / updates recently (other than highlights), some tidbits worth noting.

Sunday, April 21, 2024:

vs. Mets: 2 RBI, 1 HR. Congratulations to Shohei Ohtani, who just broke Hideki Matsui's record with his 176th. I had no idea how many Matsui hit in the first place. Also - what is going on with LAD's slump or "slow start". Are they experimenting or what. Fortunately, the season just started so there's plenty of time to get back on track or get in the groove.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024: The 'Sho'- Stoppa is back!

vs. Twins: 1 HR, 2 Doubles. Shohei is still getting warmed up, not in full form yet. Until all the distractions are gotten rid of. Let it rain sunflower seeds instead of that silly hat haha.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024:

Shohei mentoring Yoshinobu nicely haha: "You did only 'So-So', 'so' get off the mound already" haha.
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