Previous Page Saturday, December 09, 2023 *Update - Shohei Ohtani agrees to sign with LAD (Dodgers). While most might be "complaining" why this took so long, this was not a quick decision type of situation. You have a bunch of teams that are not a good fit anyway, not offered enough and were just after his marketing. I'm sure Shohei was thorough with LAD in his negotations or discussions. Trust In The Sho'. At least the Dodgers are in a better position to win than his former team. Daniel Dae Kim updated! Now that's news. I'm glad to hear that his newest project "Butterfly" is underway. It probably has a different connotation or meaning than a butterfly, but I'll dedicate Chopin's "Butterfly" Etude to it haha. The end of the year is the most festive time of year - holiday cheers. But holiday cheers can turn into holiday jeers or ha-ha-ha's with the annual "Top Public Hissy Fits / Yelling Matches" from various channels / sources. I have to say that the Fat Whale "trying" to move around on the floor of Walmart screaming, "Walmart is racist! Walmart is racist!" has to be the top so far. Let's get real - so is everyone. A lot of folks just hide their racism and just act nice / cordial. Facts. But that's not to say that it's their "real" selves. Who knows. But let's continue to pray for "world peace" and "acceptance / tolerance". Since it's in short supply - same with me. Which is why you can't really trust anyone. But how are you going to move up in life without putting a leap of faith in anything. I'm sure there are tons of McDonald's Hissy Fits, so much so that they are not included in the Top Lists. I have to say that the Fat "Moo-Moo" "I Am The Boss" lady at McDonald's, and the "I Am Embarrassing Your Establishment" Staples customer lady would make mine. Hahaha. Friday, December 08, 2023 So what is going to happen with MacVentures TV - that's the most important question for now. It was just taking off for sure. At first - I thought it all might be just a ruse or a skit. Who knows - but it certainly looked real. It might be real. C-Mac 1 recently had vlog about "clickbait" - making up shit for views and drama. That's life I guess. But it doesn't last. The new "Quantum Leap" episode pertaining to the Salem Witch Trails - it just gets more exciting and interesting. It's cool how Ben is leaping all over time. With nuthin' much happening, I'm just checking out Sungwon Cho aka ProZD's old skits, parodies, etc. Booyah. Wednesday, December 06, 2023 *Tim Chantarangsu managed to sneak in the McRib in his latest vlog haha. "He's Lovin' It - Food, Folks and Fun (or the Laugh Factory)" hahaha. Probably the most important information to know or learn: When and where the McRib is going to show up. Other than knowing which is the most ingenious escape: the Alcatraz escape or the fictional Shawshank escape haha. Aside from MacVentures, it's time to meet the Crip Clan haha. Eatin' large. Laughin' hard. Haha. I enjoy thematic pieces. It helps in playing or performing - to have imagery in your mind. When it comes to the "Aeolian Harp", I had heavenly holiday bells ringing out while playing. For the "Butterfly" Etude, I would need to approach this in certain way. Imagining a butterfly, for example, dancing / flying around. Rhythmically, making sure the left and right hands are on point and in sync. It's a quick, brief piece - but difficult in expression and playing it well due to the chords. Chopin is known for a lot accidentals - double sharps, flats, etc. - included in the key that it is already in. I guess we don't have to worry about droughts anymore. Tuesday, December 05, 2023 Well - I couldn't find any extra Christmas decor, so I just went ahead with the "Aeolian Harp" Etude as is. I think I'll be focusing on some Etudes for awhile. More thoughts on the Classical Piano blog soon. Gotta 'love' farting stories haha. I just let it rip wherever or whenever. "Ya Eemah! Pangoo Gyusoh? Who the hell is "Sans Guru", or however you spell it. What kind of name is that anyway. For sure - "You Certainly Are Not My Guru" haha. "You're Not My Type" has been what I've had to experience. To be fair - I felt the same way all them years ago. Fuck the prom. Actually - nobody even looked at me, so I didn't get past the audition stage let alone round 1. Hahaha. Sunday, December 03, 2023 I think the Chopin "Aeolian harp" Etude recording is going to have a Christmas or holiday theme, since it's a bright / bubbly piece - sort of similar to a jolly holiday song. I'm wondering too. Crip Mac (w/ his Beavis-type voice, inhaled with more Helium of course haha) - "Hey Santa - if you went to prison, would the Missus Claus cheat on you?" hahaha. The "Carol Of The Burger King Guy": "Ding Fries Are Done, I gotta run, I gotta run. I work at Burger King making flame-broiled Whoppers, I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with Dat? Would you like an apple pie with Dat? Would you like an apple pie with Dat? Where is the bell, bring me the bell, whatever, etc." Hahaha Saturday, December 02, 2023 There is only 1 Andrew Huang - can create, produce and collaborate on new music like no other. For Christmas, I wish for: A Video Game Pianist's holiday-themed stream. A Christmas Album or a holiday-themed video from Lang Lang. These performers can make holiday songs extra inspiring. And of course - more collaboration videos between Lang Lang and his wife. So what are my favorite Bart Kwan / Joe Jitsukawa skit from the past? "Hi Trin Chan Here. Nice To Meet You" Wregh. haha. To a slow-thinking Bart Kwan: "You Gonna Buy A Hooow, etc." That character kinda reminded me of some odd-ball, Charlie Brown-shaped head acquaintance from the past with that fanny pack hahaha. And of course - "Nuoc Mam Style" parody video, a direct sequel to D-So's oppa "Byuntae Style" hahaha. Friday, December 01, 2023 Congrats to the New Taipei Kings for a an undefeated November. I hope they win it all. They seem to have a solid squad - with the addition of Jeremy Lin, they can go all the way. I thought keeping "Crip Mac 'Disrupts' Safari" video title or header would've been hilarious. You need to send Crip Mac on a solo investigation of a haunted location a la "Ghost Files" style (with a helmet cam haha). I think he'd scare any ghosts away however. Quick - your top 3 Christmas / holiday movies: 1. Home Alone 2. The Polar Express 3. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (You Serious. Hahaha) 4. Jingle All The Way (Honorable Mention - to laugh at Ah-nold as Turbo Man haha). Monday, November 27, 2023 What are some of the most underrated or underplayed Christmas songs - "The Polar Express" soundtrack, and that song "This Is My Christmas Wish", whoever that's from or whatever that's called. Forgot the name - actually, never knew the name. You don't really hear these on the radio anymore. One of life's greatest misfortunes haha. When it comes to K-Dramas, "Sweet Home" was one that was intriguing and exciting. That was awhile ago - and now S2 is finally coming. It's both a horror and sci-fi. It conveys a metaphor about human beings, and the nature of humanity. Considering the negative / ugly nature of humanity, they are not far off. Sunday, November 26, 2023 The Crip "Mac-Daddy" got a "Crip-Mobile" haha. Damn, son. Why not pink haha. His reaction when he saw the color pallette on the wall in the "Auto Dealership". Hahaha. C-Mac 1 is like, "Oh Shit - Now I Gotta Be In The Passenger Seat".
Saturday, November 25, 2023 Here's to a quick recovery to Joseph Lin. In the meantime, Jeremy Lin is holding the fort quite well. He recently had a near-40 point game against the Pilots. Booyah! Rooting for the New Taipei Kings. The Video Game Pianist might not have the time to live stream anymore (whether he's teaching, traveling / performing, playing chess or even running in marathons), I enjoy listening to the old live streams more over and over. For the holiday season, I recommend the VGP's Peanuts-themed songs, composed by Vince Guaraldi. By now, you'd think Shohei Ohtani would've signed with a team. It's a long process, and there should not be any quick decisions. You don't really know which team is genuinely interested, or which team just wants Shohei to make a quick profit. This is why Shohei should have a list of requirements (imagine a contractual / legal agreement - steep penalty if any one of them is not met during the course of the season). I can say for sure that most of the teams in the damn league cannot afford Shohei. Friday, November 24, 2023 Turkey dinners are always scrumptious and delicious. But I got full quicker than usual - I'll usually stuff myself (at least three plates). Since I became sick last year from eating turkey meals (stuffing, potatoes, etc.) every meal, I think my tummy is experiencing Turkey Meal Fatigue. Modernizing classic Christmas songs is all fine and dandy. However - composing new ones (especially for kiddies) is a crapshoot. Some might work, others are just - not inspiring at all. The "I'm Not Feelin' The Holiday Vibes" type. That is not a good sign. The melody might sound fine, but that's not the point of holiday music. Also - anyone impersonating Kermit The Frog or Donald Duck while singing / recording Christmas songs. Just don't haha. There is barely any resemblance - they might get away having the audience as kids. I'd hire Sungwon Cho to sing a Christmas song as one of them haha. *"No Chaser" podcast is better off with just Tim Chantarangsu and "Aww Shucks" Ricky Shucks haha. And the occasional fat guest. Thursday, November 23, 2023 *A commenter made a great suggestion for the next Crip Mac Adventures - take Crip Mac on a Hot Air Balloon haha. However - there might not be a balloon big enough to lift Crip Mac off the ground haha. I take it he doesn't take heights well. Hell no for me. "Reel Voices 2023" from Pac Arts Movement - the real voices of this world. I've been thinking or contemplating more about the meaning of "Nocebo Chalant" than anything else. I don't even know what the hell the word "Nonchalant" means anyway haha. But Choe has it correct - just as pertinent as eating a burger upside down first haha. Wednesday, November 22, 2023 Enjoy the holidays, and happy Thanksgiving to all. Make sure to get the McRib - "For A Limited Time Only". And it keeps coming back. Hahaha. For anyone who has Transportation-Phobia, Social Anxiety, Car Rental Lady-Phobia, or "Sharing A Motel Room With A Random Fat Guy" - Phobia, please watch "Planes, Trains And Automobiles" with John Candy. It's a holiday classic. Hahaha. Tuesday, November 21, 2023 What a life-like rendering of Veyda - looks more like a mug shot to me haha ('Gangsta' Veyda hahaha). I guess tattoo artists have to be good at what they're doing. Otherwise - you'll live the rest of your life with something fucked up etched permanently on your body haha. More social media tidbits:
Monday, November 20, 2023 I am practicing 3 Chopin Etudes - Op. 25's Nos 1, 2 and 7. While I am experiencing Beethoven-mania at the moment (I cannot seem to stop), I do need to take a break. The next upload might be Chopin. The Op. 25 No. 7 is also a bit emotionally heavy. But it's Chopin. "Raya And The Last Dragon" - what a beautifully made / animated film. This was from a few years ago, but I never really was able to watch it yet. Gotta watch it entirely. Probably the cutest, pixelated baby I've ever seen haha. With that kid from Monsters Inc coming in second. Am I going to don a Santa hat while recording an out-of-season "Danse Macabre" for the holidays? hahaha. Or a ho-ho-ho. * Was D-So subtley referencing Chia (Well, Tim Chantarangsu did get up from his chair haha) or perhaps Mariel when he brought up "They Can Be - Annoying"? Hahaha. Another podcast topic - hate comments / haters / trolls. I think enough has been said about this, but it's never tiring to hear it. It doesn't last. Who has the energy to waste their life posting hate comments. At the end of the day, the supporters always out-number the trolls. And content creators who don't get riled up at all (or don't react at all) have the upper hand. Sunday, November 19, 2023 You shouldn't be getting a Pedicure if you're ticklish as hell haha. Well - at least Crip Mac tried to "sing". Right, buddy wuddy? hahaha. What would the new plotline be for Harold & Kumar 4. Perhaps taking their kids on a road trip somewhere. Or even ending up in space. Either way - it's going to be raunchy and hilarious as fuck. Saturday, November 18, 2023 Kudos to Andrew Huang for standing his ground and creating his own path. Often times, you are not paid even a fraction of what you are really worth. While $100K might be too enticing to turn down, prolific musicians like Andrew Huang are worth much more than that. Also - these lamebrain platforms or businesses have creative control. The content creator / artist would not. Still - $100K. It's a salary minimum wage workers like myself dream of. It's the lottery - some of us only make about a fourth of that. I am excited to hear that there are plans for a "Harold & Kumar 4". John Cho, Kal Penn and the Big 3. Due to scheduling conflicts and busy schedules, I didn't think this might be possible. But there is the interest and go-ahead. More thoughts on my Film Forum page for sure. Steven Yeun in "Thunderbolts". Ke Huy Quan in "Loki". Life is gooood. Hahaha. Friday, November 17, 2023 Some congratulations are in order. Shohei Ohtani for winning the MVP, and Joseph Lin for winning Player Of The Week for the New Taipei Kings. At this point, nobody has any idea or clue of where Shohei might sign. Any headlines or articles are just "Clickbait". Hell no. "Quantum Leap" just got more interesting with the episode 'Secret History'. That might be my new favorite. I have no further thoughts, other than dating through time is an interesting concept. Only problem - what if the next meeting with her is when Hannah is 20 or 30 years older? Either way, it's only going to be about the internal connection. I haven't seen or heard about Jason Scott Lee in awhile, until I found an interview with him earlier in the year. He doesn't update his social media. But I'm certain he has projects here and there. Thursday, November 16, 2023 Next Thursday is Turkey Day, conveniently known as "Thanksgiving". Leftovers galore from last year - however, I realized my limitations when I got overly sick from eating the same Turkey dinner / leftovers everyday for at least two weeks. I couldn't eat turkey for awhile after that. While browsing around, I found "theamresource" (aka Asianmenswear). It's a channel / platform for Asian Guys, talking about social issues involving us (we are still invisible anyway - however, try going to an area where there is no Asian diversity and you'll get a weird stare / or feel hostile vibes). The creators all of a sudden stopped uploading / updating over a year ago, so I decided not to sub. There's always a "sense of belonging" to anyone or anything that appears relatable. You just stay away from anyone or anything that is not. My credo - I'm staying the hell away if I have no common base or common interests with anyone. I wish there were more Asian creators that can keep talking about Asian issues that affect us. Right now - there is TAAFORG. Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Poor Crip Mac - probably afraid the dentist might "fuck up his TOOF" haha. I certainly am. You have no business driving, if you're scared of driving. Same thing with flying. Tuesday, November 14, 2023 For next year, I have to set my goals or resolutions in becoming a more responsible dada. I'm still quite clueless - and feel useless as a "dada" sometimes. Fortunately, I found Tim Chantarangsu's vlog on his fatherhood adventures - to hopefully look for some pointers or ideas. But it's been more like poking fun at Veyda haha. Tim Chantarangsu and Aaron Takahashi are my "go-to" fathers. I definitely find Sherilyn one of the cutest ever. Trying to find that energy to really take care of my toddler has been a challenge. I get tired even if I'm doing nothing haha. I used to have that "Office Space" dream: "The dream of doing absolutely nothing, and having it turn out everything I thought it could be" haha. My Beethoven journey: the "Pathetique" Sonata began the journey, and it'll end with No. 26. In between - Nos 5, 15, and 7 (working on 15 and 7). Monday, November 13, 2023 *Holy Crap - Move over, Mac Eats / Mac Talks. Mac Adventures have opened for business. I always thought C-Mac and Crip Mac were a match made in heaven haha. I also figured that Mac Eats / Mac Talks might be closing shop. So what happened to that new studio. Regardless, I might have to create a new playlist. Let's keep count: Crip Mac hates pink cars. Crip Mac hates rainbow steps. Crip Mac loves Five Guys. Hahaha. Social Media Inquiry Of The Month: Do you fart in front of or in the presence of your spouse. Thanks, Tim Chantarangsu haha. I do it all the time. In fact - I let it rip in public whenever I can (the loud, lingering ones). Bonus points if you can let it rip during a Sunday Sermon. Hahaha. The "Mi" and "Yu" Asian name joke can go over the heads for a lot of folks. Anyone who saw "Rush Hour 3" can recognize it haha. So how about that 7'3" Sun Yue in that film haha. Sunday, November 12, 2023 If or when there is a Loki S3, I hope Ke Huy Quan returns. He might - he's becoming a popular character. I'm glad to hear about all the hype - would make it worth subbing just for that show. And un-subbing - sort of like Amazon Prime kind of deal haha. But of course - it's never worth it money-wise if you are not subbing for the long term. I think I've seen it all - a 'Pastor' having a hissy fit at Walmart, screaming "Bring It!". Another round fat-ass of course haha. Who is he worshipping - The House Of Satan? No - it's just another pastor who treats religion like a job or a business. Give me money, or go home. I'd gladly stay home. How do you deal with telemarketers, scam calls, or unknown calls - you don't. There is a block / delete feature on mobiles. That is all. Friday, November 10, 2023 Viet Nguyen has a new novel out - "The Man Of Two Faces". I'm always on the look-out for new Asian-American / Asian creators, musicans, entertainers, authors, etc. I don't read, hopefully this'll be adapted into a show. With that said, looking forward to any further news on "The Good Asian" adaptation. Remember - authentic casting only, otherwise hell no. The new teaser trailer for "Avatar: The Last Airbender" looks awesome. Can't wait for 02/22/24. Any collaboration for a music video between Lang Lang and Gina Alice is worth watching or listening to. They are the epitomy of the ultimate "musical couple". The only musical couple? Probably. Speaking of Saint-Saens, I've been focusing on "Danse Macabre" for awhile (the Liszt transcription that is). Looking forward to practicing it some more. If only I wasn't experiencing Beethoven-mania for now. Thursday, November 09, 2023 As with most fans guesses, that special announcement from Maestro Lang Lang could either be a new album, new promotion, or even a newborn. Or it could be all of them. Hahaha. Since the Disney album tour is over, it might be about time for a new album. I'll have to follow New Taipei's social media in order to get Jeremy and Joseph Lin's updates on their games. Tuesday, November 07, 2023 *I definitely wouldn't mind having a signed Jeremy Lin Xtep kicks, even though I'm only a size 8.5 haha. And some cool-ass boxes as packaging w/ other goodies. I'm glad to hear that Jeremy Lin is goind giveaways. This would be worth it to sign up for an Instagram account just to enter (since nothing else is) - the odds of winning is much less than the lottery unfortunately. So I'm curious about New Taipei's season opener. I hope there'll be Jeremy Lin and the team's highlights. Super Lin Bros. in action. That's what it's all about. Tim Chantarangsu sort of sounded high as fuck (or sleepy / faded as fuck) when talkin' about getting harassed just to get his script finished haha. And the whole reading / ADHD thing - reading a book is definitely a method to fall asleep for anyone with insomnia or other sleeping disorders. However - my problem is that I already become too bored before even opening a page. I guess that's different than anyone interested in reading, but can't stay awake while reading. When I saw D-So with his new haircut, I thought - Fat Dabid is back! haha. I think it's fine to begin putting up Christmas decor, but for me - it's a bit early. Around Thanksgiving would be ideal. However, some already are putting them up right after Halloween. And why not - it just extends the holiday season. We all need the festive cheer considering the awfulness of this world. Monday, November 06, 2023 Congratulations to Andrew Huang, the Music Production Guru / Musician / Artist who is going to release a book. How cool is that. I'm not surprised at all - he has vast amounts of knowledge and experience. I've been astounded about what he knows, what he creates, and what he finds (as in "Weird Gear" haha). He also has an online school set up in Music Production and all that good stuff. Some of my Andrew Huang favorites include "Rappin' Without The Letter E", "Sparkle Mountain" and the recent "Space Odyssey" with Horace haha. Sunday, November 05, 2023 Wondering how a coochie-flavored potato chip would taste like would be the last thing on my mind haha. I think it's just branding, for anyone who is the type that tries anything or everything. Not me for sure. It probably just tastes like vinegar or something. *"Ghost Files", despite all its humor and perhaps sarcasm / skepticism, is the most credible and entertaining paranormal show out there. I just wish they went to more reputable haunted locations, perhaps in future seasons. I definitely recommend insane asylums or mental hospitals. They tend to have the most paranormal activity, aside from creepy prisons. Please consider Pennhurst Asylum and the Myrtles Plantation. I'm all about delicious, greasy, fat-enriched type eateries that reeks of delicious odors from the cooking - and the occasional picking of the nose or butt by the "chef" haha. I'd rather have that juicy burger than one that charges $300 for a something bite-size and dry / awful, sort of like an escargot type crap. I'm about casual joints like Five Guys or Cheesecake Factory (perhaps Olive Garden at the most). I wouldn't ask at all - I'd just take someone to Eddie Huang's "Bauhaus" haha. My Current Practice Regimen: L.v. Beethoven, Piano Sonata 15 and 7 Liszt, Danse Macabre Chopin, Etudes Op. 25 No. 1, No. 2, No. 7 J.S. Bach, a Fugue / J. Haydn, a Piano Sonata Saturday, November 04, 2023 *"Joe Jo" and Bart Kwan were online pioneers for Asian-American visibility through Youtube videos. As well as Wong Fu Productions. Whatever happened to JK Films - I found these guys out through JK Films and JK Party. They had hilarious skits. Everything evolves and changes - they're focused on their own businesses, sponsorships and JK News (the last of the breed haha - thriving and succeeding quite well). Their "Nuoc Mam Style" music parody is my favorite overall. I think the newest "Quantum Leap" episode involving K-Town and the LA Riots era is my new favorite. Really - Magic involved with Al's old flame? I thought the series finale changed the timeline in the original series. Unless that person is just a "person hopper" once a partner is deceased. I defintely want to record / upload one final J.S. Bach Fugue. There is beauty in the melodies - they are more light and heavenly. While Beethoven can get intense and heavy. It behooves a pianist to take a break once in awhile. I had a nice cathartic moment playing Liszt's "Danse Macabre". This is a type of piece you need to be focused and or in the mood for. Otherwise, it won't work. It's an atmospheric / poetic piece, so the performer or pianist has to be in the mood for it (well, at least for me). So far, there are no frontrunners for Shohei Ohtani. Hopefully, there'll be updates soon and the landscape can change. Thursday, November 02, 2023 I'm curious as well where Shohei Ohtani is going to sign. Free Agency has officially opened, and the Phenom is the talk of the town. I think the team that gives Shohei the greatest chance to win, get to the playoffs and win the championship or win it all (as a bonus). I'll be ready to re-design a new fan page for the new team (if that is the case). For now, wishing Shohei a quick recovery (I'm sure he is going to). Wednesday, November 01, 2023 Halloween or Candy Day is over, there is still Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm looking forward to the decor and the jolly festiveness of the Christmas season. It makes you forget about all the vile crap / misery in this world. I want to try some impromptu variation of Christmas music. I thought about being Bobby Lee for Halloween. Just get down on my knees to walk around, swing my arms at elbow length haha, wear a beanie, and shout "Do some flips!" haha. I already have a pudgy tummy, or semi-fat. But then - I wouldn't have been able to hand out candy. I enjoyed the different costumes last night. And eating some candy - always a Halloween tradition. Monday, October 30, 2023 If Tim Chantarangsu sucks as a dad, I'm curious as to what I am or others who feel the same. Probably "I Don't Deserve To Be A Father" level of incompetence. It's even worse for me. As an Asian Guy growing up with severe anxiety and other issues, I could not see myself in relationships nor having the responsibilities as a father (I never thought I'd do well). It was too frightening to even think about. Children are a bundle of joy you begin to realize (despite the aggravations that come with it). Any content creator, Youtuber or influencer has some "bitter hater" individuals or persons. It goes with the territory. If you're that known or have that many followers / views, it's worth it to stick around. Since the supporters always out-number the haters / trolls. Certain types of persons are more prone to this "bitter hater mentality". You don't have to pay any attention to them. Saturday, October 28, 2023 I found Piano Sonata 15 to be very lyrical, poetic. A pianist can experience a range of emotions with this one. For me, even head-dancing or swaying to it haha. One of the most common errors for pianists is to rush through a piece - which makes slower movements more difficult sometimes. Relaxing, or just soaking in the melody helps in properly paying attention to detail. But ultimately, expression is the most important to me. Once you get the fundamentals down or completely learned of course. I'm already familiar with this piece, so it's only about practicing the approach to it at a more proper tempo / pacing. Beethoven is known to be musically intense, certainly his pieces packs a lot of emotional intensity. The "Appassionata" is an ideal example - not going to learn it anytime soon. I took a break from Beethoven for awhile, but somehow - just back right to it again. Perhaps inspiration just struck me again. Friday, October 27, 2023 The most recent episode of "Quantum Leap" S2 E3 - I think it's my favorite so far. The season is still early. However, I hope the show doesn't become like a soap opera. The character's situations mirrored each other or played off each other. There has got to be more than it's a "One Way Trip" when it comes to leaping. That might be the case, but if it's confirmed too early, what's the point of the show to begin with. Then we already know that any leaper will never get home, and there's no definite or concrete resolution to anything. There's nothing to look forward to. Who automatically thought of a Toga Party when they saw who the guest star was haha. Beethoven's Piano Sonata 15 - I mentioned before that this was one of my favorites. It's about time to practice it again. Thursday, October 26, 2023 I'm thinking about practicing / playing the Etudes again - the Op. 25 series at least. No. 2 and some other one (including re-do / re-polishing the "Aeolian Harp"). Chopin is a popular, famous composer. The repertoire is vast and expansive, probably the most out of any piano repertoire (that are not just Sonatas) - Scherzi, Ballades, Nocturnes, Waltzes, Polonaises, etc. Andrew Huang is a bona fide Artist / Musician. A "Youtuber" can also be an "Artist /Musician", because a lot can simply play at that level (or even better). I'm looking forward to the day mainstream media becomes obsolete, and fans look toward Youtube or other indie platforms for more creative endeavors / projects. So "Avatar: The Last Airbender" (The New Live-Action from Netflix) is added to my "must-watch" list. The other two: Randall Park's "Shortcomings", and Dustin Nguyen in "The Accidental Getaway Driver". This year has been more difficult to watch films, since: I can no longer find the time. And the platform to watch the film on is not readily accessible. Monday, October 23, 2023 Living in the digital age, it is inevitable that physical media is becoming obsolete. CD's, DVD's, blu-ray - goodbye. The streaming platform and digital media - however, they are just pixels. You don't really feel that you own it. And pixels can be deleted or erased. This is why it's good to have some places still sell physical media such as DVD's. Aside from the nuisance of having clutter, I'm becoming more inclined towards having physical media or copies actually. For convenience sake however, digital is the way to go. Two movies that I practically know almost every line or dialogue to: "Office Space" and "Pee Wee's Big Adventure". Hahaha. Saturday, October 21, 2023 Oh yeah - new first-look images or pictures of the new "Avatar: The Last Airbender". I only know / recognize Daniel Dae Kim and Paul S.H. Lee: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The cast can't talk or share about the show yet because of the strike. But it doesn't mean new images or leaks are somewhere online or on the web. Who's fault is it if a barber fucks up your haircut, albeit a horrible-looking fade? haha. The customer should never have gone there to begin with. It'll grow back - just wear a beanie 24 / 7 hahaha. That barber most likely flunked out of barbershop or hair-cutting school. Or their entire business is a scam. I firmly believe that all "Home Haunts" are all scams. Sorry - gotta skip the new "Ghost Files" episode. Friday, October 20, 2023 Piano Competitions. Or any music competitions involving whatever instrument. Personally, I would dread them more than recitals. I think you have to have that spirit. That competitive fire. It's not for everyone. And bragging rights for sure haha. I always had bad anxiety in front of crowds. Nerves is always part of it. But it's anyone who can overcome them that'll make it. Memorizing is not an issue for me, although for me - it takes a lot longer than others. My brain isn't what it used to be. However - "Un Sospiro" is the only piece that I memorized for my uploads. I have only played excerpts of it from time to time, I have to re-learn it though. I thought about that Flex Seal Guy or an office worker as a Halloween costume. Just take the Flex Seal logo, a Phil Swift mask, and a polo shirt. Voila. Thursday, October 19, 2023 I saw some first-look live-action "Avatar: The Last Airbender" images or pictures of Daniel Dae Kim and Paul S.H. Lee in character. It looks awesome and badass. Most importantly - authentic. I can't wait for the teaser trailer and official trailer. The Video Game Pianist playing Chopin's "Black Key" Etude with finesse (very close to Lang Lang's performances). I would have added a few accentuations here and there, but then that would piss off the purists or traditionalists. That's my job however haha. You have to play this piece with finesse. Like a lot of pieces, the distances and leaps between passages or notes can make things difficult to play smoothly. Chopin Etudes are quite tricky. So far - No. 2 is one of the most difficult. I don't think I'll learn them anytime soon - there is no motivation. Any piece can be learned. Some might take more time than others. It's just a matter of motivation for me. Wednesday, October 18, 2023 What the hell is this McDonald's Mambo, Mamba Sauce or whatever the hell it's called haha. Hell no - if the Grimace Shake made folks sick as fuck, why would I want to try anything new from them. I'll just stick to the usual Sweet 'N Sour or BBQ sauce. Innovation has become very lackluster in recent times across any industry. Uh-oh. It is the Grover Song. "I - bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep. Also I - bleep bleep bleep bleep. And don't forget about - bleep bleep bleep". Hahaha. Should I add this to my playlist. I actually thought it was ProZD's voice. When it comes to music or art, we can all learn from each other. Music is highly influential. That is why the Lang Lang Foundation has been producing a lot of talented kids (with potential to make a performance career out of it). On occasion - I'll check LL Foundation site for any new, and up-and-coming young pianist. Also - Lang Lang's teaching books come highly recommended. I would consider them first and foremost as a teaching tool over anything else. I believe in specialized / institutional learning or vocational training. They have more value than a useless "degree". Well - if anything, you can brag that you have a degree in Microbiology or whatever hahaha. While I cannot refute that unless you are a few fortunate / lucky talented ones that can actually make use of a degree (anyone with an extensive network or knows folks in their respective fields. Or fits the race bill that is), most are going to end up in menial jobs. You can take that fuckin' fact to the bank. Sunday, October 15, 2023 Zackass is Jackass. Or Jackass is Zackass haha. I had to look up Zackass, and apparently he was in Jackass 4ever (one of the fat dudes jumpin' or belly floppin' on the cast in that skit haha). I thought he was that Fat Guy who Steebee Weebee might've wrasstled back in the day, according to Bobby Lee hahaha. It's cool to see the chill rapport between Zackass and Steebee Weebee (aka Steve Lee). They should form the New Ghostbusters and go ghost huntin'. It's these common base and common interests that make relationships work. Also - being genuine, and not having any hidden agendas (the usual "what can you do for me" type that everyone has - even I have to think this way). If you're trying to force it, just to for the sake of having acquaintances or friends, it isn't worth it. Cut them shit out forever. Saturday, October 14, 2023 Jimmy O. Yang got it right - I am an "Active Couch Potato" haha. However - whether it's Lasik or EVO ICL - I prefer wearing glasses. If you have vision as poor as mine, side effects are a legitimate concern. Or is this just another phobia of mine (surgery), adding to a list already. I enjoy how Tomo Nakayama or Goh Nakamura go back sometimes, and play / perform their old songs. It just highlights albums or songs I might have not listened to yet. "Pieces Of Sky" is a very soothing, nice album - songs just about everyday things, and life. No whining, complaining here. It's just pure music. Friday, October 13, 2023 After 2 episodes of "Quantum Leap" S2 - "You thought I was gone" (in a quiet, eerie voice that says it all). Raymond Lee hit it well. No need to over-act in a situation like this. The devastated or disappointed expression could easily be seen and felt (sort like getting dumped without any word of it, except more serious). Well - they had to throw a curveball or change things up a bit. I hope Ben Song hooks up with somebody else down the line. But this show isn't a Soap Opera, and it shouldn't become a damn soap opera. It's a Sci-Fi / Fantasy. Ever hear of Mckamey Manor? For fans of Haunted Houses, I'm sure they have. Touted as the "Most Extreme Haunted House" with being tortured as the experience, it is being exposed as "fake" and a complete "hoax". The videos, promos are all "facades". There are telling signs of fakery. Thursday, October 12, 2023 Kudos to Joe Hisaishi for 1M Youtube subs. For a composer with his influence and iconic melodies, he deserves more for sure. He is one of the most influential modern composers of our time. I'm looking forward to "Quantum Leap" S2 - the new season already started, which I just found out. Due to the strike, the cast are not allowed to talk about it. So I'm curious if they were able to film most of the season (if not all) before the strike began. Most likely - I would guess only half of the season. I think they should re-cast Sam Beckett. To have the original character appear in a cameo (at least) would be a gift to fans. Tuesday, October 10, 2023 If Nintendo video games were available for PC, I would be probably be playing the Super Mario games. And that Wii "Punch Out" game with Cartoonish characters such as the Disco Kid haha. Listen - if I wanted to do any kind of racing (let alone dragon race), I'd play Super Mario Kart instead. Why that's in Warcraft is a facepalm moment for sure. More useless as the Selfie Cam taking up a whole patch content - oh wait, there's the current Rumble shit. At this rate, Patch 10.2 won't release until early next year. In the spirit of Halloween, "Outlast" seems worth checking out as a trial. Paranormal investigation games should be made soloable. Monday, October 09, 2023 In the spirit of Halloween, Liszt's "Danse Macabre" is appropriate. I'm prepared to polish it off. I'm not sure before Halloween, but that's the challenge (time permitting). In the meantime, it's about time that my attention is turned back to Beethoven. More thoughts in the "My Classical Piano Blog". For folks or anyone with a phobia about flying or planes, finding out that airlines were duped into purchasing fake or spare engine parts is not very comforting. A person is helpless in the air. Safety needs to be taken seriously in all facets of the airline industry (in every step, protocal and procedure). Sunday, October 08, 2023 I might have to check out the debriefing of the Old Montana Prison - there were some compelling evidence that might actually be real (the "pipe" banging sounds for example). Not since their Waverly Hills visit. I thought I saw some small light flying around in one of their placed cameras in the basement, but they could just be bugs. I think adding humor and jokes makes their "Ghost Files" show different. I prefer that, over other paranormal shows over-exaggerating or faking evidence for the sake of network ratings. Horror movie houses that should be a must-visit: 1. The "Poltergeist" House ('82). 2. "The Amityville Horror" House 3. The "Halloween" ('78) House. Saturday, October 07, 2023 Now we know Wheelchair Guy Jean's side of the story in beating Ricky Berwick in a wheelchair race - he used NOS haha. Welcome to the Fast family, Jean. I thought the name was cool, and so I subbed haha. I'll probably review / give thoughts on the trailer for the new Asian film from the 2023 SD Asian Film Festival - "Elegies". It appears to be about a Poet, and defining poetry. Art is a visual expression. Poetry is a lyrical expression. Music is an auditory / lyrical expression. I always believed instrumental music (without words), is the greatest type of music because the listener can be immersed in their own intepretation / experiences. But lyrics, combined with music, can just be effective as well. And certainly catchy - classic rock songs, for example, that you can listen to and sing along over and over. Thursday, October 05, 2023 From Pac Arts Movement - 2023 SD Asian Film Festival is on. I'll probably review a few trailers on Film Forum page. But all the films are international Asian films - independent films. So far - no strictly Asian-American ones yet, but that most likely is a result of the strike. Far East Films apparently showcases big budget or mainstream Asian films. Wednesday, October 04, 2023 *Henry Cho has a Youtube! Subscribed. Posting clips or shorts is the way to go these days. I don't have the attention span to watch an entire podcast episode anymore, unless it's a quick one. More often than not, it's shit I have no interest in. Now - I wish Jason Cheny would compile his standup clips in a new Youtube channel. Apparently, Watcher Entertainment is getting into the Foodie business, with "Food Files". While there are tons of channels devoted to Eating and showcasing different places, at this point - it's how you can make it entertaining, fun, informative and funny - if that's your thing. I think I've already seen it all - such as Bobby Lee trying to sing (shaking my head moment haha). There's not much out there. Let's move on. I haven't forgotten about L.v. Beethoven. The Piano Sonata movements can be separate pieces on their own, since they can be quite long. I've just been more motivated / inspired in learning other pieces first. However - nobody can refute the influence and emotional impact of Beethoven's music. Monday, October 02, 2023 *Well, I'll take it with a grain of salt in finding more about Ke Huy Quan's role as OB. I'm wondering what episode he'll appear, and if he'll be in future seasons. Who does Phil Swift think he is - "The Dukes Of Hazzard On Water"? hahaha. Quick Hurricane / Storm Surge Fix - who needs wood boards, sand bags or even FEMA when you have the Flex Seal Flood Protection Family Of Products haha. "Dooh, Dooh, Dooh, Dooh - Dooooods. Behind The Foods. It's The Doooods. Behind. The Foooooods". The greatest podcast theme song. The greatest theme song. Ever. Hahaha. The Danger Boyz (aka Careful Boyz) actually got Tattoos, and a new word was created. What'll they do for 3M - they should all sky dive in the nude Steve-O style haha. Sunday, October 01, 2023 Who is Michael Le? Other than another personality to follow. New Asian-Americans to support. He's got moves for sure - dance moves (it would put every contestant on any reality dance show to absolute shame for sure haha). He's amassed over 50M followers on TikTok (in a quick period of time from what I hear). Kudos - he's got moves, he's got talent. Saturday, September 30, 2023 Bobby Lee playing "Starfield" is hilarious - what is this, Animal Crossing In Space? haha. Whatever it is, it is escapism and creating a character might be a metaphor as to what he wished he looked like (a non-dwarf haha). Either way - as long as he makes the guy look close to an Asian (if that's ever possible). Almost all games don't have any Asian characters nor allow players to create Asian-looking characters. I said before - we're both similar (except in looks). We're The Slept Kings (I'd call Bobby Lee a Slept God however), We're The Video Game Kings, and we're both Asian uglies haha. We're both like the "Phantom Of the Opera" or "The Hunchback of ND", hidden away and shunned by everyone. *Catching up on some "Bad Friends" clips: Bobby Lee needs TP for his bunghole! haha. Bobby Lee-holio. Bobby Lee's wobbling story reminds me of the "Doc Willis Made Bobby Lee Look Like A Fool" podcast episode haha. Bobby Lee is definitely tone deaf haha. He has a better chance of furthering his piano / keyboard skills haha. Thursday, September 28, 2023 With the writer's strike seemingly settled, I'm most looking forward to the development of "The Good Asian", and Cobrai Kai S6. It's going to be a long wait however. I still think Rich Ting would be the ideal lead as Eddison Hark for "The Good Asian". But at least make sure to cast correctly (Asians). At any rate, home grown films from Asia is where it's at. Until all this strike mess is resolved (if at all). I've been intrigued in watching some haunted house walk-throughs. Halloween season is here - just around the corner. I haven't seen much, and I'm sure there are plenty of creepy ones. But "The Darkness" appears to be the most stacked / packed ever. It is creepiness up the wazoo. I'll be re-polishing Piano Sonata No. 14 K. 457. I've decided to just consolidate and re-do ones I'd like to keep or pieces I play over and over. The third movement has one of the most impactful phrases ever - akin to the J.S Bach Aria. Tuesday, September 26, 2023 You kind of figured that Tim Chantarangsu was going to wear a Kelly Kapowski tee in the interview haha. Of course nobody can't talk about their shows or anything related to it, all thanks to the goddamn strike (talkin' about SBTB anecdotes or behind the scenes shit would've been cool). Except D-So, and it's called "Best Leftovers Ever" since they bleeped it out hahaha. Sunday, September 24, 2023 I never heard of a Blob Fish - but there is a definite resemblance to Raul Rosas Jr.'s face haha. But the body of that fish is more like a Bobby Lee hahaha. The end logic of it all - Nick The Ear is a "Toothless" version of Raul haha. Must-See watch list so far: 1. Randall Park's "Shortcomings" 2. Barbie 3. Dustin Nguyen in "The Accidental Getaway Driver" 4. Fast X (still haven't had time to rent this) That is all for now. "Shaky Shivers" is recommended for anyone a fan of practical horror effects. Or just because Sung Kang directed it. Saturday, September 23, 2023 I think you can learn a lot in watching Tim Chantarangsu's baby / toddler adventures. I'm sure as hell trying to find helpful tips in toddler upbringing haha. Also - I'll go to his videos for some Slam Poetry advice if I ever felt the need to compose a parody haha. I think Suga Shane and Ryan (the Ghost Files duo) should think about becoming "Magic Mikes" (or window pole dancers) as a second career haha. It's hilarious, asking a murderous ghost ("So how do you like them eggs? Over-easy or Sunnyside?). Average-height or short folks unite (and uglies) - loud and proud. We're weirdos - we're proud of our defects. Everyone outgrew me - being only 5' 9.5" or 5' 10.5", that's average height. But I'm lumped with the shorties anyway. It's probably because being disproportionate (like a Bobby Lee haha), I might have dwarf legs, lanky arms, long torso / spine. And being thin all my life (with a fat ass), I've been an outsider all my life. Life is gooood. I stopped giving a rat's ass, focusing on sharing and playing my passion in classical music / piano, and entertaining any visitors to this site (or influencing others). Friday, September 22, 2023 I recommend Jay Chou and Maestro Lang Lang's collaboration video "Dream". Of course - their collaboration on Jay Chou's "Greatest Works Of Art" piano duel was the highlight of the new video. Sung Kang has a new interview with the AP (as sketchy as most of their newsfeed is - stay away otherwise). It is very candid and one of them "I'll Just Speak My Mind" casual interviews. The only thing I would disagree (other than "Justice For Han" taking an unsavory turn in Fast X) - I don't fully agree that hollywood is all about "It's Not Personal, It's Strictly Business". Well, if racism is the hidden meaning behind this phrase, then it is probably true. While Asian representation has improved, I don't consider it an improvement at all until Asian faces become commonplace. Otherwise, let the industry collapse. Asian-Americans have been creating for themselves. Ourselves. This is the main reason for their success - with the help / support from organizations and individuals who believe in our products / creations / talents. If we didn't create - none of the media attention and more representation would have ever happened. Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Burger King isn't one of the worst fast foods, but it isn't up there either. Other than scrumptious burger places or grills, we're talkin' about fast food only here: Five Guys is my choice. And then either Jack In The Box, Wendy's or the classic McDonald's cheeseburgers. Is it actually a "burger" if it's only filled with cheese and no beef patty? Well - at least it gives an added emphasis or meaning to "cheese"burger haha. International fast food isn't to be trusted. However - except in Asia. There might be some surprising delights (not every country). J.S. Bach has some Sonatas as well. That I did not know. I might take a look at some. Tuesday, September 19, 2023 "Strictly Dumplings" Food Guru Mikey Chen went at the right time to the State Fair - when it rained. Basically to avoid the goddamn crowds. To avoid the goddamn lines. Hahaha. Monday, September 18, 2023 Simu Liu's new instagram post - is a new music video in the works, or another sponsorship / advertisement haha. This is old news, but I just heard that "The Good Asian" graphic novel is going to be adapted into a series. About time - from what I've been following, this received a lot of praise and some awards. I recommend Rich Ting as the lead. Either way - I'm sure they'll make sure to cast authentic Asian actors. The creator of "The Good Asian" is currently on the writer's strike - so development of this project is on-hold. Sunday, September 17, 2023 Once in awhile, I go back and listen to Goh Nakamura's old songs from the Ulysses album. Some very down-to-earth, great songs / lyrics. This type of music is rare these days. You have to actually do some research. Research deep. Most likely have to go down the Independent / Youtube Music route. I hope Goh is still composing. State Fairs are swell for delicious snacks and food vendors. The rides might be a bit sketchy haha. So when is the next "When Foodie Calls" episode. Saturday, September 16, 2023 *From Tomo Nakayama's facebook. I would donate if I could, but there is a tight budget. Asian Americans have to continue to protect themselves, and empower themselves. My favorite tracks from Maestro Lang Lang's Disney Book album or music videos are "Reflections" and "The Rainbow Connection". Again - these songs are in the style of classical music. I can hear Liszt influences, and other composers. Another reason not to get on a plane - a passenger might use the plane as their personal toilet. It would make a Hippo taking a shit look like rabbit pellets haha. I bet that unsavory person had Subway and Taco Bell before getting on board. Hell no. Sa-weetie or Not-So-Saweet haha. This person would put the absolute Sour in 'Sa-weet 'N Sour' for sure. Apparently, this person needs extensive training, reading lessons and rehearsels in reading a teleprompter. Reading is fundamental, 'Sweet'-ie. For this person (to put it into perspective), standup comedy (which doesn't involve reading, but a sharp mind / wit), would be too complex as Mechanical Engineering is to a dyslexic (sort of like me). Also, 'Sweet'-eee. Learn to pay attention, Prepare, and - lay off drugs haha. *Super Lin Bros. to join in New Taipei. Definitely looking forward to that - Jeremy and Joseph Lin. More thoughts at another time. Thursday, September 14, 2023 Some kudos are in order. Kudos to: Just Kidding News reaching 2M subscribers, and getting tattoos. So Bart Kwan - any more Cupcake tattoos? haha. Philip Wang and Wong Fu Productions for opening 2 more "Bopomofo" cafe locations - their business is definitely thriving. Ricky Berwick is almost to 5M. Kudos now since he'll reach it easily. That's all for now. Wednesday, September 13, 2023 I'm curious as to what Ke Huy Quan is up to - he hasn't updated his social media since his vacationing days after winning the Academy Awards. Perhaps the SAG strike prohibits him for posting anymore selfies haha. Either way - there are updates on his appearance in Loki S2. His character's name is OB, and is a Tech Wizard / Guru. The character could realistically be the adult-verson of Data from "The Goonies" haha. Perhaps a Goonies sequel would have Data actually be OB. So Simu Liu - acting in commercials or advertisements doesn't count as far as the strike is concerned. Well - he could make a living doing commercials or promos. Or a new career as a singer / songwriter. You tell me. Would you trust a Walmart Receiving 'Manager' who let pallettes of incoming product / new stock fall apart. This lady is more suited to be an Associate-In-Training. Another Fat Cow - this time at "Jack In The Box" mumblin' and bitchin' about her Uber driver while waiting for an order that was completely 'messed' up. Sunday, September 10, 2023 The new "Ghost Files" episode at the 'haunted' escape room - I believe it was merely a publicity stunt. But what made the episode enjoyable was again - the banter and rapport between Ryan and Shane. They make it funny - and as a bonus, might mock faked, or highly exagerrated evidences from other paranormal shows. If there is no real evidence, there is no real evidence. That is key - a lot of locations contact networks of paranormal programming or the paranormal show and drum up some story about their location being 'haunted' or 'possessed'. This, in turn, would give their business, house or location attention / publicity for whatever reasons - usually for increase business. Paranormal shows these days (like most reality shows) are for entertainment value only, and ratings (hence the trend to become more of a horror movie than anything). If Bobby Lee is "The Slept King", than Eddie Huang is for sure "The Leftover King". Why? Because "Daddy Is Home!" hahaha. Saturday, September 09, 2023 Andrew Huang mentioned it quite succinctly - Just research his work / compositions, and they are all products of time and effort. "Sonic Boom" is just a show to see what Rob and Andrew can do or create on the whim, or challenges. This is something most musicians cannot do. It is similar to improvisations, but with more creativity. I hate Subway sandwiches. Not only do they taste dry-ass, I am more convinced that they are no longer "fresh". Eat Fresh? More like - "Get Food Poisoning" haha. Let's us count thy ways: 1. Blu Moo-Moo at McDonald's: "I own McDonald's!" "I am the boss!" "I don't need to work!" haha 2. The Fat Lady Wants Sauce At Drive-Thru 3. Busker Making A Fool Of Himself - "I Need To Earn A Living By Annoying The Crap Out Of A Local Business Trying To Make Ends Meet" haha 4. The "I'm Embarrassing Your Establishment" Lady At Staples Annoying Their Print / Copy Center haha. 5. Tire Busters - "Oh - you're calling me Sir now??" hahaha Thursday, September 07, 2023 Is Rated BG Solo Queue coming? I think Blizzard has managed to get me subscribed a bit longer. My subscription runs out in three weeks, but I'll most likely re-sub to try this out. I heard horror stories about the Solo Shuffle - it was a viable concept. The devs are just not doing shit in resolving bot or ratings issues. The same thing can happen with BGs, but I think BGs are more fun and players can make a difference. However - you have to have a PvP Gear requirement (honor PvP gear at the minimum) and not to start a match until heals / DPS are even on both sides. Otherwise, it'll be worse than Randoms (and even worse than Comp Stomp haha). Also - stop buffing classes that no longer need buffing. Sheesh. Wednesday, September 06, 2023 That's a whole standup skit in of itself - acting or playing the role of a lame-ass (fiddling with a cigar in one hand to look suave or cool) and uses "I Have Options, Baby Girl" as an excuse. When we all know that it is too transparent and obvious that it is all a coverup haha. Jason Cheny is hilarious - enough said. And that Henry Cho guy. Tuesday, September 05, 2023 Getting paid to play the card game Uno? Sign me up haha. Next thing you know, Parker Bros. is hiring "Designated Bankers" for Monopoly. Nah - I just want to roll dice and move my Shoe. Otherwise, pay me $500 a game to be the banker or realtor haha. On a serious note, Uno is a fun game. But it can drive anyone crazy. The trick is knowing how or when to use the "special cards" (Wild Cards, Draw Cards, Skip, Reverse, etc.). While most players might just waste them right away, this is a game about patience (as well as driving another player crazy or exacting revenge - gotta like them Draw Ten or Swap Hands cards. Or some zany Wild Card a player can come up with). Sunday, September 03, 2023 Has Post Malone gone 'postal' or 'mental' haha - buying a Magic The Gathering card (albeit any kind of game card) for 2 Million. If you are wealthy, why not I guess (go ahead and spend it on any damn thing). But there are much better ways to put that kind of money to use (other than buying a car or going on vacations) - it's called "saving or investing it". It's about as silly as a ghost calling Suga Shane his "Sugar" Suga Daddy hahaha. Joseph Haydn has an extensive repertoire of Piano Sonatas - not too difficult at all, and most are short or quick. But that's about it. The pieces are fun to play - but they don't elicit much emotion nor inspiration. They're just fun. Haydn was an influence however - in paving the way for deeper melodies for other composers. The "Gypsy Rondo" stands out however - quite a tricky one. Thursday, August 31, 2023 It was a breathe of fresh air to watch or get a tour of Steebee Weebee's Crib or "Man-Cave" haha. It's also a studio for his podcasts. Something about a cozy, down-to-earth "Man-Cave" studio - replete with decals, posters, CDs / Vinyls, retro gear, etc. that makes it all relatable and more human than most things in this life. Check out Steebee Weebee when he collaborated in Mangchi with Choe back in the day. By the way, I eat an entire cake myself haha. A few slices at a time actually. Tuesday, August 29, 2023 Daniel Dae Kim might have found a second career as a Whiskey Distiller or barrel opener haha. Either way - only in Taiwan. What a place. The names Candy and Nikocado are reserved only for Cat 5 hurricanes haha. Saturday, August 26, 2023 "Ghost Files" S2 has begun - and a great start at a creepy, abandoned penitentiary. I never heard of the place ("Missouri State Penitentiary"), but I'm sure other paranormal groups investigated there. There usually are. Well - can't wait for the next episode. Hoping for more Asylum investigations in future episodes. Of course - I couldn't watch the live stream from Tomo Nakayama. But there's always youtube for rewatches. It would've been nice had Lang Lang's upcoming Disney presentation / performance on Disney+ was a "Live Stream", rather than a regular stream. Who knows - that would probably entice more viewers to purchase or rent the program. In the end though, these channels require everyone to subscribe or be subscribers in the first place. *Also - make sure to check out Lang Lang in Jay Chou's "J-Style Trip". One episode highlights his Foundation / Music School - an aesthetically, beautiful architecture both inside and out, with beautiful music echoing throughout its halls and classrooms (from his students). In the episode, Lang Lang is disguised as an "anonymous teacher" coaching unsuspecting students on a piece they are practicing. Sunday, August 20, 2023 It's time to catch up on some Tim & Chia Chantarangsu baby vlogs haha. I guess we're not alone having a toddler / baby follow you into the bathroom haha. Asian stereotypes (as with most racial stereotypes), are always negative and damaging. However - it's a coincidence that I'm only proud of 1 Asian stereotype. That I enjoy and play the piano. Classical piano. Whatever floats your boat. It just happened to be a stereotype. Thus, a coincidence. You can look it up if you don't know the meaning of the word, but I cannot explain the logic between the sentences for you since it's already self-explanatory. I'm proud of being a fan of and supporting Simu Liu. He's already multi-talented (he has decent vocals - Andrew Garcia type of voice, while I can clearly identify falsettos when I hear it in others haha) and has been busy working on new projects. With a stable, good quality GF (unless a hidden agenda arises in trying to steal Simu's fame or his spotlight). It's always a source of tension / jealousy for everyone. If you have to react to how Simu Liu reacts, then you have issues as well. Human beings are reactionary in nature. I might not be one, since I don't react to "attention-seekers". It's my M.O. Tiny might be the new normal. Right, Bobby Lee? haha. It's ok, some of us Asians are all in the same boat. Saturday, August 19, 2023 Oh yeah - "Ghost Files" S2 trailer is here, and the new season in a week. It is on. Make sure to hook that laptop sucka up to your big screen TV (HDMI cable for anyone not in the know - which is most), and enjoy the new Ghost Files season. It is right now the top paranormal show out there. Eventually, getting back to watching some K-Drama is something I'm definitely thinking about. I've been taking an extended break from it. What else is there? It's almost Halloween season, the haunting season as summer turns into autumn. The season of finding what the scariest or most haunted locations are (whether real ones or as one of them seasonal attractions). Friday, August 18, 2023 The recent Watcher episode, "Pro Chef vs. Steven". That food judge for the episode, Joyce - from the looks of her, it appears her size matches her voracious appetite haha. Steven is kinda tall, but Joyce towers over everyone. Steven towers over me (similar to towering over Bobby Lee (everyone towers over Bobby Lee, hey 'hay' that rhymes haha). One thing is for sure - you don't want Joyce to sit on you haha. It would be worse than suffering under the Spanish Inquisition. In the world of Culinary Arts, Ming Tsai and Martin Yan top them all. With Guy Fieri as honorable mention (or eater haha). There's up-and-comers like Roy Choi and D-Chang, and now I found Winston Duong. I tried practicing Chopin's Finale of Piano Sonata No. 3. I forgot how technically challenging it was, more than some Rachmaninoff pieces. Chopin's beautiful, famous melodies often underscores how challenging a lot of the pieces are. The Ballades and Scherzi are the most challenging for me - moreso since my hands are weaker / smaller than most pianists. But conditioned at least. Wednesday, August 16, 2023 "MIrror, Mirror On The Wall. Who Is The Cutest Of Them All". So who has the cuter toddler - Aaron Takahashi's Sherilyn or Tim Chantarangsu's "What's His Name"? haha. Most parents are certainly guilty of being "disconnected" - preoccupied with their mobile phones instead of playing with their toddlers. Even sneaking in a snooze or dozing off (guilty here haha). Sometimes, they even have that "Half-Baked" look, that 'high'- high type of look (or what Bobby Lee's facial expression often is hahaha). ![]() Welcome Back, Anthony Lee. Have you met Mr. Wuhan Steve yet? hahaha. Tuesday, August 15, 2023 The lack of entertaining content is evident these days, when the only thing I'm looking forward to is reading Sungwon Cho's (aka ProZD) "What I Ate In A Week" blog haha. So what did he eat (or how much weight did he gain afterwards) - the usual Taco Bell, Jack In The Box, some snacks, Orange Chicken, Mac & Cheese, and did I mention more Jack In The Box hahaha. I've been taking an extended break from podcasts - there has not been anything worthwhile to listen to or watch. I'll stick around for any Just Kidding News tidbits that are of interest (very few and far between, or just banter from the guys. Danger Boyz > Careful Boyz btw haha). How about some Henry Cho, Jimmy O. Yang, Jason Cheny, Walter Hong standup. Now that's actually funny. Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 3 Presto Finale has a dynamic melody, a Scherzo-type pacing / tempo. It is something I'd be inclined to return to - more conditioning needed however. Monday, August 14, 2023 Tomo Nakayama's "Fog On The Lens" is a great album - I think all my favorited songs of his are from that album. Tomo's vocals and instrumental work (acoustic guitar or keyboard) is soothing, and a breathe of fresh air. It's these hidden Musicians / Artists I'm lookin' out for. Goh Nakamura was the inspiration, with his relatable, down-to-earth lyrics. He's no longer a presense on social media, but at least there's Tomo. As miserable as this world / society is, we level-headed folks need some escapism (other than preferring to live with Alf or aliens on the planet Vulcan haha). There is music for me. And there are video clips of free climbing / mountaineering, intense or insane hikes in Asia, and the Lo' Down on dangerous mountains like Everest or K2. And of course - how about all them insane stunts and other highly skilled / trained activities a lot are posting. That is all. Sunday, August 13, 2023 *You can hear the enthusiasm in Sungwon Cho aka ProZD's voice in reviewing the board game "Cranium: Hullaballoo" haha. I agree however - it's a bit slow, and that game voice would put me to sleep or I'd fall asleep in a heartbeat. But it's for 3 Year Olds. Perhaps it should be renamed: "Cranium: Bobby Lee's Head" haha. I enjoy watching Far East Films trailers. As with anything else, not everything of course. Aside from once-in-awhile action-packed ones, I prefer the simple, slice-of-life stories that highlight the everyday person. But who look like you and I - "ugly" (if you want to call it that). But to us - it is the new normal, even if we might not stand out. But these are the types that actually make the story / film believable and enticing. So how about the Maui wildfires - tragedy. On tiny islands like that, it is even more of a frightening proposition (no where to escape if it spread throughout the island). Saturday, August 12, 2023 I thought I've heard it all, until now. Fat Con? We might as well create a "National Calorie / Carbs Day" as an official national holiday haha. The "Fat Con" 'Roll' call haha: Keynote Speaker: Nikocado Support Eater / Caterer: The HFC The Entertainment: Lizzo Content Creator: Francis "Angry Fat WoW Guy" - "And He's Thtill Having Trouble, For Tthhhom Reathon!" I recommend that show (no longer aired) "Most Daring - The Biggest Losers" edition. The narration is hilarious - "that whale 'tips' the scale of justice in more ways than one" haha. Friday, August 11, 2023 I'm glad to hear that Jay Chou is going on tour again, called "Carnival". Now that's news. I think he should go on a separate tour for his Illusionist / Magician extraordinaire / skills. So whatever happened to Ryan Hayashi - I'm wondering if he's updating again, or he's on tour. Thursday, August 10, 2023 For voice acting questions, Sungwon Cho aka ProZD is the go-to guy. I don't know anything about voice acting, but it is an art form. Just "reading off lines" doesn't sound hard, but putting emotion into it and giving it "life" is essential (depending on the character created or what show / plotline is about), Just as reading sheet music for an instrumentalist is something any bozo can do, the artistic or interpretative quality of a piece is what is lacking or absent in a lot of artists (or just not enough). Sure - if it's only about technical prowess, I'll accept any challenge (it might take much slower to learn and master for me however haha. Considering also my average-sized hands). In the world of arts, you only need to find Choe and his body of work to see the depth of his art. Mendelssohn's "Scherzo a Capricio" is coming along. Playing at tempo and with finesse / energy is the challenge, especially with all the fast, running chords and passages. It does epitomizes my schizoid state sometimes. This is a type of piece I play better if I'm highly emotional or charged (as long as my hands / fingers are now conditioned enough to play all the chords / notes correctly and at speed - in the Horowitz fashion in a way). D-So's latest instagram post. That looks like a fat costume - it could be a parody of one of them typical McDonald's arguments or fights haha. Sunday, August 06, 2023 Lazy Sunday newsworthy tidbits: *How much does Lizzo weigh? Probaly enough for even Dr. Now to shake his head in disbelief haha. Lymphodema anyone? For her to fat-shame the dancers when she's fat herself, is like blaming Bobby Lee for being a dwarf. These things can't be helped haha. Well - do you really think Lizzo is entitled because she can still dance or sing or do whatever when she's fat (I haven't seen nor know shit since I have no interest, but you'd have to assume this). Hell no - fat is still fat. Just look at yourself, Lizzo. Shaking "My" head. *The parody song about that "goddamn pope" on the Puppet Files - I had to convert that section of the video into an MP3, and saved into my playlist. Hahaha. *I wasn't surprised Eugene didn't even consider trying to fly a plane, or skydiving. We both have the same phobias, I hate roller coasters even more however. I was surprised that Keith did however, sit himself in that tiny, tin can of a plane. Aren't accident rates higher in smaller aircrafts. *Listen. If a Cupcake or a Donut was sitting idly in a public area or refrigerator, I'd devour them in a heartbeat haha. The moral or lesson of it - store your food, lunch, snack or whatever in a personal / private area (away from public domain). Saturday, August 05, 2023 *Quite a lot of new Youtube or social media tidbits. Need to gather my thoughts, but it includes The Try Guys flying a plane, the "who let the dogs out" pope-muppet style, and Lizzo fat-shaming when she's fat herself haha. I'm on the look-out for any new Randall Park interviews, or even cast interviews on "Shortcomings". Randall made it a point that he wanted the film to feel real as possible, of course with fictional dramatics as with any film. More importantly, not have his characters feel monolithic or stereotypical. Which is why Ben appears to be the asshole that he is from what I'm hearing. And this is based on a graphic novel anyway. From the clips and trailers, "Shortcomings" is definitely a must-see. I guess I would summarize it as an anti-rom / com or an Anti-Always Be My Maybe type feel to it. The bottom line - Asians are creating for themselves. We are creating for ourselves - it "humanizes" Asians and allows us to be Multi-Dimensional. Stereotypes and racism be damned - which is still prevalent today. "I might have played nice guys, but in real life I'm a bit more snobby" - Randall Park Jordan's Fish & Chicken. With a name like that, the place should've been condemned to begin with haha. Countless violations, serving food on the floor, walking on socks / stepping over the food, etc. Friday, August 04, 2023 So what are some news regarding Astronomy or Cosmology. I haven't kept up with any news recently. The most intriguing ones so far, is that a space probe was launched several years ago to study the sun. And it actually entered the sun's outer atmosphere recently. It's not going directly in it, but appears to just orbit around the sun. Speaking of stars, Supergiant Betelgeuse is about (or has) to go Supernova. If it already has recently, the light probably won't reach us anytime soon considering the cosmic distance. I'll probably need to keep tabs on this subject now, since there is nothing else in this world. Everything is turning into just unappealing nastiness. Cosmology, Ghosts / Paranormal, Video Games, Classical Music, Asian-American or Asian projects / endeavors / support. That's all I need (outside of family). "Ghost Files" S2 on 08/25/23. Speaking of the paranormal - how credible is it that investigators tend to immediately "claim" that they saw something or heard something right away. If a show starts off that way, or all of a sudden starts feeling possessed haha, the show is scripted or faked. I think the entire industry is faked to some degree. At least "Ghost Files" tries to make their show funny. C'mon. A fat Waffle House employee sittin' on the counter and doin' nothing or taking an extended break - all of a sudden yells at another employee "Do Your Damn Job!". Thursday, August 03, 2023 I gotta create a new playlist called the "Crip Mac Chronicles". So wait - he "bought" a relationship, and now the lady is calling him out for not washing his hands in front of guests? hahaha. It's ok - I would've needed to "buy" a relationship in order to have a real chance at one (back in the day). Hell no. The more I read about the main character of Ben (Justin H. Min) in "Shortcomings" being somewhat of an asshole or a jerk, the more enticing it is. Obviously - it silences the "model minority" Asian stereotype and I'm all for that. Just as "Better Luck Tomorrow" did back in the day. That fat lady blocking entrance to the bridge from a minor collision - goddamn, her body could've blocked the entire road not the car haha. I would've gathered couple of dudes and moved the car ourselves. Oh wait - the lady adds an extra ton. Perhaps you need heck of a lot more guys. Tuesday, August 01, 2023 Randall Park's "Shortcomings" making the rounds with some Randall Park interviews (it's a must-see film for me at some point): Monday, July 31, 2023 RIP Paul Reubens. So what's your favorite Pee Wee's Big Adventure scene - here are mine: 1. "I know you are but what am I" 2. Large Marge Sent Ya! 3. "I Pity The Foo Who Don't Eat Mr. T Cereal!" 4. "I'm a loner. A rebel" 5. Driving with Mickey - And Pee Wee actually annoying Mickey more than vice versa haha 6. Singing with a hobo before jumping off 7. Paging Mr. Herman. Paging Mr. Herman. - "His Name is Herman. P.W. Herman." Enough said haha. I didn't know there was a third Pee Wee film on Netflix. Sunday, July 30, 2023 I'm not sure if Mac Eats or Mac Talks is on a break, or is being discontinued. C-Mac might be back, with some more Back Talk. But I think he's currently working with other Youtubers or content creators (ones he has "beef" with haha). With that said, let us all enjoy Mr. Mac's Neighborhood, where you'll see Crip Mac enjoying the fine arts of Go-Karting, going on Roller Coasters, and driving around in Pink Cars haha. Did Crip Mac wanted to get off that coaster as much as he wanted get out of that pink car? haha. Well, at least the likes of D-So and Crip were able to go on these. Saturday, July 29, 2023 Practicing some Mendelssohn yesterday, it's time to re-work some on-hold pieces, and learning / playing new ones. While some might not think much of Mendelssohn (melodies might sound generic), I consider his pieces to have some fantasy-like elements to them. If you haven't listened to the Rondo Cappricioso, it's recommended. And the well-known "Wedding March" from A Midsummer's Night Dream. It's been awhile since I practiced the "Scherzo a Capricio". Inspired by Mr. Horowitz' RCA recording, I tried learning it years ago. But my hands / fingers were not conditioned yet. It's been abandoned, but resurrected now. Speaking of weddings, I only found out recently that Jeremy Lin got married awhile ago. Talk about secrecy - he did it very discretely, without even a hint in his social media over the years. Doesn't matter what he does or where he plays - he's happy now. But I'm glad to hear he'll be returning to his team next season. "The Legend Of Jeremy Lin" lives on eternally. Friday, July 28, 2023 So Bobby Lee is now producing strange, animal sounds - probably the fat ones hahaha. If anything, he still sounds fat. Speaking of which, is the "World's Heaviest Woman" 'Heavier' than the "World's Heaviest Man"? Only Robert Ripley would know haha. Or Dr. Now. I'm looking out for Dustin Nguyen in "The Accidental Getaway Driver". I hope it's available at some point on VOD. I'm sure there are other Asian-American film projects out there I have to find. I still haven't seen "Beef" - I'm sure it's worth all its praise and critical acclaim. D-Choe is the hidden gem in this one I heard. The subject matter is a sensitive subject, and all too real. It can adversely affect any viewer. I prefer to avoid / stay away from any controversial subject matters. Thursday, July 27, 2023 "Off-The-Record" Just Kidding News is sometimes, a breathe of fresh air. When there is nothing else worthwhile going on, life can be dull and drab. But hearing about Jason Cheny and his surprise reaction about a baby and raising a kid - that is actual news haha. That - and the first time finding out who Jason Cheny is, and finding out that he's Autistic of all things first haha. C'mon Jason - Let's sing the "ABCDEFG" alphabet song! hahaha. Felix Mendelssohn's "Rondo Capprioso" is the next epic piece for me (not necessarily the next upload) - it's been on-hold for awhile, because I've kept finding pieces that I've put on-hold for awhile to practice / play. Sunday, July 23, 2023 I think if Tim Chantarangsu's voice was a bit deeper and scratchier, he would spot-on sound like Awkwafina. But I can hear some resemblance. And gain 50 lbs. - he would be Awkwafina's twin haha. And add "do some flips! do some flips!" to D-So's maniacal cackling hahahaha. Some are just wizards when it comes to following instructions in assembling a furniture or putting together something. I hate instructions, or more specifically assembling shit - I prefer to have the product fully assembled or else hell no. Or very minimal steps. One look at Mariel, I guess you can easily tell that she falls into that category of "I Don't Know How To Follow Instructions" as well haha. The Grimace Shake? Disgusting I heard, and folks throwing up / getting sick. It sure looks disgusting - we're 'grimacing' just looking at the 'Grimace' shake. McDonald's - you need to worry more about the dry-ass burgers now, more than creating disgusting experiments like this. Hahahaha. *I've been concerned that Eddie Huang might be a simp, but hey - I don't know most of his story so to each their own. After hearing his latest cooking segment (talking about how disgusting the Grimace Shake got an automatic like), I would have kept Bao Haus in NY only. Friday, July 21, 2023 Despite the rambling gibberish that Tumblr is, one equation remains true: Instagram > TikTok > Facebook > Tumblr > twitter By the way - wasn't Lang Lang's Carnegie Hall performance back in 2003 or somewhere back then? haha. It had to be typo - that was his hairstyle when he was in his teens or 20's. Or when he wore his traditional red outfit - where he performed Liszt's "Reminiscence De Don Juan" transcription of Mozart's opera - another tremendous, difficult piece. Thursday, July 20, 2023 Nuthin' like watching Bart Kwan fiddling with that Rambo knife while talking about Taco Bell and Taco Tuesday ripoffs haha. It's probably that "I Can't Sit Still So I Need Something Other Than A Fidget Spinner To Pass The Time" kind of deal hahaha. A Knife of all items to fiddle with haha. Who is Walter Hong - another Asian comedian to possibly follow. Monday, July 17, 2023 *So Bart Kwan and Nick The Ear talked about relevant shit haha. Worth listening to - hopefully a new overtime session between the two. "Bros Before Hos" When I saw that Bart Kwan vs. Nick The Ear Just Kidding News episode, it had to be an automatic like whatever it was about. I just use my imagination over what is actually said - both Bart Kwan and Nick The Ear going off or roasting each other on their huge-ass, odd-shaped limbs. Bart Kwan's "Square Head", and Nick The Ear's, well, his "Huge Ass Ears" (and his "Hooked-On-Phonics" anecdote) haha. Reference that past GeniusBrain episode. It's ok guys - I have tiny limbs, so that makes me ugly I guess. My lesson plan would be really summed up in one or two sentences - find an inspiring melody or piece you enjoy, and just play. Don't think too much (still an issue for me). Sometimes thinking gets in the way of a lot of things. Don't think - just do. There's only a finite amount of thinking involved, in terms of studying a piece and approach (which is always important). Although I prefer picking up my packages, I think UPS and Amazon delivery are the most reliable services. And then USPS - a lot of locations / post offices are reliable. They are the most common / popular form, and with that - comes areas that are quite sketchy and unreliable / unsafe for sure in this country. And then I'd go with some third-party carriers. Where's fedex? They are below bottom - the levels of incompetent hell. The bottom line - every carrier or delivery company is going to have issues. Sunday, July 16, 2023 Sungwon Cho aka ProZD might be the next "Office Space Guy" - "Yeah. I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday. 9 PM that is. Mkay? Thanks a bunch!" hahaha. And don't forget about the meeting with the Two Bobs haha. Steebee Weebee's Fart Beats. Now that's quality content I've been looking for haha. Make sure to find anyone who can just let it rip - especially the loud, and drawn-out ones (longer than Booger's belch at the Homecoming Carnival haha). Farting is an art form by the way - didn't you get the memo haha. Friday, July 14, 2023 Steven Yeun and Jordan Peele seem to know each other well, as they have been collaborating on projects for some time. The most recent is Peele's film "Nope". I heard that Yeun is going to appear in Peele's next film. I'll be on the look out for more information on that. I'm intrigued by Yeun's character in "Thunderbolts" - I think it's a villain in the MCU or whatever universe. Fans would like to see a Key & Peele reunion sketch at some point, if possible haha. The "Barbie" hype is real - go watch on 07/21/23. Didn't Maestro Lang Lang substitute for Watts (after calling in sick) for a Tchaikovsky 1 concert when Lang Lang was a teenager - which began his illustrious career. Wednesday, July 12, 2023 I think Rob Scallon and Andrew Huang's jam using them Plasma pedals have so much juice, they should hook themselves to a Plasma Coil / Conduit on a starship in Star Trek, let's call it USS Sonic Boom haha, so they can go past Warp Factor 10. Ugly Aliens / Extraterrestrials like myself and D.Choe would be waiting on the other end (Bobby Lee as well, but he'd be too tired to wait haha). Tuesday, July 11, 2023 The Video Game Pianist playing a Synth / Electronic Keyboard on one hand, and a piano with the other hand of various pieces / compositions. How cool is that. Kinda of like a keyboardist in a rock band surrounded by keyboards haha. Only the Video Game Pianist - I think he should collaborate with Andrew Huang. Monday, July 10, 2023 Sung Kang does not give a lot of interviews, but when he does - it's informative. Here's some on "Fast X" (when it released back in May): With that said, I'll need to rent Fast X and give my two cents. Otherwise - we'll need to keep a look out for news or rumors on the "Final Fast" or whatever it's going to be called. Or FX 2? In the interviews, Sung Kang practically re-defined what "Justice For Han" meant. We all thought by getting rid of the "Bad Guy". But in the end - they wanted to make "That Guy" a "Good Guy" so they came up with some fantastical story about a set up haha. I guess in the end, it's a Win-Win for both characters I guess. You could say Han was a Mastermind in it all. Sunday, July 09, 2023 You can't watch "Ghoulies" without Sven-"Ghoulie" haha. They probably already knew about the pun haha. The master of puns, as well as performing parodies / songs based on the campy film they are commenting on. I recommend reading "Journey Of A Thousand Miles" - an autobiography of Maestro Lang Lang. The only book I have read multiple times, and the only one that I am keeping. Other than the Asian-American "Rise" for our culture. Saturday, July 08, 2023 Apparently, there are rumblings that "Shang-Chi 2" is being pushed back several years. Some kind of delay with the current Avengers flick. God - cancel that shit already. Eventually, the MCU is going to wear out its welcome. I'm on the look-out for any Simu Liu updates on this situation. Until then - go watch "Barbie", when it releases at the end of the month. I've been meaning to get back to a J.S. Bach Fugue - most likely the final Fugue. I think it's appropriate to finish it now. In preparation for the "Moment Musical" piece, I'll be returning to the Variation 18 Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini melody (solo rendition - there have been plenty of other pianists who have done so as well so why not) as a prelude. Friday, July 07, 2023 *Folk singer / guitarist / musician Tomo Nakayama is one of a few independent musicians who are a breathe of fresh air to listen to. I found out about him through Goh Nakamura. Although they don't really update their social media, I'm sure they are still touring. Well - Tomo is a presence on Facebook and Instagram at least. So the Video Game Pianist has resumed live streaming a few months ago. The videos go into the "Live" section of the Youtube channel. I usually go to the "Video" section, where new videos would be uploaded. One would think that a new live stream is also a "new" video in a way, and it should go in both. Thursday, July 06, 2023 I'm all for a "Harold & Kumar 4", but John Cho denied rumors from what I've been reading. Well - for now. Kal Penn noted the 20th Anniversary of the first Harold & Kumar next year - hopefully, they'll do at least something special (perhaps a reunion special or commentary, if not another sequel). The Big 3 of Hurwitz, Schlossberg and Heald would be busy with other projects they are considering, if not for the writer's strike. I'm glad about the the strike however - some of us don't have to hear about more crap upon crap that is already out there. Did the new Flash fail miserably? haha, and more hahaha. There are already too many iterations and remakes of everything - including the Flash. Had they hired Ricky Berwick for the Flash, it would've probably just pass muster haha. Tuesday, July 04, 2023 Happy Fourth! It's that day for fireworks (cover your ears I guess for the sensitive), food and the annual "Twilight Zone" marathon. Apparently, Decades is retiring from the marathon, passing the baton to H & I. What do they have? Star Trek: TOS and Voyager I guess. Otherwise - it's another nostalgia channel that doesn't have much. My first house warming recordings should be some more Three-Part Inventions. And then the Moment Musical piece which I've been saving. I haven't forgotten about the Rondo Capricioso piece, but it's been on-hold for awhile. I wish there was a "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" museum around here. Either I'd try to work there, or go there often. Yeah - I'm a bona fide oddity I guess haha. Saturday, July 01, 2023 The Winchester Mystery House. The reason Watcher's new Ghost Files episode is 1 Hour and 4 Minutes long, is because they spend 15+ minutes (altogether - or it appeared to take that long) advertising Disney's new movie (crap which I'll never watch) haha. Otherwise - it was a treat to get an early episode before the new season begins in August. On the way up here to the Pacific NW ten years ago (it's been that long), I went on one of them guided tours of the Winchester Mystery House (out of pure curiosity). As well as a stopover at the Bonnie Springs Ranch, another haunted location (had a picture with some faint orbs in it). You can't get the real experience unless you go in at night. Alone, or with one other person. Guided tours are for simps and wimps haha. Friday, June 30, 2023 We'll have to figure out how to find updates or information on the personalities we support - there is still Youtube, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. They might be worth creating a dummy account for, just for updates. But twitter - never. Hell no. "That Guy" is too much of an idiot to even pay attention to. It's a toxic place anyway. Thursday, June 29, 2023 New House warming with J.S. Bach. It's a smaller house, with the baby grand in a similar type of room but smaller (uncarpeted however). The sound appears warmer - I'll have to find out how it turns out in a recording. Pieces to practice in the new environment: the entire Goldberg Variations, and the Three-Part Inventions first. If I plan to do alternate recordings, it won't be to replace the previous one. In conjunction with - to find out the differences in acoustics, tempo and dynamics. Tuesday, June 27, 2023 This "Ocean-Gate" fiasco is a type of "Water-Gate", or even worse? haha. Not to make light of the situation, but tragedies like this is the reason why some of us have phobias in regards to transportations - whether they include "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles". I guess you can include "Submarines" to this. Safety is a concept that is either over-looked or disregarded often. This is why I don't trust public transportation that much, or have phobias. I prefer never to go up in the air, or go out in the ocean. Going miles deep into the ocean - you better be damn sure that the vehicle has taken proper precautions using safe materials. Even if it takes a very long time, or even if there has to be delays. Lives are always at stake. The only thing I prefer is driving - I prefer not to be a passenger. In the end, one can't live in fear of everything. Otherwise, you wouldn't be living at all. Friday, June 23, 2023 I get a kick each time reading Sungwon Cho's "What I Ate For The Week" blog - talk about calorie or carbs galore haha. I used to go on a snack or fast food binge / shopping spree. One of them "We're watching a movie, or we're having a gathering playing a board game - let's get some Burger King and some Dairy Queen desserts afterwards" type of deal haha. For me - it's more like, I feel like just eating some cupcakes. I'll get some cupcakes haha. Voice acting is an art form any bozo thinks is easy to do. Just alter your voice, and there ya go. Hell no. I can't possibly fathom what it takes to get a character's voice in line with what is intended or what works. I would seek advice for any experienced voice actors. Just like an aspring singer, you have to have the voice capabilities. I, for one, do not. And of course - not just Youtubers, but any presense online outside of the establishment. It's ok, Andrew Huang. Some of us also has shrunk haha. My spine is curved somewhat, and I shrunk a bit. But who am I kidding - I was never that tall to begin with. I stopped growing after the 6th grade I realized. I'm really only 5 - 9.5 or Ten, but over-stated my height on my DL by a few inches more. Don't we all hahaha. One of them Average Asians I guess. Should I be grateful that at least, I'm not like Bobby Lee - although we are similar in many other ways. I'm at least taller than Ricky Berwick if any consolation haha. Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Father's Day, Birthdays - Food, Folks and Fun? More like - Food, Food and more Food haha. Deliciousness abounds. I'm looking forward to Daniel Dae Kim in the new and only "Avatar: The Last Airbender", and hearing more about it (especially the official trailer). It's actually authentic - an all Asian-American cast. Saturday, June 17, 2023 Andrew Huang always had a knack of finding and learning interesting, new instruments (as odd-ball as they are). But you certainly can't go wrong with Zelda's Triforce of Power haha. More Weird Gear please. I guess they differentiate J.S. Bach's Two-Part Inventions as "Inventions", and the Three-Part Inventions as "Sinfonias", essentially three voices. So as not to confuse between the two types, since they are both technically 'Inventions'. How 'inventive' was that haha. Dealing With Kids in a nutshell - "You Gotta Wipe Their Ass, You Gotta Teach Them To Wipe Their Own Asses, etc.". Hahahaha. I liked the video immediately. Well - going to watch it in full. Right, "My 'Precious' "? - Asian Gollum Friday, June 16, 2023 To all new Video Games and Board Games: Sungwon Cho aka ProZD is that "One-Man-Promo-Commercial" that'll actually bring views and attention to your products. His voice acting prowess and resume speaks for itself. If anything - they are just funny, entertaining skits as well haha. Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Ripley's Believe It Or Not is probably my favorite museum to visit - other than a planetarium. Ripley's is known for its oddities and the extraordinary. Speaking of Oddities, you'll find Walter Hudson, who weighs 1400 lbs. "My 600 x 2.3 lbs. Life" anyone? haha. Happy Birthday to Maestro Lang Lang. Birthdays come and go - so it's just another day to me. Like Thanksgiving is only a Thursday haha. The question is, how delicious is the cake you are going to eat. Food is priority. I think I won't have to trade in the baby grand fortunately. I'll be saving the Rach piece in the new place. Tuesday, June 13, 2023 It's refreshing to see a Ke Huy Quan instagram entry that is not a selfie with some celebrity. Ke Huy Quan has become a celebrity now. Beautiful pictures of where he and his wife are vacationing it appears. Crystal clear waters - not sure where it is at all. Something out of the "The Shawshank Redemption" - San Juataneyo (however you spell that - no idea, and too lazy to look it up). You want to escape to a place where it has "no memory" for sure. Just relaxing with nothing else existing. Sunday, June 11, 2023 Tweet Of The Month (From Sungwon Cho aka ProZD's Twitter): "ladder-climby weirdos in the entertainment industry will only give a shit about talking to you if they find out you're in some sort of position that is advantageous to them meanwhile, i, being a chad, my ears only perk up when i hear someone's into board games and/or anime". This is true in society in general, or in any industry. I never fully trusted anyone in my life. I was always a skeptic and anti-social. Am I really somewhere in the Autism spectrum. I don't know. Anyway - it's a high risk, high reward situation. To get anywhere in life, a person has to network, interact and not give up. They have to go through rejection after rejection, or even betrayal after betrayal. Because human beings are like that, as pathetic as they are. Asian Guys are particular at a disadvantage. All the more sweeter if we achieve victories or goals in life. Saturday, June 10, 2023 Happy 20th, Wong Fu Productions! A lot of anniversaries these days haha. My favorite of theirs: Yappie. Of course, I haven't seen a lot of their content yet. But everyone has their favorites. Here's to 20 more of fun, and entertaining content. Friday, June 09, 2023 Happy 300th Appointment Anniversary, J.S. Bach. I have no idea what the occasion is. But his music is always worth celebrating. I haven't played the Three-Part Inventions in many months (or whenever the last recordings were done). Very rusty for sure. These pieces are tricky in their own right - especially with the fingering, can be very taxing on weak fingers if you have any. Listening back, I used too much pedal on many of them. So a re-practice, and re-records are overdue. I'm only satisfied with a few of them now. Also - BWV 876 Prelude & Fugue. One of the most beautiful Bach pieces ever. There are familiar melodies in this. Also due for a re-record. The Moment Musical Op. 16 No. 1 should be the final piece currently where we are living now. But if I can get this one in, I'll do it. Need to re-practice it of course. Pedal management has been a weakness of mine. How much (if at all) is supposed to be used in a J.S. Bach piece or a Baroque piece is the question. This is why getting advice or instructions / tips are always helpful for an aspiring pianist. Thursday, June 08, 2023 The OG Asian-American Youtube content creators - Philip Wang and Wong Fu Productions. And "Just Kidding Films" with J. Jitsukawa and Bart "Square Head" Kwan haha. I'm not sure who preceded who, or who is older. I don't give a rat's ass either way - they were both originators. I only discovered them a few years ago, and still following. Of course - not all of their content is to my taste. I just stick or watch ones that are. Eventually. Otherwise - I just turn my attention elsewhere. No hassle at all. Wednesday, June 07, 2023 I believe the scam practice of "Catfishing" is prevalent all over social media. "Don't be gullible, McFly". haha. We're all gullible to some degree. If you're someone who has been treated as invisible or bullied all your life, and all of sudden might find a proliferation of tempting tweets, comments or emails - just don't click. Better yet - ignore, delete and block. If a new social media platform were to be created - I would give creators the ability to inspect any incoming comment (for approval), and delete / disapprove if they are deemed inappropriate (They don't get posted at all. Let's face it - some of the subscribers might be just trolls to begin with). It is really easier to gain weight than to lose it. Once fat, always fat I guess haha. Tuesday, June 06, 2023 If "Ghost Files" is more entertaining and informative than all the paranormal shows combined, then "Mystery Files" is more entertaining and informative (did I mention funny to boot haha) than "Unsolved Mysteries" and "Nova" combined haha. Thanks, Shane and Ryan - I did not know that a jar of peanut butter has more explosive energy upon atmospheric entry than an HFC-sized Asteroid hahaha. I also believe that the Asteroid was an Alien Ship, and it self-detonated as a warning to the pathetic Earthlings haha. Thanks again, Suga Shane and Ryan B. How cool is that - Simu Liu with his own Barbie doll, and a new career in commercials (that Google Watch one is outstanding - however, I don't wear watches. By the way, they put the "digital" in digital watches fo' sho'). What new projects is Daniel Dae Kim up to. Saturday, June 03, 2023 It's one of them unknown mysteries that'll have you mind-boggled: does LeLe Cakes have actually them "Cakes" (or buns, hun haha) to eat all of Lupe's or Crip Mac's cakes? hahaha. Only Weight Watchers might know haha. I guess this doesn't make sense. My life has never made sense. Only Music and the Arts make any sense, in this Non-Sensical world we live in. Butt-Head: "Hey, Beavis. Did you see that old dude trip and fall on stage" "Uh, huhuhuh. What a dork". "Uh, huhuhuh". Beavis: "Oh Yeah, heheheh. Isn't he like a Secretary, Receptionist or something? He's a Dumbass." Butt-Head: "We should vote for that Andrew 'Kang' dude" uh, huhuhuh. Billy Joel is ending his run at MSG in 2024. And I think Elton John's on his final tour as well. The Rachmaninoff piece is going to be the Goodbye piece to the baby grand. To the house. Tuesday, May 30, 2023 So "Ghost Files" S2 releases on 08/25/23. Why the long wait - longer than waiting for a new season of "Cobra Kai" haha. Well - Post Production, editing, still filming, etc. Blame Suga Shane for the holdup haha. I'm only beginning to find out who Jason Cheny is, and why not start with finding out that he's Autistic haha. I'd be laughin' at myself in a way. I might have mild symptoms, if not having any interests at all in a lot of stuff (not giving a shit or emotionless) or getting bored / tired quick counts. But that could be just ADHD. The Pianoorgan! I think the VGP should join Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon in coming up with new instruments and sounds haha. The middle pedal can sustain notes indefinitely or longer than usual, but you'd have to keep your feet on it. Quite creative - if you don't have a super synthesizer that film / sound effects departments use. Monday, May 29, 2023 As the month of May winds down, so does Asian-American Heritage Month. But it's everyday for me since there's nothing else in this life. I've been enjoying the PBS documentaries on Asian-American personalities, history and the harsh realities of the racism against Asians. Much of society needs "ed-ooo-cating" (haha), but then again - we're living in an Idiocracy that even knowledge, awareness or eduction cannot help nor change folks. They are who they are. Some Rachmaninoff pieces are going to be the final pieces on the baby grand - as I am going to have to downgrade to an upright eventually. Instruments and sheet music can always be replaced, but Music is always eternal. Song Of The Day would have to be that Billy Joel song about the Baby Grand - he is truly the Piano Man haha. Saturday, May 27, 2023 In the world of Culinary Arts, there is "Simply Ming Is Simply Delicious" Ming Tsai and "Yan Can Cook" Martin Yan. Pertaining to Yan, it's like saying, "Bob Ross Can Paint" or "Lang Lang Can Play Piano". One of them, "No Shit Sherlock" deals haha. I guess new "Yan Can Cook" shows are going live stream now. The Video Game Pianist's new video - was that his own compositions or improvisations. That tempo / dynamic is ideal for meditating, studying or going to bed. He's focused on Marathoning - I think he'll be able to get into the Top 50 runners in a Marathon. Training vigorously / diligently is important to be competitive. My focus now is polishing or finishing the Rachmaninoff Moment Musical Op. 16 No. 1. Tuesday, May 23, 2023 "Mac Talk with the Back Talks. Always Backin' That Ass Up. Crip Mac Is Back, The Daddy-Mac Back Gettin' some Ass (Fat Ass I guess haha)". A bit of Slam Poetry, sort of hahaha. For sure - I definitely need lessons in this. Jello Pudding Guy - teach us thy ways hahaha. Nobuyuki Tsujii with the Rach 3. I would enjoy watching / listening another live stream concert if or when available, but they are rare. I think the Rach 2 along with Liszt's "Il Lamento" Etude have two of the most hauntingly beautiful melodies that convey tragedy, melancholy and nostalgia all in one. Monday, May 22, 2023 Has Collin Morikawa hit a ceiling - he's been finishing tournaments out of the Top 20 in a lot of them. It's already been a few years since he's won anything. Although he's had impressive finishes, it's been the same story in every tournament so far. Having some great rounds or moments, only to falter and fall apart later. I still believe Collin is a great Golfer, but he has not shown it so far. At this point, he's no longer elite (perhaps decent to good at the PGA level). His only potential thus far, is that he's still very young so who knows - he can only go up I guess. Simu Liu's McHappy commercial might be false advertising. There appears to be a Mc-"Flurry" of Mc-"Temper Tantrums" or Mc-"Hissy Fits" (not to mention Mc-"Fights") at Mc"Donalds" hahah. The "I Want Fresh Cookies Now!" Lady can join the "I'm Not Leaving Until I Get My Sauce" Fat Lady in the Karen Hall Of Shame haha. Or the "You Work At McDonalds. I'm 45. I'm Retired" Guy haha. Wednesday, May 17, 2023 What a treat - a live stream recording of a recent Nobuyuki Tsujii concert performing the Rach 2 (Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 for any newbie or anyone not in the know). I'll be listening to it as much as I can until it is removed. I've always enjoyed Nobu's performances of both the Rach 2 and 3. No. 2 is a bit more appealing than No. 3. Monday, May 15, 2023 Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon have been collaborating often, so it is not a surprise that they've come up with a new series called "Sonic Boom". Interesting stuff - including a new hybrid instrument called an Harpejji. "What The Hell" indeed haha. Either way - you can learn more from these guys than any established departments or institutions combined. Facts. A piano vibrato is interesting - on a standard piano, I don't think it's possible. Perhaps on a synth or a keyboard. The closest thing on a standard piano is called a "Trill" - usually involves 2 notes (half-steps usually most common) played back and forth really fast. It's an ornamentation in classical music, so Trills are meant to be played lightly most of the time. Sunday, May 14, 2023 Happy Mother's Day! Let us never take our parents for granted, always appreciate and show gratitude whenever we can. For some - the happiest memories are with mother's. Maestro Lang Lang's journey certainly you can say, began with his mother. And Professor Zhu was like a second mother to him. What kind of dance is Watcher "Suga" Shane doin'? It's freakin' hilarious haha. I hate gardening. I'm even too lazy to buy seeds hahaha. Imagining Bobby Lee as a farmer would be hilarious. Thursday, May 11, 2023 Is the A.I. paranoia fo' real, or just an imagination conjured by brain-washing from sci-fi films. I only believe that it is real, only to the extent that at worst - it'll displace the human workforce. Humans are an absolute necesssity in Customer Service for sure. That is a concern. Hey Mac Talk - interested in joining the Yang Gang or The Forward Party? This is the way to go. But to each their own. One thing is fo' sho' - A.I. sure ain't the "A.I. Allen Iverson" that we all used to say as a lame tongue twister or to laugh at haha. A.I. is another term for technology, not a living, self-aware robot. "The Terminator" scenario might be as real as the Quantum Leap Accelerator ever existing, or time travel being a real possibility. I don't think Bobby Lee has to worry about necks, since he doesn't have one hahaha. And "Juicy". You ain't 'Juicy' - you look dry as fuck haha. Tuesday, May 09, 2023 The Choe Story of how he made millions off of Facebook stock when the company was an unknown back then, is something actually interesting. And Choe's very relatable reasoning and the aftermath. While any bozo would've selected the guaranteed cash or pay, Choe opted for stocks. Either he must've known something, or Choe was just very fortunate that FB became the social media giant as it is. Either way, Choe hated the attention he received unfortunately. He lost privacy, and he became disillusioned. I would've been the same way. Money might be a necessity, but it doesn't guarantee happiness or make anyone happy (if at all, it is usually only temporary). If you caught a Door Dash or one of them Fast Food Delivery drivers scratchin' their ass or nuts while waiting for their delivery food, would you ever order food from them again haha. On top of that - they'll probably eat yer food haha. Something Beavis & Butt-Head would do hahaha. Saturday, May 06, 2023 How cool and relevant is this: "Fighting To Belong: A History Of Asian-Americans And Pacific Islanders" comic-book style. I already have "Rise: A Pop History Of Asian-Americans" as a collectible. That, and Lang Lang's autobiography are the only books I keep. Otherwise - I don't read. I no longer have the attention span. And reading bores the crap outta me hahaha. K.576 is about ready to record / upload (all three movements - one at a time). I practiced through the "Goldberg Variations" again. Var. 20 and 26 are variations I need to play regularly, but I wasn't too rusty this time fortunately. Friday, May 05, 2023 Kudos to Tim and Chia Chantarangsu (I'm callin' her that whether Chia gets pissy or not haha) for their down-to-earth birth story of their second child Quest (I'm inclined to call our second child "Dungeon" or "Raid" haha). These days, birth stories are over-sensationalized and just plain stale. And you can take that fuckin' fact to the bank. And of course - Quest hates you Tim haha. The thumbnail is hilarious - Quest photoshopped or placed completely horizontal with no expression haha. Life can be dull and boring. Nothing much has been going on. For me, Asian-American projects or collaborations / news are always invigorating and energizes me. Wednesday, May 03, 2023 Congrats, Erik - 70,000+ likes, now go do the same challenge for 7 days haha. Still - eating everything on the menu from 7 or more randomly selected fast food places is definitely unique or different. He's failed some crazier challenges, but finished this one. I guess he prepped well - he hasn't posted a new challenge in quite some time. I can imagine if he were to do a 150K calorie challenge, he'd need at least a few months off or break to prepare. Speaking of exercising, I'm beginning to jog again (whenever I can). I'm quite out-of-shape. But holding my own. Still - I guess it helps seeing fat, out-of-shape parents around as motivation haha. How cool is Sungwon Cho aka ProZD voicing the Riddler. The New Riddler. An Asian Riddler. Can't get anymore cool than that. Check out his new interview. Tuesday, May 02, 2023 Damn, Simu Liu - lookin' like a charismatic 007 villain haha. One of these days, we need to create our own Asian 007. How about Aaron Takahashi? haha. He hit the spot in that commercial. Or Donnie Yen. Because his name is Yen. Donnie Yen. Ke Huy Quan's continued popularity and coverage is a "career" in of itself. And his 1.2 Million+ followers. Ke is too nice and humble to speak out. Very Jeremy Lin similar. Which is why the industry or hollywood had been planning to shut him down / kick him out, regardless of awards won. AAPI industry needs to create for him. Still - Ke was very wise to quickly accept the Loki S2 role (this was before EEAAO became an award-winning machine). Monday, May 01, 2023 *My favorite part of "Dudes Behind The Foods" new podcast - Chia eating tiny bites, and Tim pissing off Chia. Every. Damn. Time. hahaha. However - they are a happy couple with a cute kid and a newborn. Life's swell, ain't it? Oh yeah - and D.So's story about putting his hands down slightly down his pants. Hey - Al Bundy does it all the time haha. It's Asian-American Heritage Month! Well, for me - everyday is Asian-American heritage day. It's kind of ingrained now or innate, since we're treated as invisible and have to endure racism regularly (at least for a lot of Asian-Americans). Being prideful doesn't mean being hateful. You can feel pride of who you are, even being proud of being ugly or tiny haha. Unfortunately, hate apparently is automatic for a lot of folks. With that said, I'm laser-focused on finding more Asian-American projects or personalities to support. That's all that matters to me - nothing else exists. Of course - it comes with the territory. For anyone sympathetic and supports our cause (regardless if it's a publicity stunt or not), it's only natural to support them back (or provide some exposure or marketing for them as well). K. 576 is going to be the final Sonata. However - never say never. I usually find a movement that I haven't heard before or forgot about, and end up learning them (or re-learning pieces that I forgot about). Saturday, April 29, 2023 Some folks might just eat to live, and most (like myself) live to eat apparently haha. I enjoy food too much I think. But it's also a coping mechanism - and it's not relegated to just the fat ones. You think only fatties have issues - then think again. Perhaps they just enjoy food more than anyone else. It could just be a simple reason as that. Eating unhealthy, over-eating junk food - these are some symptoms of something other than "enjoying food". If you can balance working out / exercising, then I think it's alright to eat junk food. Only fitness gurus or health nuts completely cut out junk food. That's an impossibility for me, since I enjoy junk food too much. A lot of the content creators I'm subbed to are at least 12+ years younger than me. But that's just fine - mentally and emotionally, I'm about their age anyway since I'm damaged / scarred to begin with. Or the maturity of a 5 year old like Bobby Lee haha. We're both manic and a bit insane, but in terms of lack of maturity. I think we're both healing as well, and more at peace. Well - I'm not sure about Bobby Lee's path. D.Choe - I appreciate his unique talents in art, and perspectives. It might be a bit unusual or eccentric, and I don't prefer it any other way. By the way, the past or memories from the past can be deleted / erased from your mind. Fortunately for me, it's like I woke up from a bad nightmare as if my life never existed before 40 years. The only thing I can remember, is that I wasted time going to elementary, middle, high school. And college. And that's it. And some eccentrics (the "Book of Yiddish" guy and a high school pal - we'd make fun of the pieces we'd sing in a choir (and being made fun of). Well - I had to do an extracurricular activity at that time. I was too ordinary or plain, even if I had a soft-ass voice). I'd listen to Joe Jitsukawa anyday over Dr. Phil. More practical and the truths. Lump Dr. Phil with the likes of Jerry Springer - "Now Dat's Dem Mudda Boolsheeet!" hahaha. Thursday, April 27, 2023 "Ghost Files" winning the Webby's. That's where it's at - a lot of "Go-To" content is from the web - not through the "Same Old Shit". Looking forward to S2. Monday, April 24, 2023 To add to Joe Jitsukawa's thoughts or advice: if you want to get into the Youtube business, realize that it's not going to be easy and to never give up. It's much more difficult to gain and sustain viewership than getting haters haha. Well, hate goes with the territory. Seasoned / popular Youtubers already know how to deal with them - you just don't (as if they don't exist at all. Well, I'm sure they know how to other than blocking / deleting). For me - it's definitely not for me. I don't know anyone, and don't have the networking advantage to gain any viewers. Also - my creative juices and energy just isn't there (too lazy I guess). I have to use this site as a springboard at some point. I'm only a Classical Pianist as an enthusiast / hobbyist, but who knows. "Free Chol Sool Lee" on PBS - a must watch. Corky Lee - there are quite a few Asian-American stories of individuals suffering injustice or being victims to the racism of society. What a line of Jeremy Lin - 50 PTS / 10 blocks / 11 assists. I bet he didn't even break a sweat haha. So Joseph Lin is on New Taipei. Jeremy Lin vs. Joseph Lin - the new rivalry for the ages or the rivalry of the decade. Sunday, April 23, 2023 With Asian-American film festivals such as CAAMfest and Pac Arts Movement showcasing new films, there usually is bound to be interesting ones. These film festivals are what it's all about or where it's at - simply because there is nothing else in this life. Congratulations to Simu Liu for the 2023 Radius Award. I have no idea what that is - Canadian awards are definitely new (unless you're Canadian of course). Paul S.H. Lee is winning his fair share as well. Two top mainstream / clean comics or comedians: Henry Cho and Jimmy O. Yang. Bobby Lee would definitely be jealous haha - perhaps he should stop trying to be the "Naked Guy", and try being a "Funny Guy" for once haha (oh wait - he's already the "Fat Guy / Hobbit" haha). Open mics are interesting. Sometimes, if somebody doesn't mean or doesn't intend to be funny - it ends up being funny anyway. But that's just me. Or - Ming Chen's "Short Guy" jokes haha. Saturday, April 22, 2023 Tis the season for film festivals. In particular, Asian-American Film Festivals. Roll call: The Accidental Getaway Driver, Starring Jerry As Himself, Dealing With Dad, Liquor Store Dreams, NJP (abbreviated - interesting documentary on cutting-edge artist back in the day). I haven't visited Philip Wang or Wong Fu Productions in awhile. While I've been a fan of them for awhile now, not everything is to my taste. So I stay away sparingly. However, Philip Wang recently brought up Arby's. Arby's is behind Wendy's in terms of fast food, but it is nostalgia. They have decent roast beef. Where the hell is an Arby's these days. Friday, April 21, 2023 A Henry Cho poll (as well as the most important question of any year): What is the best burger place? In'N Out, Shake Shack and Five Guys have always been on the list. For me - Five Guys (just delicious burgers and them damn cajun fries). In 'N Out is only available in just a very few states, so it doesn't count. Have you ever seen Bobby Lee try doing Tai Chi haha. That shit is hilarious. It's like watching a Jello Mold or a blob bobbing up and down hahaha. I have no further comment on Michael Jackson. But my opinion - a person can comment on bouncy jugs comically, and still be a child molester. It's called - "Making An Observation Or A Joke". Thursday, April 20, 2023 Daniel Dae Kim has a new "untitled" project at Amazon. I'm not sure if this is the "Butterfly" series, or completely something else. Otherwise - it might have just been a temporary title. With that said - good luck to all the applicants to star alongside Daniel Dae Kim. I'm looking forward to the new "The Last Airbender" - now this is worth it. To be labeled or nominated as the "Laziest Youtuber" or the "Laziest At Anything" is considered a compliment nowadays haha. One can still accomplish a lot, and not do much. It's called - "Work Smarter, Not Harder". Joking aside - although this is true in a lot of situations, more often than not (and the reality is) - a lot of endeavors require hard work and a certain degree of luck. I think there should be an age limit restriction to driving - at a very old age, you're basically "Driving While Judgment Impaired". Unless you're Bobby Lee - who might be always impaired haha. Wednesday, April 19, 2023 Damn - don't mess with Lupe hahaha. Mac Talk is quite the moderator. That fat lady easily won that argument - that's real "Latino Heat" right there haha. Also - why is it that you don't want to get into an argument with the fat ones hahaha. "Do you want a cookie?" Do you want a cookie??" hahaha. Gotta respect content creator / Youtuber / entrepreneur Joe Jitsukawa - he keeps it real, and keeps it tacky / funny haha. One thing is certain - when activities or the daily grind becomes a routine, then it becomes useless or meaningless. Tuesday, April 18, 2023 That slide whistle is quite funky haha. For comedic effects hahaha. But producing a song in an hour is quite a feat - only Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon. The dynamic duo of music production. Hey Mac Talk - if you decide to pick up Crip Mac or take him out again to Chuck E. Cheese, just make sure to drive a car that's not pink hahaha. Saturday, April 15, 2023 What the hell is a 'Durian' - only the most foul-smelling, rancid / disgusting fruit (or whatever the hell it is) haha. Imagine a band called 'Durian Durian' hahaha. I'm curious as well as to what the hell is wrong with "our people" (but that's the only exception). Because there's plenty wrong with "everyone else's people" as well. I haven't heard from John Cho in awhile, other than being in a new horror film. "The Afterparty" S2 - only if Apple were affordable. Otherwise - there is Disney+, Amazon Prime, Hulu or Netflix (for me - it's situational depending on what enticing Asian-American shows or projects there are). Again - watch "Beef". I hear D-Choe stole the spotlight in this one. Although Steven Yeun and Ali Wong brought their A-Game. Thursday, April 13, 2023 Check out Eddie Huang's recent podcast episode with Dr. Woo - it's a "What's Your Favorite Eats / Eateries" episode. After all - Eddie Huang is a chef, foodie, and just has a taste you can trust (well, not everything haha). Go watch "Huang's World" reruns (he used to operate a successful "Bao Haus" restaurant). A dish doesn't have to be presentable or precise. Taste is the most important - so a dish can look sloppy, but it can taste infinitely more delicious than all the grotesque / disgusting escargots of the world "hee hee hee haw haw haw" (laughing while miming). "Aww Shucks" - Ricky Shucks and Tim Chantarangsu enjoy staying fat and lazy. Fat and Lazy. Same haha. Remember - it's always "Bro's Before Ho's". Good riddance. Nice advice - get fat, so your head won't look as big hahaha. New article on "Better Luck Tomorrow": "He's Back" - well, he's back filling potholes haha. With the new video from Ah-nold going viral, I found an old video of "The Terminator" reciting lines from his old movies haha. The funniest ones are from "Jingle All The Way" and "The Running Man". Wednesday, April 12, 2023 Has it been 20 years since "Better Luck Tomorrow" released. What a pivotal moment in Asian-American film history in the modern era. Literally turning stereotypes upside down and telling the industry to stick it. Our only supporter at that time - Roger Ebert, who stood up to say we can be whoever the hell we want to be. We sure have the capabilities - just don't make them too obvious. Being under-estimated has advantages. Andrew Huang's "Sparkle Mountain" - what a creative song / video. It's quite a trip for anyone trippin' on hallucenogens haha. The only disconcerting thing are the CGI figures - they look a bit creepy. Would the first question you would ask your kid (once they know how to speak) be: "Do you want to go to McDonald's?" haha. Tuesday, April 11, 2023 I'm looking forward to "Ghost Files" S2. I hope they'll reveal the locations at some point. I think there might be some known haunted locations, but some that are not as known or just unknowns. For sure - I had no idea about Hobo House haha. I think the name itself would scare off ghosts hahaha. Mac Talk is really gettin' into beefs, rivalries - he's into one himself. He had the ultimate comeback however - the last word and the last laugh is what Mac is all about. Monday, April 10, 2023 Since there's been nothing of interest or relevant these days, I've been enjoying movie trailers from the Far East Films Youtube. I'll most likely never watch these films (unavailable platforms if anything). But the trailers themselves are interesting. "The Legend Of Jeremy Lin" continues. I don't think I've seen Jeremy Lin this happy in awhile - he's also pretty much set in life with other business ventures / endeavors outside of basketball. I'll keep following Lin, although I no longer maintain a fan web page. I think Joseph Lin is on a new team - no longer with the Fubon Braves. Or was it some other team. I don't know. Sunday, April 09, 2023 *Sungwon Cho has it correct - when you're on vacation, fuck everything else and just relax as if the rest of the world does not exist. Would work for me haha. Both Bobby Lee and I might have some kind of brain damage or relaxed brains haha. Both of us would be oblivious to situations - "Huh? Whaa? What happened?" type of shit haha. And both of us have a mild forms of OCD and ADHD. While both of us are also scarred / damaged, Bobby Lee used comedy and racial / self-deprecating humor to launch his career or become known. While I just tried using music or playing inspiring classical pieces as therapy while remaining hidden and invisible. I've never seen Tim Chantarangsu in-person, so I can't tell if he really has a big head haha. Or if his head is just disproportionately bigger in relations to his body hahaha. Images or pictures don't do justice. Certainly his head is as round as fuck - would complement Bart Kwan's square-shaped head or the Mongoloid-shaped head of George's kid haha. Starting fresh or anew. We all need a re-start or a re-charge in life. Sort of like resolutions but more serious. Certainly - what I find funny (my type of humor) or what is relatable - I'll continue to share to elicit laughs and entertain because that's my identity. As long as it does not influence or affect my lifestyle in a negative way, there is nothing wrong with it. To each their own. Saturday, April 08, 2023 I always knew Andrew Huang (from just the few years I've been subbed or watched his music videos) had interesting songs. I agree - in "Cloud Collapse" his vocals stand out (they certainly are not laughable falsettos as some Youtubers or "I Tried To Be A Youtube Musician" content creators have haha). But that's not the point - Andrew Huang is more known for his music production, creative song writing, and ability to play like a one man band. Simu Liu's "Don't" is a nice song, with relevant lyrics. Again - Simu's vocals might not be top tier, but it's nice enough (it has that Andrew Garcia feel to it). Certainly, does not have that "laughable falsetto" as some "I Tried To Be A Musician" Youtubers might have. Hahaha. Friday, April 07, 2023 Although "Ghost Files" is definitely a network show quality and more, (The Travel Channel - they have tons of paranormal programming a lot of which are just crap), the "Ghost Files" crew are better off on Youtube or other platforms. The issue with network channels is the lack of creative control for the creators. The Travel Channel would probably mandate the duo to "add this", "do this" crap that would turn their show into something silly and far-fetched. Nicholas Ma's "Happy Birthday With 13 Classical Composers Fighting" is quite unique. The transitions and commentary from the composers trying to out-do each other is hilarious ("What would they say" type). The composition is a parody and a medley of famous classical compositions, with the "Happy Birthday" motif or theme running throughout. Why didn't I find this composer / pianist's Youtube sooner. PGA Golfer Collin Morikawa - I check upon the guy now and then. I have no comments, except to continue to support and wish him good luck in all tournaments. Simu Liu - what can't he do. He released a song called "Don't". Other than being a charismatic actor extraordinaire, he can also dance, do back flips, etc. haha. Is Nikocado back? I thought he quit Youtube to go to a fat farm or something hahaha. I didn't know there was a "serious" side to Bobby Lee haha. Even then, there's always something humorous. Some notables:
Thursday, April 06, 2023 I would've voted for Watcher's "Ghost Files", but I never register for anything. Spam email anyone? That's obvious or inevitable as a result of registering. Whether Mac Eats is going to return (eventually but not anytime soon) is about as certain as the Video Game Pianist returning to live streaming. Both are preoccupied with their current endeavors - CMac with Mac Talks, and the VGP with marathoning. *In Just Kidding News - "We Gotta Save Ritchie". For a sec, I could've sworn Steve was Jimmy, with that "Fugheddaboutit, Jimmaayy!", "Jersey Sho' " accent haha. I think we all have that "What the hell did I get myself into" when we marry or have kids. Especially when you're the type like myself who prefers being alone or away from crowds or the goddamn people. In the end, it is all worth it and changes you for the better for a lot of us. Wednesday, April 05, 2023 If you are subbed to Disney+, go watch "The Mandalorian" S3 Chapter 21 - Captain Carson Teva returns (Paul S.H. Lee's character - aka Appa on "Kim's Convenience"). And by the way - he "always stays on target" (unlike Wedge haha). We hope he continues to show up in future episodes or seasons. Or gets his own spinoff show. Simu Liu's "Ken" - did the trailer reveal all the scenes he was in? That's not much. The cast lineup for "Barbie" has a lot of known names for a lot (not for me however - since I don't give a rat's ass about their existences). So unless the actor is part of the main cast, I doubt the character is going to be in a lot of scenes. Joseph Haydn is a classical composer I've forgotten about. Haydn's pieces are melodic and structured. But they don't elicit emotions as romantic pieces do - they are just fun to play I guess. Sometimes, that's all that's needed. A pianist would want to diversify their repertoire with pieces from all periods. Tuesday, April 04, 2023 I'll have to re-watch the "Quantum Leap" season finale. It was mind-bending and fast-paced, and it ended the season on a cliffhanger. I would have hoped that this finale would've been 90 minutes or so - perhaps to include a scene where Ian leaps into the person to tell Ben to leap in the first place. So how did he get back? Perhaps the coding in the distant future was so far advanced, he was able to program a specific "round-trip" leap without leaping around. Or perhaps I missed something a few episodes back. Looking forward to the second season - wondering if they'll delve further into the evil corporation or business that sent the evil leaper (the main villain). Sunday, April 02, 2023 What an update - the Video Game Pianist running a marathon under 3 hours - making the Top 100 finishers. Now we know why the VGP has been absent from live streaming or any new recordings. The VGP is definitely becoming a serious marathoner or competitor. If any fan has been following Martin Leung for years, they would probably know that he has been exercising / working out regularly. Hopefully, he'll return to live streaming again or other videos. Saturday, April 01, 2023 "Where's The Beef?" Apparently, on Netflix haha. "Beef" is a dark dramedy / satire starring Steven Yeun and Ali Wong. It is available in two days. Viewer discretion however - the subject matter is all too real in regards to road incidents. The best course of action is avoiding them altogether before they even start. It only happens when you've achieved a peace of mind and heart, regardless whether you've had a bad day or not. Just completely empty or free yourself from emotional baggage. Congratulations to "Shaky Shivers" for their award at that film festival - never heard of it. But then again, there are a lot of film festivals to look out for. Also - the only Asian-American film called "Starring Jerry As Himself". Interesting title and concept. I'm on the lookout for new Asian-American film festivals. Friday, March 31, 2023 Young Scholar / Pianist Lujunrui Chen - the audio or mic on this video is cut off or turned off around 18:25 by the way. Still - anyone with a good ear or knows the piece can follow the fingers in hearing the melody in your head. So far, these young scholars renditions or performances of Chopin's Scherzo No. 2 and the "Winter Wind" Etude have been outstanding. The "Winter Wind" Etude is one of the most difficult of the Etudes, and it was executed masterfully. Of course they prepared / practiced pieces in class or master classes before recording these. Thursday, March 30, 2023 New Youtubers / Content Creators is my Go-To priority in looking for quality content that are actually entertaining, humorous or just relevant. For once. You can find these through other channels you are subscribed to. Jimmy Zhang - is he actually dating somebody, or is he just a pimp? haha. I'll probably check out a few videos first, before even considering subbing. My skepticism is because of what I've experienced or observed before - Asian Guys tend get used or taken advantage of. But there is probably a "rhyme or reason", or a purpose for Jimmy Zhang - if he's only pimpin', acting, or acting as an "interviewer". So it's not only Tim Chantarangsu who used to have a childhood crush on "Saved By The Bell" character Kelly K. Raymond Lee revealed it recently haha. Fortunately, I never experienced nor felt any. I don't even know what that word means. I guess I've been just emotionally stale inside, not giving a rat's ass - at least not anymore. C'mon - it's a "No Shit Sherlock" situation in regards to Cereal not being healthy (at least most of them). Still - it's my favorite snack to eat haha. Wednesday, March 29, 2023 It's World Piano Day - the next important holiday / celebration, only behind Lunar New Year's, Turkey Day, Halloween and Christmas haha. With that said - I've been listening to Lang Lang Foundation's Young Scholars. They are all outstanding. I was particularly mesmerized by Kwan Kei Hung's rendition of Liszt's Mephisto Waltz. I've heard this before, but not familiar with the sheet music at all. Still - it sounded very clear and crisp. That's the benchmark - you have to know the sheet music and the melody. As well as having a good ear. Then, you'd be in a good position to judge a performance. Unless something is quite obvious. I'm not there yet at all. It's refreshing to see highlights of Jeremy Lin, and I'm glad to see that he's happy and thriving. Jeremy Lin + Joseph Lin - worth paying attention to. Their league is the only thing that exists to me in regards to that sport (if you can even call it that). Otherwise, it's Ohtani-Sanity or Moldauer-Sanity for me haha. Tuesday, March 28, 2023 Congratulations to Jay Chou for his "Greatest Works Of Art" album reaching No. 1 Global Albums. Brian Tee is another Asian-American actor I have not heard in awhile. Recent updates however - he ended his stint with the Chi-Med medical drama, and directed 1 episode recently (I wouldn't call it a directing career because of 1 episode however). They should try to leave the door open for possible cameos in future seasons or episodes however. Brian Tee is known for his role in "Tokyo Drift". Other than that - I'm sure he's been involved in projects here and there, but I do not know much else. Monday, March 27, 2023 Who has the most maniacal, hilarious laughter - it's the battle between Eddie Huang vs. Bobby Lee. Bobby Lee's high-pitched cackling is hilarious in of itself. My laughter has a bit of Eddie Huang's actually. If eating or devouring Jollibee spicy fried chicken was the punishment for the Scissor Bros. Mercy challenge, I'd gladly lose everytime. So how many podcasts or interviews did Ming Chen host at that Film Festival - that's a marathon for sure. There are quite a few pieces that I found through Lang Lang's performances. Mendelssohn is no exception. With World Piano Day coming up - pianists all over the world should have select favorites to play. For me - it'll be practicing the "Goldberg Variations" again. It's been awhile. For me - all pieces lead to Mendelssohn's "Rondo Capprioso", a fantasy-type piece I have yet to finish. Sunday, March 26, 2023 *I have to add this - Jimmy O. Yang with a new comedy special for Amazon. A new congratulations. Aside from a few Youtube podcast comedies, Henry Cho and Jimmy O. Yang stand out as "standups" (observational humor - nothing fancy or tricky, a bystander should get it). There isn't anything news worthy other than Tim Chantarangsu's newborn baby boy with an interesting name (and looking forward to any "Quantum Leap" S2 news). These days, it's fine to have any kind of name (with some that might be taken randomly from a dictionary haha). Just don't name your kid anything vulgar or might be used to tease or make fun of. I'm proud of Asian names - (although I would have preferred to have my name be different, something to the effect of a Ginwoo haha). To hell with anyone who can't pronounce Asian names (that lameass Guy mis-pronouncing Simu Liu's name makes the "Office Space" fat lady mis-pronouncing Samir's last name sound like heaven haha). I think I haven't smiled that broadly or felt that genuine in awhile. Your child's birth might be the greatest joy or event. And then when your toddler starts standing up and walking on his or her own. After that, their first coherent sentences or words. I have an affinity with K. 310 Presto movement. There is a tinge of tragic beauty in it. I had to figure out a technique that worked for me to finally get through it. There is always a technique for any difficult piece. For smaller hands / fingers, it just requires a bit more practice and energy to execute difficult passages or phrases. I might finish the Sonata - feeling inspired. If I were to record "The Flight of the Bumblebee", I would have to memorize it. At the frenetic tempo of the piece, page-turning is not an option. Saturday, March 25, 2023 It's been awhile since I've last heard about Eddie Huang - he's now married, the couple is expecting and has a new podcast called "Separate Bedrooms". As with everyone else I follow or a fan of, I don't agree with everything with what Eddie might believe in. But he is raw and real as he gets. Very similar to Choe. We have our own Triad here - Choe / Eddie Huang / Bobby Lee (except Bobby Lee is the court jester or the assistant haha). Tidbits from the recent Tigerbelly podcast with Eddie Huang: Eddie Huang had to wait 2 years to hear back from his now-spouse. He didn't receive any reply on the dating app. This is a very sketchy scenario, one it turned out favorable or very fortunately. Often times - that 2 year period - what was that lady doing. For the most part - probably going around dating white dudes here and there (always at the expense of the Asian Guy). Asian Guys are usually treated as "leftovers" or "backup plans". More likely - not even considered at all (which was my case back in the day. Glad that things are improving or different now for the millenials. Sort of). In the end - I'm glad things have worked out. But in situations like that, it's usually a red flag and I'd leave with no questions asked. I avoided dating sites in my life - I've experienced the "no replies" scenarios. But I can handle it infinitely better now if it happens. Eddie Huang has a big head - but at least not in the shape of a Jello Mold like Bobby Lee's head haha. And what about that "Lymphodema Neck" Guy - at least he has a neck. Right, Bobby Lee? hahaha. As Freddy Krueger would say - "It's a boooyyyy!" haha. Congratulations to Tim Chantarangsu and Chia for their newborn. Friday, March 24, 2023 *Andrew Huang and his Weird Gear haha. I don't have any understanding in Music Production or Gear / Equipment, but Andrew Huang is certainly entertaining, extremely informative / knowledgeable. He's the Go-To Guy for this stuff. From Sung Kang's instagram, a picture of himself with a painting of the Truffle Shuffle from "The Goonies". Talk about completely unexpected haha. I think Sung Kang is showcasing "Shaky Shivers", his directorial debut: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Eccentricity is part of life. It's part of creative minds, and to some extent prodigies. However - it has to be relatable for me. Otherwise, not all types of eccentrics are appealing. Still - it is more preferable than what is considered "normal". Or eccentricity is becoming the new normal perhaps. Roll call: Andy Milonakis (The Andy Milonakis Show was the Go-To humor back in the day), Ricky Berwick and The Choe Show (creative / extraordinary artist in Choe). I can imagine Jeff Levine dancin' around to the "Everybody Wake Up, Wake Up - It's Time To Play" gospel revival-type music haha. Tuesday, March 21, 2023 Some social media tidbits / moments: Ming Chen getting an autographed "Jaws" movie poster from icon Richard Dreyfuss, and Andrew Yang with Ah-nold ("The Terminator" or "Turbo Man" haha). I haven't heard or seen Dreyfuss in years. There are a lot unsavory things about old hollywood, but then there are icons - this is what you want to pay attention to. Is Dreyfuss the last surviving member of the "Jaws" family (other than Spielberg)? Other notable films of his: "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" and "The Goodbye Girl". Monday, March 20, 2023 Nice shoutout to his cousin, pertaining to popular voice actor / anime and board game guru - Sungwon Cho aka Pro ZD (I get zero points from mis-spelling his name, but I'm too damn lazy to use capslock for the uppercase W haha. It's similar with my name but it's a Y). Since there is nothing new or nothing worthwhile notable these days, this is newsworthy and a few more below. The question of the year: is Joe Jitsukawa ever going to get a haircut. At this rate, he'll leave his hair as is - back in the day when tools were not even available or invented for hair-cutting haha. Neanderthal length I guess haha. Joe Jitsukawa and his GF make a cute couple for sure. Even more important, they seem to click and share similar interests for traveling and going anywhere. I hate traveling, since I have phobias for public transportations. I don't mind at all going to remote, isolated places however. Tim Chantarangsu's second child is almost due. We were talking at the park the other day with someone about kids. He was beaming / smiling broadly with three. Yet I struggle with just one. In the end, kids are a bundle of joy (despite the difficulties). Ke Huy Quan with 1 Million followers on Instagram - quite the jump from 250K or 300K just a month or two ago. If anything, his character or personality has been inspirational and how he carries himself; knowing full well that he'll most likely end up again back to where he was before his newfound fame. It is what it is, in an industry filled with miserable, terrible people. Which is one of the reasons I just look out for Asian-American films, shows, movies only. However, Ke was involved with three projects: "Loki" S2, "ABC", and "The Electric State". Saturday, March 18, 2023 The new Ghost Files Crew or GFC opened their Paranormal Investigations business last year. I really hope they do more, and it's not just a one time thing. They are funny, entertaining and actually believable. No over-the-top, extravagant "evidence" that all ghost shows create for the network or just for show. It's a tandem of a Believer and a Non-Believer in the paranormal or ghosts, and it makes for interesting rapport / banter between the two. Sort of like, the "Dual Survival" of Paranormal shows haha. I'll be watching what they have investigated. There are still tons of haunted locatons yet to be investigated: Myrtles Plantation, the Goldfield Hotel, Preston Castle among a few. Some notorious locations where the GAC crew filmed. Speaking of "Ghost Adventures", the show became boring or a joke after the 10th season (what was that - 15 years ago?). It's still airing, but they appear to have become "Exorcists" or something like that haha. The "evidences" have become more wild and something out of a bad horror movie. Apparently, it is still airing. Audiences are still entertained, and that's what networks are focused on more (not believability). This is why I just focus on Youtube content - where there are better produced and more entertaining content. Friday, March 17, 2023 * I just found Youtube channel "Watcher" - from Steven Lim's Twitter, via Simu Liu guest video appearance. It appears they're into Paranormal Investigations, and the "Ghost Files" appear much more believable and creepy than any paranormal "shows" on tv. More thoughts tomorrow. My favorite TigerBelly podcast episodes have to be with the recent Daniel Dae Kim as guest, and the D-Choe / Steven Yeun guest that literally made me subscribe to the channel. Sometimes, a podcast doesn't have to be all comedy or sketches. There can be serious topics as well. Daniel Dae Kim is the voice of reason and truth. He is (if not the most) one of the most articulate and intelligent human beings on this planet. He complements Bobby Lee well, and it is hilarious to see both sides clash haha. I have a bit both of Bobby Lee and DDK in me. When it comes to handling or responding to mistreatment and discrimination from being an Asian Guy, unfortunately - in the past, I've been in the mindset of Bobby Lee: revenge and humiliation essentially. I go about things calmly or calm, cool and collected (or try to - unless situations call for self-defense). These days however, or in recent years - I've been more apt to agree or in the mindset with DDK in this matter. To turn the other cheek, and give the benefit of the doubt sometimes. To look at things from different perspectives and POV's. While racists, trolls and the like might never do this, objective or like-minded individuals should. Jeremy Lin knows all too well of "Not Looking The Part" in completely being invisible / mistreated during his career. In fact - he was questioned several times by security when entering an arena for a game as if he were just a bystander. I'm happy that Simu Liu has been busy with films, shows, and even hosting events. We'll further see his dance skills put to the test in "Barbie" when it releases in Summer. Go watch it. However, Simu - you might have talents, but don't try Slam Poetry haha. Not everyone can sound like the Jello Pudding Guy. If Disney+ allowed renting shows instead of subbing, I'd rent "Loki" S2 and "ABC". Ke Huy Quan is definitely worth my money. Aside from Randall Park's "Shortcomings", check out Dustin Nguyen in "The Accidental Getaway Driver" whenever available. Thursday, March 16, 2023 There's a new trailer for "Beef", a Netflix / A24 collaboration starring Steven Yeun and Ali Wong. The subject matter of this dark satire / comedy is a bit sensitive, since it can happen to anyone. It's a satire on the dark realities of our society, and a testament to how not to act. You just need to visit Dashcam Lessons or any road incidents channel to see why. I might watch it just for the great performances of Steven Yeun and Ali Wong (her comedic shtick or comedic background however - it's difficult to look at her in any dramatic settings, we end up just laughing haha). Other notables: Randall Park's "Shortcomings" has been picked up by Sony Pictures. This is worth watching. Steven Yeun in "Thunderbolts" - this is also definitely to consider to watch (whenever available). In another life, the Jello Pudding Guy invented Slam Poetry. I guess that's why they all sound like that hahaha. Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Nobuyuki Tsujii is focused mainly on performing recitals and concerts, but I'm wondering if he'll ever return to composing ("Elegy" was an inspiring melody that rivals any classical composition. I'd learn and play his pieces in a heartbeat). Composing original music is what makes a musician standout (one that can be listened to or played over and over). Unfortunately, the modern era has been negligible - nothing worth remembering. Except - I can only think of classic songwriters, performers or the film composer - Billy Joel, Elton John, The Carpenters, John Williams (film score for Jaws and Star Wars), Joe Hisaishi (Studio Ghibli films / Orchestral or Symphonic Music). For Ke Huy Quan, he shined like the brightest of stars and is savoring the spotlight (after winning award after award, and deservedly so). But in this industry, it doesn't really last - especially if you're an Asian-American male actor. I believe a lot of hollywood (most of it at least) is still seething with racism and jealousy from Ke's victories. It is only exacerbated by the years and years of the racist / discriminating attitude towards Asians, so I don't think much is going to change. We Asians still have to create for ourselves. Here is a recent article or interview with Ke: New Article / Interview With Ke Huy Quan *Hey "Dudes Behind The Foods" - keep doing skits, or whenever you can. By the way - that reject they were talkin' about. It sounded like me back in the day, or a Bobby Lee haha. And final thought: The Jello Pudding Guy did invent slam poetry hahaha. Tuesday, March 14, 2023 I probably have to admit (even it's just a bit) that "Fast X" might be worth watching (it'll be a global blockbuster for sure - it's inevitable). Justin Lin's departure left a sour taste for me on the franchise, but still - who can turn their backs on the fast family after all this time. It looks dark, and going back to the street racing roots with more insane action it appears. If rumors are true that Han is going to collab with his enemy, then that would be a reason not to watch. Only way to find out. Script re-writes: that's the problem. It can improve a film or it can be a complete mess / disaster. It might be the latter. Who would've thought Andrew Huang would privatize a video. Meh - I prefer "Spacetime" as a playlist format anyway. Who has the attention span to watch 2 hours in one sitting - a Youtube video of all platforms haha. Well - one can watch it on their LCD TV's. Monday, March 13, 2023 We're all happy for the EEAAO team and especially, Ke Huy Quan for winning Oscars. It was well-deserved. Highlights from it: Ke Huy Quan and Harrison Ford re-uniting, and Ke's "Goonies Never Say Die" line at the Press Room interview. There isn't a bigger family than "The Goonies" crew. From Ke's take, they've been in contact over the years (despite everyone's busy schedules). "The Goonies 2" - make it happen! With that said, the classic music video "The Goonies R Good Enough": Sunday, March 12, 2023 I highly recommend Mikey Chen's "Strictly Dumpling" youtube channel - while I do not give a rat's ass about some of his sketchy travels, I prefer the local / domestic videos (unless it's in Asia). He's been doing this for years, and has been literally "eating his way to the good life with delicious goodness " haha. I love food - I guess I can relate. Making fun of / roasting has become a past time of mine haha. Nobody that I know personally, but just as a fan. All it means is that you are truly a fan, and you go out of your way to give that extra attention to the person haha. It goes without saying for sure - if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen as the saying goes. Or - if you can't take the roasting, then don't be a roaster. I'm an extremely sensitive Asian Guy - perhaps that's why I've been a reject / chump. No more excuses however. My new purposes in life - family, music, supporting the Asian-American empowerment / opportunities. Fan recordings of concerts or songs from concerts are always great to find . But most of them are shaky and blurry. Occasionally - there'll be a really nice, steady one. Saturday, March 11, 2023 Andrew Huang's "A Spacetime Odyssey" - the fact that there were some who actually believed Andrew Huang went into space, is a testament to the blockbuster quality of his work (and even better in effects than a lot of crap out there). I loved it. It was very creative - to also highlight his music. According to the VGP, yesterday was Mario Day! Mar10 - how clever haha. Three Billy Joel songs that are no longer performed or are not performed that I enjoy: All About Soul, This Is The Time, and Honesty. "Life isn't fair - it's gonna get dark, it's gonna get cold. You gotta get tough, but that ain't enough - it's all about soul" - pertinent lyrics. I'll probably create a new Youtube playlist called: "Are You 'Kiddin' Me? - The Jk News Favorites" haha. Friday, March 10, 2023 Bobby Lee admitted again that he was a Dwarf haha. Or looked like a Dwarf. On a recent podcast episode. Go back several episodes, and he'll talk about being disproportionate. That was the highlight of the podcast episode - and I agree that without having any guests can be more interesting sometimes. I guess that depends if you even know the person or not. Most of the time, I have no idea. Content creators - I can imagine how difficult it can get in sustaining content creation regularly or consistently. The act of sustaining / maintaining can be difficult, so it requires a lot of dedication and effort. As well as coming up with fresh, new ideas - which I haven't seen that much out there. If you have the audience and earn enough, that's motivation right there. With that said, some content creators can go in a completely different direction from what a subscriber is used to. If the new stuff or content is not your thing, it's better to unsub (but still stick around, in case there could be 1 or 2 videos that might actually be relevant or interesting within a year or so). Thursday, March 09, 2023 DFC - 11 Herbs and Spices. Right, Nick The Ear? hahaha. Move over, KFC and Popeyes haha. Making fun of Bobby Lee, is almost like making fun of myself - simply because we are similar (except that I'm not fat and stubby, nor look like Stavros). The common base we have - ADHD / OCD, child-like giddiness, and being a reject. *One thing I've further learned from Steebee Weebee's new podcast with Fancy B - Bobby Lee gets jealous from an Asian Guy's successes, or if the person surpasses Bobby. Well - there might be other Youtube personalities who are similar like this unfortunately. Simu Liu is an actor who has been a target or a victim from this. Well - I might support or be a fan of a lot of them, but certainly I'll never agree with them. Otherwise - it's not a problem for me to find new personalities to support. The bottom line - I only focus on the reasons on why I'm a fan of somebody in the first place, and nothing else. Wednesday, March 08, 2023 What a singing pair indeed haha. I don't watch soap operas but perhaps General Hospital clips of the besties on the show. The New "Bratt Pack" (Brad + Britt = Bratt? That makes more sense than the E=MC^2 nonsense *sarcasm haha) should go on a singing tour together. Fans don't seem to get enough of Parry and Kelly - sounds like talk show hosts. MacTalk seems to be the focus these days for C-Mac, especially talkin' about beefs and callouts haha. I hope he gets back to some more Mac Eats. The recent "Quantum Leap" episode had that "Crimson Tide" intensity. And Brandon Routh - he still looks and sounds like Christopher Reeve haha. Monday, March 06, 2023 Raymond Lee has some dance moves haha - celebrating the Quarter Pounder's 50th apparently. I don't have any idea what that's about - or whether his instragram clip is an old one or not. How about them "Square's The Beef" hahaha. I think Tim Chantarangsu should upload or send that Amazon driver's hitting his car video clip to Dashcam Lessons haha. I wanted to make sure Schubert's Impromptu No. 2 was played with more energy and a bit more emotion, and making sure certain notes are clearly heard / clean. I couldn't do it before. I wanted to slow down certain melodic sections for more emphasis, but I think that ruined the pacing and flow. So I readjusted. No. 3 is the romantic impromptu, very nocturne / fantasy-like. It's a popular piece. I'm most looking forward to No. 1 - it is not as known, but very dynamic. No. 4 - already practiced this before, so just need to continue practicing to my liking. Sunday, March 05, 2023 *Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon - what a duo. To any newbies to the Guitar or music production in general, watch their videos - their collaborations are also hilarious. Andrew Huang's sarcastic wit is just my type. I'll post a pic or image of Andrew's sort-of blank stare / look when Rob was describing how to do something on the guitar haha. If you're bored, here is an Epic Mime Fight video years ago from the Youtube famous Ryan Higa: Epic Mime Fight (I don't think he eats escargot regularly yet, but he does have authentic face makeup and beret haha. How about a baguette with that as a weapon). The cast and crew of "EEAAO" know it all too well, that it's everybody from the production team, effects crew to the directors that contributed to the success and quality of the film. As a result - I look out for interviews or articles on such folks. The Daniels - for one. Their friendship is a rarity these days, and it is never tiring to hear their story - about how they first hated each other haha. Perhaps it's better that way. As opposed to the reverse - when you think that you get along with somebody at first, and years later - you realize there is absolutely nothing in common with that person. Everyone is different (and racist for the most part), and have different preferences / tastes. Again - if I could leap back in time to myself, I'd just stick to focusing on Music or finding what my passion is. Jay Chou's "Greatest Works Of Art" album could be his "Greatest" album yet. However - I have not gotten to listening to all of them yet. Sungwon Cho is certainly not a cereal person. But perhaps if he tried some General Mills cereal (where the sugary goodness are haha), perhaps he'd give better grades haha. Kelloggs doesn't really have tasty cereals, just the Raisin Bran-type crap haha. I hate raisins. Saturday, March 04, 2023 New career paths: Simu Liu as a Singer / Musician, and Ming Chen as a new Stand-Up Comedian haha. I think AJ Rafael can definitely vouch for Simu in terms of his vocals - although he sounds or reminds me of Andrew Garcia a bit. Add a bit more vibretto, and there ya go. Ming Chen - keep tellin' them short jokes. We can all sympathize, I'm sure in particular Ricky Berwick hahaha. Friday, March 03, 2023 I've been blogging everyday, or so it appears. Not about myself - but thoughts or observations on the social media personalities or content creators I follow (mostly Asian- American / Asian). That's been the new purpose - and I'm damn fine with that haha. I don't think the John Cena "You Can't See Me" schtick ever gets old. That's what he's known for, and why not. Sometimes, you learn about others from their social media. Case in point, Sung Kang's previous interest was in the art of Miming (before becoming an actor). "Acting For Action"? More like "Miming For Action" haha. Before "Tokyo Drift", "Better Luck Tomorrow" - I would have definitely believed that Sung Kang would have gone into full-time Miming, replete with face makeup and beret. Before you know it, he'll be eating escargot instead of snacking on munchies haha. The beauty of Music is in its expression. Like all Art forms, it is a form of communication and expression. The environment or surroundings can play an important part - depending on the piece. Chopin is great for that. I'm not familiar with the Mazurkas. Considering Lang Lang has performed most of Chopin's repertoire (Scherzi, Ballades, some Polonaises, Waltzes, Etudes, Concertos, Sonatas, etc.), it is not surprising that the Mazurkas are next in line. As for me - I'm just focusing on all four of Schubert's Impromptus Op. 90. Now that's my "Fantastic Four" of pieces hahaha. Thursday, March 02, 2023 Here's some food for thought - can you consider yourself a Gamer if you only play 1 or 2 games. For me - it's been only Doom (here and there), and WoW (mainly). I never got into another game. However - there are entertaining ones just fun to watch over and over (from other gamer's videos), such as the new Nintendo Wii's "Punch-Out" haha. That is nostalgic. I think a gamer can play the classic Super Mario Bros. over and over, probably now on your mobile. Judgment: I don't qualify. Perhaps a WoW'er is more suitable haha. *Lawrence Kao update: the season finale of "Walker: Independence" - keep watching. As well as the second half of the new "Quantum Leap". To avoid crappy ads (or for on-demand to minimize the amount to only 1 ad repetitively), I might have to wait a few weeks after a new episode has aired. *Also - Simu Liu / Awkwafina to star opposite John Cena in "Grand Death Lotto". I am going to find out more about it. Wednesday , March 01, 2023 *I almost forgot that Paul S.H. Lee (from Kim's Convenience fame) is part of the "Avatar: The Last Airbender" cast. Anyway - watch "The Mandalorian" S3 if you are subbed to the channel. In relevant news - Simu Liu's home ceiling was leaking (from downpours), so the world is ending haha. Joking aside, are homes in that state prone to leakage - as I guess they are more use to droughts. Other tidbits - was he actually a Pro Gamer, albeit briefly. An Accountant (no idea what he was talkin' about when giving accounting advice on his social media), Pro Gamer, and a Celebrity Actor. Now that's a resume. Here's the deal. If you are going to let someone borrow something from you, make sure that you "supervise" that person (be around them) and never let someone borrow from you for more than a few hours. Because once an item leaves, it'll never come back haha. I never allow borrowing to anyone (unless it's a quickie and I'm around), and I never do favors (unless I feel like it). Monday, February 27, 2023 I'm glad to hear that "Everything Everywhere All At Once" did well at the SAG Awards, and as a lot have acknowledged - deservedly so. The film is a One-Of-A-Kind, unique film - bold and daring with messages anyone can relate to (if so inclined that is haha. Or you can just be in denial for the rest of your life). I don't think Ke Huy Quan's selfies with finger pointing can ever get tiresome - that's just his way. He likes to acknowledge the person he's taking a selfie with - whether or not you like or hate the person. Ke's speeches are always going to be genuine and heartfelt. Whereas others - it's just trying to impress the audience for their own sake (if that ever works anymore). "The Goonies R Good Enough"? Ke Huy Quan is more than good enough. I'm looking forward to whatever new MCU projects Simu Liu is going to be involved with. I hope we hear something soon. I'm not sure if or when rumors or news on "Shang-Chi 2" is going to be available, and I'll always be on the lookout. Steven Yeun joining the "Thunderbolts". Don't know anything about this, but might be worth looking into for sure. Also - Steven Yeun in "Beef" on Netflix in April. I hope there's a trailer soon. Sunday, February 26, 2023 Nobuyuki Tsujii - I hope he continues to upload new pieces or performance videos. Or a new composition to learn / play. Music is a remedy and escapism for all the crap going on in society. The Trifecta Of Performers - Lang Lang, Nobuyuki Tsujii and the VGP (he apparently appears to be focused on a new career). We all need a break from comedy - sometimes, serious discussions are necessary. But for sure - laughter is the best medicine (other than music or the arts, whatever your preference is). So just laugh. I might watch more of Tim Chantarangsu's vlogs - behind the scenes with Chia and Veyda. Funny stuff sometimes. Also - with a new crew in place (tolerable at least) for JK News, might watch a bit more as well. *Mac Talks - Sorry, I think I'll stick with Mac Eats. There might be some hilarious or entertaining Mac Talks episodes once in awhile. I have to admit - I'd probably fail the trivia haha. I had to think for a bit for some of the questions, I guess my brain is kinda mush or has been these days. Saturday, February 25, 2023 With the lack of interesting podcasts these days (especially the lack of any interesting guests - better off without one), I've come across JK News. Back in the day when JK main channel was uploading skits and such (and even JK Party), they were the Go-To channel for entertainment and all things Asian-American. Besides Ryan Higa - before he became a full-time Video Game streamer. I've heard about JK News, but completely stayed away from them due to the sketchy nature of the news that never had any relevance to me. At this point, I'm only interested in shorts. Short clips. Simply because a full-length discussion or podcast usually never has topics or subject matters that can sustain my interest. Roll call (what I clicked on): Bart Kwan's Farting techniques haha, JK News Steve's molestation story haha (must be a brother from another mother with Doc Willis haha) - Jerry Sundusky-Style (whoever the fuck that is, but just sounds funny), JKNews Steve's jackin' off theories / stories haha, and the Worst Asian Stereotypes. There are memorizing techniques in music. For some like myself, it takes more time to memorize a piece. Since music is just a hobby or a passion activity, I don't feel the need to as long as page-turning does not fully interrupt the flow of a piece (or I don't stop). In general, I have to rely on feeling the music. Or knowing the melody fully. That definitely helps. Notes come naturally afterwards. Jeremy Lin vs. Joseph Lin. Now that's the showcase of the century haha. Other than Jeremy Lin vs. Kobe Bryant back in the day. You have to separate Real Americans from the Racist Americans (it is now an official category). Unfortunately, there are plenty of them. Kudos to Daniel Dae Kim, TAAFORG, Ted Lieu and Andy Kim for continuing to speak out and fighting the fight. Friday, February 24, 2023 Nobuyuki Tsujii doesn't upload performances or concerts - usually, a movement or two from a concert / performance. Or an original composition from another composer, or a composition of his own. Uploads are not frequent. When they are, I'm always there listening and watching. It's the same as any concert pianists such as Lang Lang - concerts or performances are not uploaded nor available anywhere. Unless it is recorded by an audience member or a fan - and is uploaded from there. Speaking of repertoire, I heard a Grieg Concerto is part of LL's new concert tour. Not familar with the composer, except the famous A Minor Concerto. I've had practically the most fun with practicing or playing Mendelssohn's Rondo Cappricioso. On paper, it might look and sound ordinary. But if you get into a piece or approach it differently, it can make a world of difference. I also had fun with W.A. Mozart's K. 284 and K. 332 pieces. You can literally move your body or dance to almost. Thursday, February 23, 2023 It's been uneventful the past month or so - nothing much going on at all. I used to listen to new podcasts frequently (certain channels), but not much anymore. Except the same ones over and over - because they're too funny. Roll call: "Doc Willis & The Lollipop Kids / Dentist Fucked Up His TooF", "Bobby Lee' & The Jackson Five-And-A-Half" - Bad Friends. "Bobby Lee Has A Big-Ass Mole On His Neck", "Bobby Lee & Stavros Look The Same - The Hairy Mole", etc. Hahaha. My To-Watch list of films / shows (aside from currently watching the new "Quantum Leap", which is on a break): Randall Park, "Shortcomings" Dustin Nguyen, "The Accidental Getaway Driver" Quan / Yeoh / Hsu, "ABC" (abbreviated - for any who are subbed to Disney+) Rich Brian, Justin Chon's "Jamojaya" John Cho, "They Listen" (John Cho was in a horror film before - never found what platform it was availble to watch). That is all. For now - I'm always on a lookout for any interesting Asian-American projects. Eventually, I'll get to the ultimate fantasy piece - Mendelssohn's Rondo Capprioso. All pieces lead to this. Remember: "Music does not discriminate nor hate. Only miserable people do". And there are plenty of miserable ones around the world. Wednesday, February 22, 2023 *The Video Game Pianist's live streams are much less frequent now. From what I've learned or gathered so far, he's been busy as a Marathoner and other endeavors. He's certainly in-shape for sure. With that said - there are plenty of videos on his channel to listen / watch, or re-listen that I haven't gotten to. Tweet Of The Day (from Music Production Guru Andrew Huang): "A lot of people want a music career but don't want to treat any part of it like a job". This makes sense - Music or any of the Arts, should be enjoyable. The second you treat it as a job, it becomes like a chore. If I could step into a Quantum Leap Accelerator and leaped into myself in the distant past, I'd skip any waste-of-time trips anywhere and just focus or finding what my passion was (or identity). Too often, we act or pretend to be somebody we are not just for conformity's sake or to gain popularity. It never works. Just be yourself. Having both passion and a fulfilling career in Music or the Arts is the best-case scenario. That just takes a lot of hard work, dedication and a "never give up" attitude. You'd have to be willing to go through rejection after rejection (which I couldn't do). Of course - having luck on your side is part of the process. We were spared weather-wise, but winter is not over yet. Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Nobuyuki Tsujii's Beethoven is quite extraordinary. I definitely recommend watching some of his performances or videos. Var. 13 of the J.S. Bach's Goldberg Variations is my favorite. For me - Var. 20, 25 and 26 are the most difficult. It would take more studying / practicing to get them performance ready. Monday, February 20, 2023 Another severe weather week - wind, snow (hopefully minimal), and the cold. We already had a bunch of them in December, and now late Winter. Utility crews better be prepared or ready. A sage usually thinks - don't worry about it until it actually happens. While this only helps in keeping your mind sane / at ease (not panicking), you definitely have to think about it somewhat to prepare in advance. It appears extreme weather is normalizing as every year passes. At this rate, the world might end sooner than you think if we continue to disregard important issues such as climate change, gun violence, etc. As opposed to what society is mostly focused / obsessed with: bickering, useless politicians. Self-absorbed, useless actors in hollywood. And other trivial, meaningless things in life such as social media banter or fights haha. It is inspiring to find out that there are musical talents out there who are disabled. This proves that music is innate or internal - you can still evoke emotion or play any piece despite a disability or handicap. Music comes within - nobody can take that away. It is my escapism / therapy. Sunday, February 19, 2023 It's been awhile since I watched a Wong Fu Productions video or a skit - there hasn't been a lot of uploads recently. But with nothing much to look forward to elsewhere, I had to re-visit them. Well - hopefully, they'll continue to upload. Unfortunately, their podcast never really was of interest - topic or subject matters are important to me, and it was shit I did not give a rat's ass about. It's very similar to many who "attempt" at podcasts. A lot of, "I Don't Give A Shit - It's All Yours" type of deal haha. Should Jay Chou focus on becoming a full-time Magician or Illusionist, or continue to work on his career as a pop Singer / Star? He's both for sure (he has some nice music videos), but I heard about the controversy in Singapore about a lackluster concert. Probably just some random hater or so. Shrug it off, and move on. Fans are going to always out-number and out-weigh any of them. Nevertheless, a throwback as a tribute. Jay Chou's "J-Style Trip". My favorites - Jay Chou and the crew's visit to the Mozart museum, and the episode with Lang Lang at his School or Institute Of Music Education in Shenzen (I think). Is "Quantum Leap" on a break? No new episodes after 12. Roll call - My favorites (don't know the titles): The Exorcism episode, The Time Loop episode, The Medical Student Episode, The Trans Episode. Saturday, February 18, 2023 The recent time loop episode of "Quantum Leap" was a fun one. Watching Bob Picardo - I kept thinking about or hearing the voice of the Doctor on Voyager haha. When he slipped on spilled soda and fell, I laughed my ass off. Seriously - the Doctor had one too many comic relief episodes on Voyager. Otherwise - it was somewhat an intense episode. Sungwon Cho is in a movie - nice. Not sure if I'll be able to watch it, but who knows. I don't think it's a major role - it could be just a few scenes or so I'm guessing. I don't think it matters - he's a voice actor first and foremost. But anyway - I love cereal. If you're not going to eat it all, I'll take care of the job haha. So I'll be re-focusing on Liszt pieces. Friday, February 17, 2023 *To All Fathers Out There - take note. Tim Chantarangsu's "Love Twice" has lyrics you can actually learn from haha. I'll have to save that track to my playlist. I vote Tim Chantarangsu and Aaron Takahashi as Fathers Of The Year. I should learn from them as well. So far - the Exorcism episode in the new Quantum Leap is my favorite. But all of them have been entertaining, fun and humorous. There were some relatable elements in terms of themes. I think the Simu Liu couple and Jimmy O. Yang couple look the cutest together, and so far have great chemistry from what I've seen so far. Congratulations to them. I stay out of love triangle scenarios. I hate them even in K-Dramas (even though I stopped watching them for now). Fortunately, I never had to be in one (since I've always been shut out, similar to Bobby Lee - in Bobby's case, he probably looks like he has an Ass for a Face haha, a fat one at that). But if it were up to me, I would end up just giving up the girl instead of competing. Because it doesn't help at all. In the end - just let the girl decide. Liszt's Romance is another piece. I've already practiced all these pieces, but I was never really comfortable nor played them at tempo. Until now. There's a world of difference when you hear a piece at tempo - the interpretation or expression of it can be boundless. Thursday, February 16, 2023 This is the type of update I've been looking forward to - update on Simu Liu and his films. In this case, "One True Loves". Could we anticipate a teaser trailer or an official trailer? *Update - trailers are already out there (more thoughts at another time - but in this case, it appears that the protagonist lady might go with the original hubby. Sorry, Simu - but at least you were one of the leads haha). Also - I think most of us are also waiting for more information / images / trailers for "Barbie". I'm also glad to hear that Dustin Nguyen is involved on a new project, as announced on his social media. I hope his current film, "The Accidental Getaway Driver" continues to gain momentum and steam. So Mayor Eric Adams, or whatever your name is. You definitely are the second coming of L.v. Beethoven haha. Hahahaha. Well, we all had a good belly laugh. Please - teach me the ways of playing the first measure of Fur Elise haha. I haven't forgotten about Mendelssohn's Rondo Cappricioso. I might need a few more practices, but I've been inspired by other pieces. Sometimes - it just happens. I consider Rondo Capprioso one of the ultimate fantasy pieces. I'm trying to play it as if the listener can visualize a play or a fantasy play. The possibilities of music - that's the power of it. Wednesday, February 15, 2023 It's been awhile since Joe Jitsukawa updated or uploaded a vlog. I've always enjoyed his road trip adventures (as random or insane as some of them might appear haha). They've been busy with their new business - I think it'll thrive. But know this - starting your own business, or a new business takes a lot of hard work, dedication and "not giving up" attitude. Nothing can be half-assed, otherwise - don't even think about it. If the Quantum Leap Accelerator was real (and a person can leap into another life in the past), could the leaper also leap into themselves at some point? Hell - I would probably would want to leap into myself in the past (to avoid / not going to certain places, and focus on music). I might be working on Consolation No. 5 - it has a child-like innocence to the melody, sort of like Schumann's "Kinderszenen". It's still a consolation type piece however. Tuesday, February 14, 2023 Superstar musicians Lang Lang and Billy Joel with concerts tonight - what a coincidence haha. Enjoy Valentine's Day! I'm enjoying the new Quantum Leap so far - definitely adheres to the original as a sequel, with adding elements of their own (as any contemporary or modern show would do). I've never seen Ke Huy Quan as ecstatic as when meeting Tom Cruise. Everyone at the luncheon was meeting with Tom Cruise. Although I have no interest in any modern day movies of his, he's still an '80's icon. Go watch "Rain Man" and "The Color of Money". Perhaps I'll check out the new "Top Gun" (not a fan of the original though). You just have to deal with stubborn, inflexible personalities - learn to deal with them, especially if they're an employee or co-worker. Sometimes - that's just their personality. But D-So is correct in his recent podcast - Customer Service is just as important (and even more important than the product itself sometimes) in a business. Monday, February 13, 2023 I think I've become a new fan of Raymond Lee. I'm certainly on the lookout for any new Asian-American personalities or actors. He's probably been in the industry for awhile. I heard he was in the new Top Gun sequel, but I'm not sure if his character was just a minor role or not. I'm not sure if it warrants watching it. Certainly, I plan to watch the new "Quantum Leap" when there is time (or catch up on it). And hopefully news on S2. With that said - "On 09/12/22, Dr. Ben Song stepped into the Quantum Leap Accelerator, and vanished". Sunday, February 12, 2023 *I favorited / bookmarked the new Quantum Leap S1 episodes from NBC. How did I forget that this premiered last September. I think a lot of things were happening at that time. Unfortunately, I'll have to suffer through ads / commercials as mandated by these sites. Sungwon Cho is your guy when it comes to sponsoring or advertising your game or just brand advertisement. He's not only a voice actor extraordinaire, he comes with a full set of sarcastic tones that can mock the shit out of your product hahaha. Listen - you can just tell from a mile away if someone or somebody is being insincere or pretending / acting as if they have knowledge - especially when it comes to languages. Hell - you can randomly google a phrase and act as if you knew what it meant. e.g. "Ella Esta Gorda" Your acting translation: "Wow, You're On A Diet" haha. Everything is clickbait these days - just don't. Why were fans LMAO'ing at D-So's first Twitch experience? I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the channel thumbnail - probably the "I Hate Diets" vlog thumbnail would've been even funnier haha. Saturday, February 11, 2023 Nobuyuki Tsujii is one of the rare, exceptional pianists that transcends just performing or playing. I think any bozo can read notes, or play. But Nobuyuki Tsujii was born blind, and had that innate ability to create / communicate through Music. Beethoven became deaf - but still composed masterfully. I think I would almost put Nobu on a similar pedestal, but he would definitely say otherwise. Some more "how not to act" in public notables:
Friday, February 10, 2023 It appears that Zander resembles his father pretty well. The Daniel Dae Kim / Zander Kim duo might be formidable for any future projects. Already - they have starred in a Lexus commercial / advertisement. Of course - way too expensive for ordinary folks like myself haha. I stick with reliable Hondas - otherwise, I'd gladly tell any haters just where to stick it. The Video Game Pianist must be very busy - when there aren't any uploads or live streams in a few months. If I were to re-learn Liszt's "Liebestraum", I'd have to re-focus and play / learn it more carefully. Tenderly. And of course - evenly. Any pianist would know that Liszt is one of the most technically difficult composers. Playing pieces evenly and at tempo is not easy. Which is why paying attention, reading well, and concentration is important. Thursday, February 09, 2023 Congratulations to Henry Cho - he's about to join Grand Ole Opry (country music / comedy's equivalent of Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center I guess). I'm all for clean comedy - however, not all clean jokes are that funny. It depends if it's relatable. But you should always place your bet on Henry Cho when it comes to it however. My only exception to non-clean comedy is Ricky Berwick, the Dudes Behind The Foods, and somewhat Bobby Lee (he can go a bit overboard - unless he's completely roasting himself or Doc Willis, or even Stavros haha. Gotta love them stubby, fat humor). Beware of A.I. taking over voice acting. I think Sungwon Cho literally summed it up well. A machine can't emote - emotions can't be authentically replicated, nor can it create expression. They can only "replicate". This is a problem with a lot of musicians who play like machines. Sometimes, I'm as emotionless or apathetic as The Terminator. Music has that healing property that can unlock hidden emotions. Valentine's Classical Piece Of The Day: Liszt, "Liebestraum". This piece is well-known, or over-played. So not inclined to play it at all. However - I never learned this piece in a more gentle or tender way (it is Nocturne-like). Or a Chopin Nocturne. Classic Comedians: Robin Williams (Dead Poet's Society, Mrs. Doubtfire. Perhaps "the Mozart of Comedy"). Norm MAC-Donald (dry-ass humor / voice on weekend update SNL, and that comedy movie you can make fun of over and over about him working as a chaffeur or some menial job "What the hell is that movie called"). Didn't you forget to add Slapstick Benny Hill as honorable mention haha. Wednesday, February 08, 2023 I'm glad to hear that Daniel Dae Kim is going to star in a new thriller called "Butterfly". It's been awhile since I last heard anything - I think Daniel Dae Kim has been busy with the Sundance AAPI House project, and with other projects / support for Asian-Americans. John Cho as well - he might be busy with preparing for a new horror film he'll be in. Between Amazon and Netflix, which has been more diverse? I have to give the edge to Amazon for now (Netflix has been slacking a bit - but I'm looking forward to Steven Yeun / Ali Wong in "Beef"). What has Sung Kang been up to - I think he's only involved in car projects and advertisements. Might be retired from acting. Films to look out for: Randall Park's "Shortcomings", Dustin Nguyen in "The Accidental Getaway Driver", Rich Brian in "Jamojaya". That is all. It's been slim-pickins so far haha. Tuesday, February 07, 2023 K.310 Presto is already on my mind for the new upload (or Chopin's Etude Op.10 No. 6). It'll take more practicing - what makes this tricky are the distances or leaps in almost every phrase / passage on both hands. At a Presto tempo. More thoughts on K.311 on my classical piano blog (only the first movement uploaded). My opinion or belief is that music should be played with a purpose or with inspiration. Otherwise - it doesn't have much meaning. For me - it's an outlet for emotional expression. Otherwise, there would be no meaning to play. I don't do it for validation or acknowledgement. I do have issues if others try to seek them intentionally (practically every competitors or competitive musician essentially haha). But I have to be understanding, in the sense that they're doing that for their own self-esteem. For me - to erase the heartaches of the past, and a life that no longer exists. I never received any encouragement nor acknowledgement when it came to the piano when I was young - which led me to quit at an early age. Practicing became a chore for me at that time. My advice or Joyoung Tutorial Tip / Advice Of The Day (as part of my lesson plan) - play with a purpose, play with meaning, and make sure that you want to play (not for any kind of seeking acknowledgement type). Also - pursue what you enjoy most (regardless it might be far-fetched). Heck of a lot better than listening to most parents ("be a doctor", "be this or be that" crap / garbage). Sunday, February 05, 2023 Is Maestro Lang Lang up for a Grammy this year. It doesn't appear so. However - he was nominated multiple times in the past, so it no longer matters. He's already accomplished a heck of a lot. Well - I prefer Weird Al's "Tacky" than the original haha. Because the originals are more 'tacky' and lame than the actual spoofs themselves. For sure - as much as Lang Lang has a lot of passionate fans, he also has his share of low-life trolls / haters. I watched a bit of the Lunar New Year's parade, but didn't get a glimpse of Rich Ting as the Grand Marshal (had to leave). But I guess he probably arrived at the end or near the end. Music For The Soul (to listen to over and over) : W.A. Mozart's Piano Concerto's 20, 23 and 24. Saturday, February 04, 2023 Simu Liu has an alternative career - as a life advice / therapist, an accounting advisor / tutor (for sure - more clear / better explained than most profs or teeches. C'mon - you don't have to say too much to get to the point or to make sense). Simu definitely still knows his stuff - although accounting is a subject that would put me to sleep in a heartbeat however haha. K. 311 is the next upload. After that - some Chopin. It's cool to hear that Rich Ting is the Grand Marshal for the New Year's parade. I haven't heard about any further projects from him, but good luck as usual - I'm sure he'll land some roles or become involved in some projects. Friday, February 03, 2023 Apparently, I do not know the Chopin Etudes that well. It's Op. 10 No. 5, No. 6 and Op. 25 No. 2 that I'm thinking about (for recording / uploading). A lot of the Etudes are just pure technical studies - it helps with improving or conditioning your hands / fingers, but some just don't elicit or evoke inspiration or enjoyment (but they do have different personalities or character). They are just like keyboard exercises. These studies are mostly about control and technique. However - some of them definitely elicit expessive emotions: "tristesse", "winter wind", "aeolian harp", "revolulationary" (the sub-titled ones). Sometimes, the more expressive / less technical pieces are more difficult to play than purely technical ones. More thoughts at another time. Who else hasn't yet taken down their Christmas decor or tree yet. Hahaha. Am I lazy or am I lazy. I don't know how much mental health or emotional stability is real or acted. But they need to be taken seriously. It's better to err on the side of caution. Whatever you do - don't piss off Bart Kwan after an unfulfilling workout however haha. I would have thought he'd be devouring donuts or cupcakes - afterall, didn't he want a cupcake tattoo? haha. Thursday, February 02, 2023 Chopin Etude No. 6 - I forgot about this one. It has J.S. Bach's Variation 25 atmosphere to it - eerie, enigmatic or mysterious. Probably a tinge of tragedy and melancholy too. I might consider this one. And the Etude after the Revolutionary. I think it's about time to return to Chopin at some point. Wednesday, February 01, 2023 Isn't Bart Kwan quite the actor or comedian, or is he just "That Annoying Guy" for realz haha. Either way - how many times have we seen / observed "Annoying Guys" or "Annoying Persons" whom feel the need to shout out their accomplishments or achievements, as if they need validation. Probably more so at the gym haha - "450 folks, 450 - hi guysh. I'm benching 450" hahaha. For a second, I thought the tribute to Candy from Andrew Phung's twitter might have either been the HFC's long-lost twin, or a distant cousin. Either way - they both look like they weigh the same. Chopin's Etude No. 2 is a study in chromatics, using the last 3 fingers or the 3 / 4 / 5 fingers (middle, ring and pinkie) for the fingering on the runs (with the supporting harmony or bass with the others). The ring and pinkie are considered the weakest fingers. For me - not enough conditioning or strengthening (and having short, thin ones don't help at all). But as they say - any piece is possible to learn and play as long as you put in the work or practice, with sound practice habits. No intention of learning this piece, other than working on the chromatics fingering only (just for conditioning / practice purposes). For me - the thumb, index and middle fingers are used for chromatics (I'm sure for most pianists as well). Sunday, January 29, 2023 The title of Maestro would be befitting to pianist sensation Nobuyuki Tsujii. He began a concert tour here in the US - with a stop at Carnegie Hall. The recital program is quite impressive - it is on par with Maestro Lang Lang's recital program (an extensive list of classical pieces - a lot of which I never heard of). I think any concert pianist would need to be able to learn, play and memorize a list of pieces (not just a few) - such is life. To think a lot of us are very far behind in terms of repertoire - but that is not our life (as we play / share as a personal activity / enjoyment). Nobuyuki Tsujii is also a composer. He had a concert up here in WA recently (in the city), just an hour or so away from where I live, performing the Rach 2. Good luck on his concert tour, and his prosperous career for the future. Stavros and Bobby Lee must be long-lost twins - they have the same body type, except that Stavros is a bit fatter / stubbier and looks more like Ron Jeremy's long lost cousin haha. Also - I think Bobby was referring to Stavros' hairy Mole actually hahaha. Saturday, January 28, 2023 What a music video - Rich Brian's "Sundance Freestyle". Rich Brian is at his best when his beats flow like this - not all of his music are my type (the R & B type "slow ass shit" haha). But more of an "Edamame" or "Dat Stick". Also - add "Jamojaya" to my Must-Watch list. I hope "The Accidental Getaway Driver" continues to make noise at Sundance. Friday, January 27, 2023 I'll visit Aaron Takahashi's social media for the Sherilyn updates. I'm glad to hear Sherilyn is doing well - one of the cutest babies ever. Aaron's commercial stints have not been worthwhile to watch - if you can even catch Aaron in the 1 Second that he's in most of them. A damn shame. Roll Call For My "Must Watch If Possible" List (other than Ke Huy Quan's new projects):
Thursday, January 26, 2023 Chopin's "Tristesse" Etude is a beautiful one - tricky and technical for sure. All of Chopin's Etudes are quite a workout for the fingers - thus, exercises that can pass off as perfoming pieces. Not all beautiful pieces inspire. A piece that truly inspires is one that can be played or listened to over and over. Without tiring or for forever, at any point. Not necessarily in one sitting. There are many pieces that are deemed "beautiful", but don't elicit that kind of inspiration ("Just Playing It Only A Few Time Or Listening To Few Times And That's It" kind of deal). A piece also has to have moving, beautiful rhythmns / beats, dynamics for me. Ke Huy Quan also appeared in "Finding Ohana" (he only has a cameo so no interest in that). He'll also be in "The Electric State", "ABC" (abbreviated), and "Loki" S2 - add them to my watch list. The new "Dudes Behind The Foods" podcast thumbnail pic - hilarious. Tim Chantarangsu has that devious smile, dangling his baby daughter with one hand. Yet his baby daughter's chubby legs are longer than his head haha. That is so wrong haha. Well - the picture doesn't paint the real picture - as the situation is completely something else (saving her life or something to that effect). It's a hilarious episode - talkin' about ADHD (yeah - I too, forget things only after a minute or so haha) and more accents "mate"! Having an indoor fire pit is a fire hazard - doesn't matter if it is a portable one. Hell - candles might be also. But candles are used everywhere - for fine dining, holidays, and even outages. I guess the HFC was too hungry ("More" for "S'Mores" haha) to even notice. Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Sometimes, you have to take a break from podcasts that are just comedy-centered. Serious discussions are also worthwhile. Just because you're a fan or a subscriber to a channel, you do not have to like everything. Most of the time, I completely avoid / stay away from topics or podcasts that have no interests to me. But then - there might be 1 or 2 after a few months that'll pique my interest. Does that still warrant being subscribed? I guess haha. Would the truckstop powerbomb be a counter-move to a double leg takedown attempt? haha. Not if the opponent / enemy is a 500 lbs. fat sloth. Not only the person's body weight, but a thing called "gravity". No wonder the industry is just scripted entertainment - except the acting is completely laughable (fortunately, wrasstlers are not in the acting business. Put it this way - Pauly Shore would win an award compared to them). For every successful or up-and-coming Asian-American personalities / actors, having racists / trolls is inevitable. You just don't acknowledge them as if they don't exist. Let them continue to live a miserable life that they have. Just being more happy, at peace and successful is enough. C'mon, Barbell Brigade - "That Annoying Guy, Part 5". Coming soon? haha. Tuesday, January 24, 2023 Joe Hisaishi is a phenomenal composer. He is well-known for his compositions for Miyazaki / Studio Ghibli films. However - what most might not be familiar with, is his other works / compositions. Symphonic / Orchestral compositions (contemporary), and other piano solo pieces. I was inspired by one of them (it had such a tragic / melancholy sound to it), that I had to play it. More thoughts on the Piano Blog at another time. Congratulations to the "Everything Everywhere All At Once" team for their Oscar nominations! It was inevitable. Other than literally sweeping Awards season, the entire ensemble did a stellar job. *Note this: The Academy might have been heavily bribed or blackmailed if Ke doesn't win. How sweet it is: Please consider donating to GoFundMe for the recent Monterey Park tragedy: Piece Of The Day for this tragedy: Nobuyuki Tsujii, "Elegy". Monday, January 23, 2023 Mandarin Monday! Mondays can be drab and dull, but fortunately - it brightens up my day learning a word or two of Mandarin. Go to Lang Lang's Youtube for other lessons (words, piano tips / tricks / lessons, etc.). It's been awhile since I last heard from Justin Chon. His last film "Blue Bayou" was outstanding and underrated. I hope "Jamojaya" can do just as well. It stars Rich Brian - famous for spitting beats and flows like no other. Good luck to Dustin Nguyen and "The Accidental Getaway Driver" and Randall Park with "Shortcomings". They are so far, on my list to watch so far. That is all for now. I found out about the Lunar New Year celebration tragedy in Monterey Park through Simu Liu's social media. I have no comment at this point, since sending condolences have become all too common and regular unfortunately. Talk is talk, but as usual - nothing is being done about it (bodyguards, stricter gun laws, etc.). Sunday, January 22, 2023 Happy Lunar New Years! Andrew Huang has a knack of identifying chords by ear easily. It's a talent on par with playing by ear. The Video Game Pianist is famous or known for that. I'm not surprised - Andrew Huang is only one of a handful who is thoroughly knowledgeable with Music Theory, Music Production tips and tricks, and his unique ability to create music out of ordinary sounds. Sundance Film Festival - I am ecstatic about the new AAPI House. Hopefully - there'll be films worth watching. Dustin Nguyen has a new film premiering, as well as Randall Park's directorial debut with "Shortcomings". Saturday, January 21, 2023 What a "Kim's Convenience" reunion (picture from the social media of the big 3 of Simu Liu, Paul Lee and Andrew Phung - who has his own show called 'Run The Burbs'): Barbell Brigade Presents: "That Annoying Guy, Part 4: Making Excuses" haha. I have to create a playlist of "That Annoying Guy" starring Bart Kwan hahaha. Poor Bobby Lee - still an incel / reject haha. It's ok, Asian Guys like myself have always been that. Actually - it no longer matters. I'm a family man now, and that's priority. Also - I have nice hobbies / activities to focus on (with potential of future plans / endeavors if I have the motivation). The reality is, we still live in a terrible, miserable world with terrible, miserable people. But there are folks like Ke Huy Quan's character of Waymond and Ke himself - kind, and only exude positivity despite being surrounded by trolls, racists, etc. Friday, January 20, 2023 I watched the recent episode of "Walker Independence" with Kai's story. The show is probably worth watching more after this (considering it has a diverse range of characters). Kudos to Lawrence Kao for a riveting episode - apparently, Kai knows how to fight haha. Well - I'm not sure if that was revealed in an earlier episode or season. What makes Maestro Lang Lang extraordinary (aside from the performances) is also his focus on music education and highlighting young and up-and-coming artists / pianists. His Foundation is a testament to that. And on socia media - however, the recent video montage of the Mood 2023; I wish you could hear or listen to the pieces of what these young pianists are actually playing. But they were too many worthy submissions to include - so include as many as possible, and it's understandable that it had to be in a quick, brief montage format. My surprise piece was going to be Mendelssohn's Rondo Capprioso. But it's something else. It's not really a surprise if I were planning on recording it anyway. Eventually. Thursday, January 19, 2023 Paul Sun-Hyung Lee aka "Bitter Asian Dude" is known for his role in "Kim's Convenience". Everyone's favorite "appa happa" (or whatever) hahahaha, the patriarch had a lot of one-liners or quotables: "Ok. See You." You can't get more direct than that haha. I just found out he was in "The Mandalorian" as Captain Teva, leader of the X-Wing Squadron. He returns as the character in S3. The "Star Wars" universe is vast it appears. Til this day - "Revenge Of The Sith" and "The Empire Strikes Back" are my two Star Wars favorites. If not for fans of the Colt 45 Guy haha. Wednesday, January 18, 2023 Sometimes, internet outages can be brief or it can last longer than a power outage. Even more annoying if it happens in the middle of something important, or if you were extremely busy. Always take the ETA or estimated time of restoration with a grain of salt - there'll most likely be a delay or two. If there are more than 3 delays, ask for a refund haha. We need a campaign - a campaign to get rid of every automated cs system from companies or businesses. The reality is - machines can't answer a human being's question because these systems are pre-programmed. They waste so much of a customer's time - we always bypass it. But what's worse actually - automated customer service, or overseas call / support center due to out-sourcing. That's a tough one haha. Here is Ke Huy Quan's recent interview from the TalkEasy podcast: I might have a surprise piece before K. 311 or K. 310. Tuesday, January 17, 2023 Question: Who would win in a foot race? - Bobby Lee, Doc Willis, Brad Williams, an Oompa Loompa. Answer: None - the answer would actually be a snail or a Ricky Berwick actually (they wouldn't get out of the starting gate). Hahaha. I think the Bad Friends clip "Should women shave their legs" is relevant to both Khalyala and Geo (mustache as well) haha. I needed this break for some silly humor. I'll get back to Ke Huy Quan and all things Ke Huy Quan. Or other relevant topics / subject matters. On a serious note: to Andrew Huang / Rob Scallon, please create a full-length song off of that country yokel riff. It would make "Gucci Gang" sound pretty tame haha. Monday, January 16, 2023 My Mood 2023 - what I call, the "Trifecta Of Trickiness" (because arguably, the most difficult among the Piano Sonatas): K. 309 / K. 310 / K.311 (only planning on one movement from K. 310 / K. 311 however). Other pieces for now: Mendelssohn's Rondo Capprioso and Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 26 (I have yet to finish). For the new year, I'm certainly on a lookout for new pieces / new repertoire. Ke-Sanity or Brendan-Sanity - take your pick haha. Other than "Encino Man", I'm not familiar with Brendan Fraser or what he's done (if "The Mummy" counts - I don't count it as a film since it looked like complete slop of a movie). At any rate - if Ke Huy Quan is cool with Brendan, then all is well I guess. Speaking of "The Whale" (never heard of this) - did Pauly Shore feed Brendan one too many Dunkin' Donuts? hahaha. Congratulations to "Everything Everywhere All At Once" for their awards. It was also a team effort - exceptional directing, writing /dialogue, visual effects, other supporting roles. Sunday, January 15, 2023 I'm sure Ke Huy Quan gained new fans / followers (a lot who didn't realize, or just found out that he was that kid from "The Goonies" and "The Temple Of Doom" haha). Ke's win at the Golden Globe (along with other awards) has only elevated his profile - everyone loves an underdog or cinderella story. While winning awards is fine and dandy, it isn't the ultimate compliment or validation (nor are they all that necessary). It's the future - is Ke going to have a nice, busy career going forward. It doesn't have to be films - it can be other projects. The reason why I'm ecstatic that he accepted the Loki S2 role (even if it might just be for one season). And the new ABC show. I'll be continuing to keep tabs or follow Ke - as I have for awhile now. For me - there has been a lull or absence in interesting podcasts. I've been taking an extended break from listening or watching any podcasts - the topics or subject matters have had no interest / relevancy to me. I might start unsubbing, but it doesn't mean I won't ever visit. I'm still a fan - if not for the few podcast episodes I re-watch over and over haha. I might be getting out of that podcast phase however - I just might be more into humorous or funny skits, finding inspiring classical music or interesting musicians. For sure - continuing to support Asian-American endeavors / projects is a life-long or permanent interest. Saturday, January 14, 2023 In another life (or in a fantasy for that matter), what Concerto would I prefer to perform? It's not the usual. The two standouts: Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 (with the famous "Larghetto" movement), and W.A. Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 (among the 27 or so). Performing Concertos are another skillset - you're working with an orchestra (knowing / understanding conductor cues / direction, following or dictating the tempo as the central instrument, not drowning out one another, timing,etc.). I think the quote "EEAAO" from Waymond is one of the most talked about quotes, and one of the scenes that Ke nailed it in terms of believability: "In another life, I would have liked to have done laundry and taxes with you". The expression / reaction afterwards - just natural / heart-breaking. Speaking of new projects, catch Quan / Yeoh / Hsu in a new Disney+ show "ABC" (abbreviated). Friday, January 13, 2023 Jayperior apparently dislikes rides that have vertical drops - so do most of us (roller coasters, etc. - hell no. I don't even like getting on planes). Well - Sungwon Cho was there to relish his sheer terrified reaction haha. Conquering fears is a near impossibility - because you have to actually do it or get on it. If it's a potential life-threatening activity or one of them high risk activities such as skydiving or bungee jumping, that is not a way to overcome it. Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon should create a new channel with all their hilarious and entertaining clips. And their synchronized laughing haha. Ke Huy Quan is a rare human being - he epitomizes what human beings should be like, when almost all of us are not. Similar to Jeremy Lin, he is brimming with humility, kindness / niceness and just positive energy. These kinds of people often get taken advantage of or used. Which is why most of us prefer to be otherwise. We've witnessed how Jeremy Lin was mis-treated and discriminated / kicked out, yet he is still thriving. I think he is set up for life - focused now on his Foundation and charitable works. Thursday, January 12, 2023 This is from my Film Forum page: Ke Huy Quan was the story of the night - winning a Golden Globe for his exceptional performance in "Everything Everywhere All At Once". However - Ke's story or the so-called "comeback" or "career resurgence" story is one of controversy. First of all - it is not a "career resurgence" or a "comeback" when Ke never really had an acting "career" to begin with (thanks to the industry / hollywood's exclusion or racism against Asian actors at that time - only stereotyped roles might have been available). Secondly - it is the Asian-American creators for producing, writing, and their tireless efforts in bringing these projects to the screen (as well as independent / lesser known production companies who have supported these projects like A24, fan / organizational support, etc.). Anyway - onto another topic: The Steven Spielberg / Ke Huy Quan reunion. Ke is one to think or focus on the positive side of things. While hollywood or the film industry had excluded / discriminated against Asian male actors back in the '80's / '90s, Steven Spielberg did give Ke Huy Quan his break with two iconic films: "The Temple Of Doom" and "The Goonies". It would have been quite presumptious or unfair to have Spielberg continue to vouch or hire Ke in future films of his. It didn't work that way - it was the sign of the times. Steven focused on his career, and just went with the flow with the industry - you don't expect these guys to do any favors for Asian actors anyway. Ke is forever grateful to Spielberg for these opportunities (which turned out huge), and is fully aware about why he no longer received any offers or roles (and why had to quit). Almost all Asian actors have gone through this. However - Ke is not one to spew these realizations on a public stage like an awards show (unless it is on an Asian-American platform). Til this day, my favorite Spielberg films: "Jaws" and "Poltergeist". It is still a "work-in-progress". The problem of Asians "Not Looking The Part" (The Jeremy Lin Syndrome) still exists today unfortunately. Otherwise - Asian actors should be hired / considered regardless of role (characters should not be created as just an Asian character, but just a character - John Cho's character in "Don't Make Me Go" is an example). Wednesday, January 11, 2023 I am happy or ecstatic for Ke Huy Quan for winning the Golden Globe, and other countless awards (including at the Unforgettable Gala, critic's choice, etc.). It is well-deserved, as his performance was exceptional. Both Ke and Michelle had very intricate scripts, something that any other actor might have over-acted or fucked it up. But not Ke or Michelle. Now it's onto the Academy Awards. "Everything Everywhere All At Once" should have won more than 2 awards - at least for Best Screenplay and Best Directors. C'mon - without the actual project / script or film itself, the actors would not have a platform to showcase their acting or talents to begin with. Hopefully, "EEAAO" can win more awards at other events. Tuesday, January 10, 2023 It would have been quite a treat if free live stream of performances were more readily available. If you can attend Lang Lang's Disney Book live performance on Valentine's Day, it is recommended. It's something different, a change from the classical performance. Again - a complete musician would be able to play multiple genres of music. And then there are some (like myself) who prefer to just stick with 1 genre (although I enjoy playing Hisaishi music from time to time). On paper - some music might look / appear simple, but in reality - once you start learning / playing it, it is more tough than you realize. That was the case for K. 309. More thoughts on my classical blog at another time. I think I'm prepping for K. 310 Presto and K. 311 first movement. They hit you in the feels or just elicit that bouncy giddiness haha. Monday, January 09, 2023 Just finished watching "Alice In Borderland" S2. It was fun and entertaining - not as nearly as the first season however. I think the ending was satisfying - the title of the show gives hints as to what the reality or world the characters are in. But guesses and surprises are trademarks of suspenseful shows. I thought there were aliens who kidnapped them. "Borderland" is that in-between realm of life and death. The characters who play the games (based on the deck of cards) and survive learn more about themselves, and to appreciate life that much more. The final scene of the Joker card - how can that translate into a third season, if any? This was a wrap-up season, so I think the creators / producers knew this might be the finale. Perhaps the Joker card was just a minor tease, nothing more / nothing less - not a cliffhanger, nothing to come of it. Highly recommended to watch. Sunday, January 08, 2023 What the hell is the Grand Ole Opry? To general audiences, they'd have no idea. It would sound more like a "Grand Ole Scam" haha. Scam - which is practically everything in society these days, especially politics. But - it's probably an icon in country music / comedy / performances. Just as Carnegie Hall might be for classical music / other musical performances. Congratulations to Henry Cho as well - his humor still elicits laughs til this day. It's a rare breed of clean jokes that are lacking - it proves that you don't have to resort to dirty or offensive / racist humor (it's not even humor - they are extremely damaging - a lot of so-called comics don't get that. It's just that they have no other material, or have no idea on how to be funny. Or they might be racist themselves - "Suga" Shane Gillis? haha). When you're actually at peace with music and with yourself, you would not find any musical genre threatening at all. You would learn to respect and appreciate the beauty in any kind of music. However - it doesn't mean you have to like a particular genre. You can hate it, but at the same time - appreciate its existence. Although Classical Music might be the foundation or basis of harmonious, melodic music - it doesn't mean everyone has to listen and like it. As they say - to each their own. I just find classical music the most inspiring to me - that is all. Saturday, January 07, 2023 The "Local Adventurer" team is known for their travels, trips all over the country or world (to famous spots, places, parks, landmarks, etc). They appear to be living life to the fullest, by just experiencing the world. If you have that energy / motivation or interest that is. Some of us are homebody's - we're just content in being vegetables / couch potatoes or staying at home without going anywhere haha. The very definition of "lazy" and "social anxiety". The "How Do You Shoplift At Costco" joke always elicits a laugh - because, how exactly can you. It's not possible since - a. everything is sold on pallets or bundles (except the loose clothing) b. You gotta get past the Highlighter Guy at the door (you'll get caught - well, unless you're that "Welcome To Costco. I Love You" Idiocracy Greeter Guy haha). Just don't. Thanks, Henry Cho for the laughs as always haha. Friday, January 06, 2023 Simu Liu definitely had a 2022 to remember - an impressive list of achievements, activities, films, etc. (whether it's going on various talk shows, game shows, reality shows, haha). I am looking forward to future films with Simu (well, that'll depend). He probably has a few in post-production already. "Barbie" is set to release this summer. I think Ke Huy Quan is in second - his performance in "EEAAO" was exceptional. The attention received well-deserved. As "The Goonies" might say: "This Is Ke's Time" haha. Lawrence Kao in "Walker Independence" - I'm curious as to what that's about. Asians in cowboy or western shows / movies just tend to be racist caricatures. Hopefully, Kao's character is multi-dimensional and human. It appears that it is. Other than that, there is Rich Ting in that indie cowboy flick, and Justin Lin's Warrior. Can't get enough of fart stories and whatnot haha. I just let it rip - farts have to be ripped just as naturally as breathing haha. Wednesday, January 04, 2023 So I just began watching "Alice In Borderland" S2. I'm only four episodes in, and so far - there seems to be much more talking than action. But this is the season where answers or explanations have to be included, as this could be a wrap-up season. Or possibilities of even more. Still - it's been thrilling. My favorite - the "Trust Or Die" game. This is an extremely scary scenario - because the game won't end at all until the game master is found or gotten rid of amongst the contestants. And if everyone just decides to be friendly and trust each other, the game won't ever end. At some point, someone or somebody is going to crack and start conniving / lying. It's inevitable, and that is the nature of human beings. Judgment reserved until finished with this season. K.309 third movement is a happy, perky movement. I'm lovin' it. The grace notes / ornaments are particularly tricky in this one. K.309 as a whole, is a particularly short Piano Sonata - since the second and third movements have no repeats. Still - it is one of the more fun Sonatas. Monday, January 02, 2023 Another year, more resolutions. For me - the reality of the situation just hit me. I have to actually be serious about it this time. I'm gettin' up there in age (literally on the cusp of being an old man), and do I really want these habits still sticking around. For sure - I have to get rid of the bad habits of old (whether it's complaining too much, being overly lazy, over-eating, and watching you-know-what). It's always a work-in-progress for me. I'm always on the lookout for new repertoire. I'm also focused / inrigued in any new Asian-American projects or news coming in any industry. Right now - I haven't heard of anything yet but I'm sure there is going to be some projects worthwhile. It's just a wait-and-see situation - news or rumors are not really posted on social media until it actually happens. Even finding new Asian-American personalities to follow / sub to. |