02/18/25: 'Final' Final Thoughts There isn't much to say about the final five episodes, except that the only thing worth noting is Kreese's redemption arc and Johnny coming full circle in the final episode with his match and win. While a lot of fans enjoyed this, I felt it was a bit underwhelming as well. I didn't like how Chozen was handled in S6 (Yuji probably feels otherwise), and didn't like the Kreese / Silver demise. It felt like some cheezy scene off of an amateur Youtuber doing effects. I would've written it as a showdown in an empty dojo to settle the score, and make it a lengthy fight (but there probably wasn't any time as well as budget constraints). But the positives outweigh the negatives, and Seasons 1, 3 and 5, 6 Part II Kwon were my favorites. The best scene was the "Young Miyagi" dream sequence. Overall - "Cobra Kai" series was nostalgic, entertaining, and funny as hell - important ingredients in a show for me. The amount of characters in the show was large as well as diverse, and only the main cast could get the spotlight. I might remove this page after awhile, or keep it for posterity. There's still "Karate Kid: Legends" coming up, and a hopeful Young Miyagi spinoff. Otherwise - it's time to find other shows or films. 02/14/25: Final Thoughts, Part I For me, I'd be fine without watching the final five episodes but I'll eventually watch them. Ending a series on another Tournament (for me), is quite tiresome. But that's what the audience seems to have clamored for. Retrospect - my favorite seasons were 1, 3 and 5 (essentially, the ones with OG cameos). Kudos to the Big 3 for bringing two elements to the show - nostalgia / paying homage or staying true to the original films, and humor. Lots of humor. Of course, a lot of fighting and over-the-top action sequences were top notch (although sometimes not very probable or realistic). And for me, the most important - a diverse range of characters. While there might not have been a main Asian character to root for, there were some recurring characters - Kyler, Kwon, Chozen. But with Kwon gone and Kyler retired in Episode 2, there are no longer any Asian characters to root for or look out for. If I keep this mindset, I probably won't watch the final five. Chozen might have one or two scenes to say goodbye, but that would be just a "going out with a whimper". Joe Seo seems to have disappeared, knowing full well his character was one-and-done after Episode 2. More thoughts later. 12/19/24: "The Karate Kid: Legends", Mark Your Calendars 05/2025 Here is the trailer below. Two styles are learned / combined (Karate / Kung-Fu), the OG Karate Kid returns as a mentor with another familiar face from the franchise, and the theme of bullying (this is always relevant everywhere). This is different and new, while maintaining true to the Karate Kid series. I'm not sure how Mr. Han fits into all this (because I never bothered with the new Karate Kid movie all them years ago), but if they say it is part of the Miyagi / Karate Kid universe or is somehow connected from the original film, so be it. Daniel-san reunited with Chozen in the "Cobra Kai" series. I guess Mr. Han would be the only other elder generation left (with Miyagi and Sato gone). So does this film take place before, during or after the "Cobra Kai" series? We'll find out. But the trailer looks badass, and the story / script convincing. 11/19/24: Part II Thoughts This lived up to the hype. The fight sequences were exciting and outstanding - award worthy. I was happy that they didn't make either Miyagi-Do or Cobra Kai the unbeatable powerhouse. It's a world tournament afterall. They came in as underdogs for sure, and took some beatings first. Here are the ultimate thoughts:
11/18/24: As usual, Part II was never short on humor haha. Ep. 10 was the hands down favorite. The Young Miyagi fight sequence was most likely my favorite out of all of Part II. Everything from the training montage for the Semis, to the chaotic brawl-for-all at the end. Despite already finding out, Kwon's death at the end definitely left a stinging sensation of, "what the hell". More complete thoughts on Part II once it's organized. In the meantime, some tidbits: next time when you want to do some dirty dancing with a hottie, just think of Demetri and shout non-chalantly: "I'm on vacation!" haha. Bert and Nate for hire as experienced brawlers. Even more hahaha. 11/16/24: *Spoiler - reading some comments, and looking up Brandon H. Lee. It was unintentional, but the headlines already reading "shocking death". Apparently, Kwon is killed off (but certainly not going out like a chump Mace Windu style haha). They hyped Kwon as a super villain, super martial artist - only to get off'ed at the finale. My immediate reaction - wtf, I'm done. Not watching. I made it clear that S5 would have made a satisfying series finale (without Kreese escaping). But I should reserve my ultimate judgment until I watch it through. After all, Silver returns. I'm ok with spoilers - as long as it's not too much. My hope for Part 3 - one last cameo from Kyler, Brucks, "I Ain't A Bitch" Mitch (haha), and Stingray. If anything, probably just very briefly. But I think we've seen the last of them in Part I. 11/15/24: Part II is out. Of course, I'll watch this at some point. The final five is in February 2025. Wish they'd grace fans with a New Year's release as a gift instead haha. Part II is all about the world tournament, and the new dojos. Kick-ass action. Of course - there's the badass Kwon. 10/22/24: Karate Kid Legends / S6 P2 I heard about this new Karate Kid movie. I'm sold on Ben Wang. However - it remains to be seen whether the story holds any water. Yes - it should be different and unique. No - it should not deviate from the original Karate Kid films or the Cobra Kai series. It might be very difficult, but I'm sure there is a way to fit both universes into this new film. Unfortunately, it seems the story might deviate from this. But who knows. 1 month left until Part II. I'm not as hyped anymore - that's what happens if you spread out handful of episodes at a time and releasing them with a large waiting time in between. I think the only thing that I'm anticipating is any unforeseen surprises. 07/28/24: Kenny And Kwon From Brandon's instagram (who plays Kwon) - I'm curious as to what this is about. There appears to be a twitch stream on the 31st. If I remember, I should check it out for sure. I highly doubt they'll meet in the tournament finals, but who knows. Still, it has a nice ring to it: The Double K's Kenny And Kwon. Harold And Kumar. Amos N' Andy. Hahaha. ![]() 07/20/24: Part I Thoughts Cont'd Who is Kwon - he appears more dangerous and intimidating than when Chozen was young. Ruthless, right up the alley of the Cobra Kai mantra of no mercy. For sure, the fights in this series is something to look forward to. Pertaining to Kenny and the whole explosive diarrhea fiasco (as hilarious as it was), is there still a possibility that he'll get into the tournament? Something doesn't make sense, as Kenny was the head of Cobra Kai. I find it hard to believe that the remaining 10 episodes are all about the tournament. But who knows. 07/19/24: Part I Thoughts My biggest peeve or misgiving is tainting the legacy of Mr. Miyagi, by presenting a "dark side". On one hand, a side that portrays a negative / flawed past or a sketchy past might "humanize" him more (instead of being put on a pedestal all the time), on the other hand - it does kind of taint or pollute what we've come to know of the beloved handyman / karate master / fisherman from the OG Karate Kid film. But at the same time - why the hell not. Haha. But there's gotta be a damn good reason. I'm sure the Big 3 thought this through, perhaps in later episodes to explain this more. The ending of E5 showing the start of the tournament, is there anything more to this final season than just the tournament? I reckon that a season that is tournament-focused doesn't really have much room for any other stories or nostalgic moments. I wish they'd lump Parts I and II together (instead of having us wait another few months for the next five), and the grande finale 5 at the end of this year. But it is what it is. That begs the question: have we seen the last of Chozen? the last of Stingray? the last of Kyler? the last of Mitch? haha. I hope not. But if so - I can't complain. They had their last hurrah moments: Stingray coming full circle at Coyote Creek haha, Kyler actually getting "bullied" at a frat party before using Miguel's move and with one of the most memorable moments, and Mitch still being called - uh, you know what. Oh right, Muscles haha. Damn - I had him pegged to win it all. How about that Kenny "I've Got To Take An Explosive Shit Where The Hell Is The Port-O-Potty" scene hahaha. So how did Kreese survive that snake bite - unless it wasn't poisonous. I love the Big 3's humor and adherence to nostalgia. They have their way of doing things, and this show had to be updated for the modern audience. There are going to be exaggerated and over-the-top / unrealistic elements. I did wish they used more on-sight filming instead of studio filming. Their trip to film a few scenes in Okinawa was special, and that particular season was one of my favorites (1, 4, 5 I think). 07/18/24: Part I - And So It Begins And so it begins, and so everyone has already watched / binged Part I haha. Goddammit - lemme watch first at my own pacing. 07/06/24: Happy 40th to "The Karate Kid". There are a lot of quotables, nearly the entire movie. One of my favorites: "No such thing as bad student. Only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do". My theory on Kyler's absence in a dojo: after Cobra Kai dissolved / ended after S5, he quit karate altogether to rejoin his former pals / gang in the party-life and just having fun. It makes sense, the character was more about that than being serious about competing or karate. Sure - he might have been the ultimate bully (probably due to his home life - everyone has a backstory), but he turned out more dimensional than originally thought. Again - Kyler's scenes are only a few and far between but some of the most memorable. Were they really thinking having Bert taking a shit / crap in a Tuba? That would've been hilarious for sure hahaha. Next Page (archived entries) NOTABLE MOMENTS FROM S4