Back To Main ARCHIVED ENTRIES / THOUGHTS: 10/04/24: VeggieHammerr Presents: Death By Burrito Didn't you get the memo? Choe is not only an artist, but is in a band as well (drummer so to speak). Speaking of burritos, isn't that burrito bigger than the lady's entire body? haha. It sure ain't bigger than Bobby Lee's head at any rate. Hahaha. 09/23/24: Cardboard Keytar - Possibly The Greatest Invention Ever haha I think there is an instrument where you can strap a keyboard like a guitar. Funky-lookin'. You don't have to be the best instrumentalist, artist or whatever. Just believe in yourself, and have confidence in your product. That's all that matters. You have the upper hand if you get the haters / trolls worked up and upset over not reacting at all. 08/08/24: Cab Biscuit Identity Reveal? In Choe's recent "Be Authentic To Your Art" video, we see somebody. No, not Apu haha. But the guy might be Cab Biscuit - Choe's sidekick or assistant who comes from Choe's Land Of Make-Believe to help him whenever he has creative or artist's block. Hahaha. Until next time, folks - tune in again to Mr. Choe's Neighborhood for another exciting episode of an art tutorial or vlog. 08/04/24: Elves Pay - How about Dwarves and Hobbits? I guess we gotta ask Bobby Lee haha. Congrats on 100K+ subs. The Choe army is growing. 07/17/24: Cab Biscuit - Choe's Minion haha I think the Minion or sidekick is his father haha. Or the random background guy that's in Choe's videos on occasion. But anyhoo - can I has a Minion? 06/26/24: "Let's Get Crazy - Let's Add A Happy, Little Telephone Pole Right Here While We Still Have Time" Bob Ross would've been proud haha. 06/24/24: Gnong Prophett - In "The Guy In A Large Pink Jumpsuit With Balloons" We Trust I wish I could make Balloon Art like that. Why do I wear a hat other than covering my bald spots, my thinning mushroom hair? I'll wear a pink jumpsuit if I ever performed another recital haha. Or even a clashing large-ass hat with shorts. Curiosity brings out creativity. However - I'll add that fear is not entirely useless. It brings out creativity as well, but curiosity > an emotional state. 06/10/24: I Raised Both Of My Hands The Truth, Ruth. My cathartic moment finally, was recording the Mendelssohn's "Scherzo a cappricio" piece. That's as intense as it comes, and it's like letting it all out in a moment / in the middle of nowhere. For me, I can't do it vocally because my vocal chords are weak / too soft. I was made fun of behind my back in high school because of that. Or because I couldn't sing for crap. That's an interesting epiphany. None of us has actually seen our face - only reflections from mirrors, images or photos, (which are just interpretations). 06/09/24: Peter Pan Syndrome Some of us have it - Choe, me and even Bobby Lee. Which is fine - it's escapism. It actually cultivates our art or music. By the way, does ADHD, OCD and mild autism count haha. Choe > religion. More often than not, there are a lot of folks in religious organizations who don't act or adhere to what they say or believe in. And their words become unstable emotionally. How can you take them seriously. You can't - you just laugh at them haha. Just believing in God and the goodness of others is enough for me. And I believe there are better folks out there who stay away from religious orgs. With that said - Preach on, Choe. 05/28/24: You Don't Have To Be A "Blockhead" To Find Inspiration haha I think I'm leaning to that figure with striped pants as a starting point. Or wear a huge-ass hat (as a thinking cap) to jumpstart your creativity. Empty your head, and just start. Thinking too much is counter-productive, counter-intuitive. It certainly messes me up when I practice or play. 05/15/24: Gettin' "Hairy" Wid It I really thought that Choe was going to teach how to draw a "fat-figure" of Bobby Lee, before his haircut haha. Or it could've been a message about Geo, to keep shaving dammit haha. Stick Figure 101 lessons sign up today! If you know how to draw circles or ovals, there ya go. 04/30/24: Choe Tutorial - The "Art" Of Choe's Artwork There's a method to Choe's "madness", if you want to call it that. The end product always speaks for itself. Choe and Bob Ross - two iconic artists of our time. Bob Ross' tragic life can be seen in a recent Netflix documentary. But his artwork is eternally remembered. As would Choe's artwork in time. Akin to Picasso, Van Gogh and Munch. There's a reason trolls / racists exist. Their existence and self-esteem truly "sucks", as with anything they've done with their lives haha. And they take it out on anyone with success or happiness. Why would they waste their time or energy, when they could be just focusing on anyone other than us to support. More views or attention for us I guess. 04/17/24: Some "Mo' Betta Choe" Insights Gratitude is the cure to everything. Nothing changes if you don't change how you perceive everthing else. It's the healthy way, but certainly not the easy way. The world is the shithole it is, because nearly everyone appears stuck in their negative ways of thinking (usually racist). If we're going to stay within our own shells, at least minimize the complaining and have gratitude to be alive at least. Be grateful for things often taken for granted, when there are always folks worse off than you. 04/02/24: "High Risk" is highly educational What a documentary. I found out more about Choe's life or was worth more than a thousand other documentaries or films combined. It is a high R-rated, so watch at your own 'risk' haha. I think everyone in this world "loves" their phones. Everywhere you go, everyone is just lookin' at their phones rather than doing what they're supposed to be doing haha. Myself included. We're all addicts. 03/24/24: Choe Tidbits "Oops, I 'stepped on a million dollar painting' again" haha. And why not defecate or urinate while yer at it. Art in museums these days ain't worth shit. They are shit. Just splash paint, and that's art. "Don't Download This Song. Even Lars Ulrich knows its wrong" - Weird Al (referring to the Napster fiasco). 03/01/24: Being present is the present. Live for the now. And might I add - live for the future if you are highly ambitious. Words of wisdom from Choe. There was a brief Bobby Lee "Truffle Shuffle" (or at least his Hobbit version haha) in that video: 01/31/24: "The Secret To 'Choe's' Success" Not the movie haha, but artist extraordinaire Choe. And it ain't opting for Facebook stock options instead of a lump sum - which made Choe a literal millionaire. It's also his artwork - graffiti art, painting, sketching, drawing, doodling, etc. Whatever you want to call it. They should be the ones at the forefront in an Art Gallery or Museum. It's because Choe isn't afraid to speak his mind. To just express and share his creative juices. It might not be orthodox or the norm, but to me - Weird Is The New Normal. As long as this "weird" falls along humane parameters. There are unappealing 'weirdness' out there. But then again, to each their own. 01/24/24: A Long Time Ago, In A 'Hong Galaxy' Far, Far, Away There was a hobbit-like extraterrestrial named Bobby Lee. He's arrived on planet Earth with his assistants who would use their ray guns to disintegrate anyone not deemed worthy. Using an unfamiliar alien language, Bobby Lee continues to babble and mumble on. Kalmaste, Horridon. Dosume. Hahaha. In the end, it's Pizza Man that poses a challenge to the vile villainy of Bobby Lee. 01/06/24: Return Of 'The Hobbit' Apparently, Bobby Lee got caught and was forced to make amends with Choe haha. Thus, "Old Boyz" begins: 01/01/24: Ring In The New Year With Some Munko Wisdom Get some Boongtang, Schmoogie or Bacha - these are words of wisdom you cannot find anywhere. Learn how to draw Munko-style. Live like a Munko. Eat some brains. It's good for you. And I'm not talkin' about "Return Of The Living 'Choe'" haha. I actually see some benefits in eating burgers upside down, which actually might be the correct way to eat. Other than the fact that the bottom bun always disappears (or gets too soggy) before you can really get into the burger. Munko Boongtang - more informative / entertaining than all the broadcast channels combined. Merry New Yearr. 12/30/23 Roll call - Choe, Igloo Hong, Pizza Man, The Guy In A Space Or Diver's Helmet, etc. That's what I call a bona fide Avengers team haha. Even better - The Choe Show Avengers. Sometimes, just sitting back and enjoying a montage of Choe's artwork, paintings, drawings / sketches is all worth it. Especially with the soundtrack of a kid singing lyrics like "Scotty, Beam Me Up" haha. So random. 12/19/23 - Slurpee Is My Guru - All hail 'Slurpee' haha I'm heading over to 7-11 and gettin' me some Slurpee. Because underneath the facade of 'brain freeze' goodness, Slurpee is actually an Alien from another planet. But Slurpee can be your best companion or pal. Mover over, Alf haha. Be Thoughtful. Question / challenge the status quo. 12/16/23 - Listening Is A Lost Art I, too, sometimes "don't listen". When you go into a conversation already planning to talk over someone else, you automatically tune them out just to yell out your prejudices and one-track mind / opinions. It's the same with Professional Musicians - they are not very "professional" or not very good if they cannot receive constructive criticism or always criticizing / insulting others. If you hate somebody, please feel free to just focus on your own people. The best way is to just ignore their existence. Be happier and more successful than them. That is all. It is not to say you have to agree with them. Agree to Disagree. Just be capable of actually listening. Words of Wisdom from D-Choe - my messiah haha. 10/25/23 - Feet Fashion Having thick callous layers is the way to go haha. Them thick, leathery feet - even Pygmies can run on their barefeet faster than a Track & Field sprinter. Choe and Cody Lundin might get along just fine. Choe just needs to wear shorts during winter in Antarctica haha. 09/07/23 - My 531 1. Hamburger Helper 2. Hamburger Helper 3. Hamburger Helper 4. Hamburger Helper 5. Hamburger Helper hahaha. Why? Because burgers are delicious. Especially if you know the proper technique of eating burgers. Just take a bite out of it, chew, and swallow. Or just shove it down if you are so inclined as if you just want to stuff yourself with more scrumptious, fatty deliciousness haha. I think the point of the video is a parody. Entertainment - don't take it too seriously. Otherwise, nobody would be paying attention it or just laughing it off. Even if so, Choe would make a fine Pastor or Preacher as the decibel levels of his voice is up there hahaha. Song Of The Day: "Everything You Know Is Wrong" - Weird Al 09/06/23 - "In Ear", Channeling Your Inner 'Pee Wee Herman' haha I can definitely hear my inner Pee Wee Herman as well, exuding child-like exuberance and imaginations. "Abegato" for sure.. "Dosume". "Namaste". Whatever. These are my mantra. While Choe has traveled far, there are places I would never visit (not even if you paid me - hell no. I hate traveling to begin with). However - his trips to SouthEast Asia and visiting Igloo Hong has fancied my imagination. And Mainland Asia as well. 08/16/23 - Dr. Choe Would Recommend Some Choe Show Therapy If this form of escapism helps, why not. I would recommend "The Choe Show" therapy. Mangchi and Munko therapies as well. They are just creative outlets, to let your artistic / creative side flow. Or music. Just listen to some Choe thoughts from his video clips, old Choe Show podcast thoughts / advices, and let the real magic begin. Choe is not just an artist (althought that's his specialty), he is also a drummer, piano "improvisionist" haha, and a self-help Guru. If anybody, it's Choe - He Is Your Guru. 08/15/23 - The Path Of Apathy This is the path I've been on for awhile. As miserable as this world is (and is worsening), I blatantly chose not to exert anymore emotion into anything or issues (except Music as an outlet, and issues that affect us Asian-Americans or Asians of the world). At the same time however - if you focus too much on the negatives, it is too easy to lose hope for humanity. While you cannot discount or ignore these things entirely, it's better to focus on the happier side of life. Think of folks or situations who are / that are humanitarians, nice and understanding - anyone striving for peace. "Dear Self: Kudos. You did a damn good job in disconnecting or cutting off from the past life. You did a damn good job in starting over as if your life actually began after 40. The End. Sincerely, Joyoung". 08/12/23 - Hell Yeah - Gimme Some "Ugly Delicious" Sometimes, Ugly is Delicious. And what is Delicious, is sometimes Ugly. Don't need no disgusting or fancy escargot shit / crap / garbage. Gimme that "Ugly Delicious", D-Chang Style. Or Bao Haus-Style. 07/30/23 Damn, Choe - what a nice house. Studio. Or a museum actually - especially that Hall Of Instruments haha. Two museums to visit: Choe's Studio Of Artistic Wonder, and Ripley's Odditorium / Believe It Or Not! I particularly liked that bathroom garbage can haha. 07/27/23: "888" - You're Deep, Man. You're Deep. Hahaha More deep in advice / thought than any other you'll find out there. One thing is certain - there are far more greater talents out there who never went to school or might have dropped out. They are hidden, and yet to be found. I no longer believe in "taking lessons". Seeking advice / instructions? Of course - and it's necessary if you have no experience in a field. These days, everything can be learned and done by yourself - especially TV shows. Youtube content > Network content. My 8 Shows / Films (no particular order): * Justin Lin's Better Luck Tomorrow * The Andy Milonakis Show * Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle * Office Space * Beavis & Butt-Head Do America * Beavis & Butt-Head Do The Universe * Beavis & Butt-Head Season 1 * Beavis & Butt-Head Season 2, and on and on and on, etc. By the way - did Choe draw that Carl Weathers portrait? Otherwise - he just made it better by adding Munko to it. 07/22/23: Can't get enough of Pizza Man with the Heart of Gold - the hero we all need, and the food we all need to eat haha. Spider-Man and Batman who? Hahaha. 07/20/23: "Problem" Con Is The Only Con And We Know It I have problems. You have problems. We all have problems. Just go to Problem Con. "Problem" solved. Hahaha. The thought should occur to you that perhaps the "real problems" are the everyday, regular people out there who have the real problems. It's us eccentrics, weirdos, rejects, odd-balls who are actually normal. 07/15/23: Last Picked - More Like, Never Picked Well, at least for me - that's been the story of my life; invisible and disregarded. I think being awkward and quiet exacerbated the situation, but it is what it is. It's still a problem to this day, and Asian Guys have it the worst. Racial stereotyping / discrimination. Oh yeah - I was terrible at sports to begin with, which didn't help getting picked at recess in elementary school. But how about an Academic Team or the Math Team? I was terrible with numbers as well. These days, we just stick with what we are comfortable. Who we are most comfortable with - usually, just our own. I'm completely fine with that. 07/06/23: Agreed - Progress > Perfection. While striving for perfection can keep you focused / motivated, it shouldn't be an obsession. It would ultimately ruin the creative and interpretative juices / process in whatever endeavor one is enjoying. Lesson learned - I'm terrible at art, music and whatnot. Hahaha. 06/15/23: Pilgrimage To Egypt - It's A Circle Thing haha And finding out that Ramses is an absolute Poser haha. It's a Circle thing. And don't forget that important pilgrimage. No, not to the Pyramid. KFC and Pizza Hut! It's a Fast Food thing. Hahaha. 06/09/23: Ramses IV Is A Poser Indeed haha Enough said. Hahaha. 06/05/23: Stop it, Bobby Lee! That's got to be one of my favorite "Choe Show" clips - being chased around after painting something - "Stop Yelling At Me! Stop Yelling At Me! I Hate you! I Hate You!". Basically, the aftermath from the Bobby Lee vs. D-Choe freakout on that Tigerbelly podcast episode hahaha. 05/27/23: Can I Has Free Cookies Donuts, cupcakes and "half-baked" cookies (not that high as fuck, stoner film haha). Get 'em at Munko Cookie Hut. Nuthin' like Cookie Dough. You can get Fresh Cookies at a McDonald's, but at the Cookie Hut. You'll meet fellow Munkos - not Karens haha. 04/21/23: In Choe We Still Trust I heard about the controversy Choe is currently mired in. But it'll all resolve itself. Some of Choe's videos or skits are just that - scripted skits or fiction (most are just artistic creations, thoughts or travel adventures). Just like any fake-ass reality show on tv. Except that Choe is infinitely more compelling and interesting than any reality show. Except maybe for Dual Survival back in the day haha. 04/10/23: To "Phase Infinity" And - It's Over Well - all content or advertising for "Phase Infinity" from Choe were removed. It's either been cancelled, or he's doing it in secrecy (or not available to the general public). It was an interesting concept, and I was all for "The Choe Show" to make a comeback with new content. However - perhaps this "Pay-To-Play / Say" scenario was just an experiment or an indictment on society of how everything costs something these days. 04/03/23: To "Phase Infinity" And Beyond! With The Choe Show.Com haha "The Choe Show" is back. It's called "Phase Infinity", essentially Podcast + Community according to Choe. In Choe We Trust - this is our religion. And you know it. Dosume. Haha. 03/19/23: Choe Show Clips I recently found Choe Clips Youtube channel - most likely a fan channel of The Choe Show. It doesn't have some of the more known or popular ones, but it's a start. D-Choe used to post clips of a bunch of Choe Shoe clips on his Youtube (still does on TikTok, to some extent). But they are no longer available - at least on Youtube. Choe has started some interesting vlogs somewhat on various subect matters or topics. I definitely agree with his definition of "Success" - he goes in-depth about it in one of the episodes. I also agree - life is nothing but a gimmick, a set up. If you don't react or respond to it properly, you'd be falling into their trap. Other than classical compositons or composers, Choe would make a fine therapist for me. 03/16/23: Munko Life Transfer Protocol - Initiate I'm not sure what this is about (other than the threads - it would be nice to wear as the ultimate fashion wear haha). The "Munko Life Transfer Protocol" looks damn cool however. The freedom to express. Or the freedom of Expression. You want models, here are the real ones: 02/15/23: Classic Choe artwork: Move over, Batman & Robin. We have a new dynamic duo in action - blond hair and all haha. Let's not forget about "Pizza Man" haha - the hero we all need. Unfortunately, Choe's tiktok clips are not available on Youtube. He deleted his Choe Show youtube videos already. 01/24/23: Leggo, Munko Artists! Get yer creative on with some Munko-Craft. Afterall, Munko-Craft > War"Craft", right? haha. Gawd, I wish I could watch "The Choe Show" (if it was rentable or a sneak preview). "Everybody, Wake Up, Wake Up. Everybody, Wake Up / Wake Up". Damn right, haha. 12/17/22: Trust in Choe. I'm sure he or his fellow Munkos can find an ideal location. With the world seemingly coming to an end with all the hate / racism, violence and the existence of politics (oh wait - it's the same thing as hate / racism haha), we need escapism for like-minded individuals. How about Zamunda - we can build a McDowell's while we're at it hahaha. Just don't make me the Garbage / Sanitation Guy. Or The Fat Guy Making Fries Guy. 12/08/22: Some Food For Thought / Or Knee-"Jerk" Thoughts Would you be a total "Jerk" eating beef "jerky" while watching "The Jerk"? hahaha. 12/05/22: I hear ya, Pinka. But is that in the language of the Munko? Or, I think I hear ya haha. It must be the village of Dosume. I think Munko Solomon Hong is nearby, doing the circle thing. 11/22/22: It's been awhile, there hasn't been much news since D-Choe deleted his Youtube videos (basically like starting over). Phase 6 Munko might be over, but Munko is eternal. It lives on whether or not there'll be another gathering or event. Munko Solomon Hong for life. I kinda like this new Vlog format. How about another therapy session with Bobby Lee haha. The beauty of the arts - expressing through Music, Painting or even Dancing. Word Of The Day: Twirling. And D-Choe is absolutely a phenomenal artist. 10/21/22: "Clear Your Mind" tiktok clip - I thought the Fat Lady was referring to Bobby Lee. Oh wait - not that Bobby. Bobby Lee is actually more the size and shape of one of that Fat Lady's legs haha. Hahahaha. 10/08/22: Munko Rico is "Rico Suave" indeed haha. Put on Weird Al's parody "Taco Grande", and there you have it hahaha. 10/06/22: "There are no friendly civilians" - John J. Rambo 10/05/22: What is Memomorphis? If I had to guess, it's sort of a brief Vlog while skateboarding haha. Anyway - get on the 7-5-3-1. I would, but I'm too lazy haha. It's too much work for me. I prefer to take things one at a time. I'll just do a positive affirmation about myself, just this one time: "I am in Classical Music. Classical Music is in me". Sort of like the force. Hahaha. 09/22/22: I wanna see a Pizza Man vs. Shang-Chi vs. Ricky "Thanos" Berwick Triple Threat match at Wrestlemania hahaha. Gotta love all the Choe Show clips - "Let The Love Flow With Choe" haha. Anyway - the power of believing is actually believing in of itself. 08/31/22: I think the answer is simple: Food. Food is the gift that keeps on giving haha. I think it's the only common base or common ground everyone has. Otherwise - just leave them as is and leave them on their own. Nobody can make anyone be a certain way. At the same time - it doesn't mean we have to agree or accept it. Just focus on your own. 08/26/22: Whether you're the "Watermelon Dress Suit Guy" or just the Glasses Guy /Gal, all I can say is - let your creative juices flow. Whether through art, skits, videos, dance, music - etc. I would for sure take up a Choe Therapy session, but fortunately for me - there is music for me. 08/19/22: Stay safe /Safe travels, Munko Roland! Any Munkos out there, help support Roland. Hiking across country (especially if you are traversing into unknown mountains) is not only tough, but also dangerous (who knows what wildlife lurks out there - and your usual hillbilly in overalls (remember that "Harold & Kumar" hillbilly mechanic who picked them up due to car troubles come to mind). haha). 08/08/22: Munkos In Action Whether you are hiking cross-country or trying to sell 200 soda / chocolates by this day, you are a Munko. Munkos do what they are passionate about. Munko do activities they want to do with no shame, guilt but out of desire / passion. Munko is the arts - painting, music, etc. My Munko mission: to effortlessly play the entire J.S. Bach's "Goldberg Variations" without getting tired or fatigued. This piece as a whole is like a marathon - an entire night of a Concert's worth (well over 90 minutes with repeats). I've recorded / uploaded the individual Variations, practicing them individually one at a time. But playing all the Variations in one go is the challenge. 07/24/22: Before Munko Choe, there was Hitchhiker Choe. The Creative Artist Choe has always been there, but I'm just beginning to find out that he is more than that. Full of passion, energy and not giving a fuck (or completely relaxed or it so it seems). Who else can go on what would be considered just insane / crazy adventures to an ordinary person? Hitchhiking itself is dangerous - more for the driver picking up the Hitchhiker actually. I can never do it. Nonetheless, this is what makes Choe unique and compelling. As well as his vast array of artwork. 07/21/22: Hey, Munko #536 (haha) - Good luck on your journey as I just finished mine. Well, I began a new one (as a parent and a classical piano enthusiast). Whether tutoring or teaching is in the works, that's up to me to find the energy / motivation to do. Everything boils down to creating your own business considering that you can no longer trust society / institutions. Times have changed, and are continuing to change. There are just more efficient ways of learning. Unfortunately, society will never get that nor do they have the ability to. But then again, why should we give a rat's ass since all of us are doing things are own way anyway. 06/10/22: My Munkoo - First Draft / Version Proud Being Asian But Obstacles Abound Keep Fighting And Supporting To Overcome Thrive And Celebrate Our Great Heritage Unique Loud And Proud I Am Asian 06/07/22: My Classical Munko In the spirit of Munko, I have made one of my own (that reflects me): ![]() For awhile, I had thought it was Bobby "I Look Like A Hobbit / Eggman" Lee that had returned haha. 05/18/22: Munko Quote / Tweet Of The Day
05/01/22 Lovin' the "Lonely Whale" theme song haha - add a few more verses or lines, and I'll gladly add it to my playlist. 04/28/22 Being a Munko / Choe disciple, gotta love the words of wisdom. Sometimes, a few words can say much more than a whole novel. Here are some epiphanies for the day: Although the person is another or different "Bobby", I'll have some fun. "Sorry, Bobby Lee - there is apparently a "short"-age in minivans. So no car for you." hahaha. 04/24/22 Unfortunately, I can't find my red string. Or I never even had one. But after waking up from a bad nightmare when I turned 40 long ago, It's ok though. I'm immersed in music. Which is therapy in of itself. Self-expression is masturbation indeed. 04/06/22 Get in on the Munko fun via the Munko discord (if this screenshot is any indication, looks hella therapeutic / interesting haha): 04/03/22 What is this Munko / Phase 6 deal? I definitely agree with this, when it comes to opinions and sharing your thoughts - there are no wrong answers. If everyone considered their opinions / preferences / prejudices as facts, the world would be ending now (or the world would have ended long ago). However, what looks like a retreat from that tiktok video sort of unnerves me - the "David Koresh" type of uncertainty / creepiness (right, Geoff? - and no, it has nothing to do the with the Book of Yiddish) hahahah. Nah - I'm sure it's quite therapeutic. Trust in Choe. 01/28/22 Reality and conventional methods / means no longer make any sense to some of us, or no longer that effective (as opposed to other methods, but hey - whatever works). The only things that make any sense are common sense and compassion, and using intuition / instinct to capture emotions / express emotions through music, art, etc. Only through these mediums can there be any semblance of hope for humanity, as bleak and miserable as it is becoming. Some of us might be intrigued by Choe's Circle Back idea. It'll certainly give coming "Full Circle" a whole new meaning haha. 01/20/22 I'm usually looking forward to or on the lookout for more content on TikTok - they are refreshing content. I'm guessing the slowdown is perhaps because of being busy or other reasons. By the way, I always wondered if the Bobby Lee guest spot on the Choe Show a new one or an old episode. Either way - a prequel or a sequel to the Bobby Lee freakout on TigerBelly hahaha. 12/19/21 Steve-O not only embodies the "No Pain, No Gain" expression (his brutal "Jackass" stunts), but also makes a fine "Living Art" hahaha. What can this guy not do haha. I also truly believe you have to "Make Your Own" or "Create Your Own". This is a messed up world or society we live in, and the gate keepers are not going to hand things to you. This is how Asian-Americans need to continue to speak out and create. Otherwise - being complacent or submissive, you are always going to be enslaved to them. |