Previous Page Sunday, March 02, 2025 It's never too early for Halloween - especially new Halloween animatronics. My mind is already "fast forwarding" this year to October. Never mind what's in-between, my mind has already checked out for every irrelevancies. Other than making my rounds for content updates from whom I'm subscribed to. Wake me up once it's October haha. And May (Asian-American Heritage Month). Some things to focus on: New inspiring repertoire / pieces, any new Asian-American films / or Asian actors with juicy roles, new content creators, the "how much can Shohei Ohtani achieve this season", and Xaivian Lee - can he continue his productive output (while his team has kinda struggled a bit). I'm 'dumbfounded' - Is "DumbFounDead" really ending his podcast, and what's the future of his channel (is he going to upload different types of content or delete)? Some quotables: "No, I don't think you are. Not. One. Damn. Bit" - Decker, Star Trek: The Motion Picture (a quote that crosses my mind a lot when thinking of clickbait shit like "I'm interested in you"). "I'm sure my critics (and haters / trolls) would say, I'm a grotesque display. But they can bite me baby, I perform this way" - Perform This Way, Weird Al "I've spent so many nights feelin' sorry for myself, I used to cry, now I hold my head up high. You see me, somebody new" - I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor (Thanks for that snippet, OtherOnesByLee Comic!) Saturday, March 01, 2025 I think we should worry more about Blunts crowd surfing than the asteroid potentially hitting Earth in 2032 haha. Advice for the crowd - move outta the way as fast as you can! There'll be aftershocks for sure haha. That goes without saying, I've been checking out past My 600 lbs Life clips. Remember the My Humps Guy and My 600 lbs Life? I'm curious as to what is going on. That was dramedy, when the Assanti bros would snap at hospital staff for their swollen lymphodema, their hospital meals being sup-par or not coming to his incessant "help me get over here calls" quick enough haha. Since cable tv or basic tv costs (like everything else) have drastically increased, we pulled the plug on it a few years ago and just rely on youtube videos or Netflix. What's my favorite Chopin piece? I guess this is an easier question than what is my favorite composer or what is my favorite piece of all time. I'm not familiar with the Sonatas, so I'll have to say - one of the Nocturnes. I enjoy Nocturnes and Valses more than anything else of Chopin. The Ballade in G minor is also exceptional, even if I can't yet play it well enough. Friday, February 28, 2025 Mr. Blunts - instead of thinking about crowd surfing where you might do more damage than an asteroid hitting the Earth haha, think about going to Dr. Now or gastric bypass. Hahah. Daaayum - you make Fat Albert look anorexic. Rich Ting ain't the only one busy. Apparently, Brian Tee has been booking roles as well. I personally now believe that having meaningful, minor roles is better than having useless or meaningless, major ones. Rich Ting has played villains and officers of the law. Brian Tee recently has been directing a popular med drama (after leaving the show), and was recently nominated for his performance in "Expats". Now, he's tackling a villainous role in Reacher S3. Unfortunately, all these shows requires paid subscriptions to platforms. If there is ever a free trial on Amazon Prime, I'll make sure to binge these shows. Sorry, Jimmy Zhang. I ain't 'feelin' House of 'Feelings'. I'm not into reality or variety shows at all, all of them are scripted and pre-determined. Outcomes are already decided "behind-the-scenes", so never trust what is advertised. Still - I'm supporting the project because it is content that he is happy with and could take off. Good luck to that. Simu Liu in "Last Breath". Might rent this as well once available. Jeezus - I have to moderate my budget since even renting films can get expensive. Thursday, February 27, 2025 Since there's nothing going on these days (other than eventually renting Ke's new film), I began looking for new K-Dramas to watch. It's been over 3 years or more. Unfortunately, the only platform available is Netflix. You have to either sub to premium channels or the Korean channel directly. We used to watch on Dramacool, a third-party site which is like a bootleg. But now - a lot of episodes have been removed or blocked, and there are still a lot of adware / malware embedded on their site. It is no longer recommended. I'll probably start updating the K-Drama page again. I'll watch / like a trailer video of the drama I intend to watch. Even just the trailer itself (for any that is not available to watch for me) is enough. K-Dramas that have piqued my interest so far: Blackout (unfortunately, unavailable), The Trauma Code, Doubt, Unlocked, Whirlwind. The aviation industry saying that "flying is safer than it has ever been" might just be "Damage Control". It's certainly bullshit. I still 100% prefer to stay on the ground or drive long distances than fly even for 1 hour. Increasing human error and negligence (while I might be a proponent of diversity, you can't just hire any incompetent or lazy bozo when safety is concerned) is the main culprit - poor decision making as far as navigating severe weather / turbulence is concerned, and poor plane maintenence or lack thereof. Wednesday, February 26, 2025 Gettin' "Smelly" Wid It, Diggy-Style haha. If anything, my well-timed, loud-ass farts (lasting longer than Booger's belch in the belching contest) is stankier than his grandpa's marinated raw crab or smells like rotten fish under the hot sun all day odor haha. How or when to fart - anytime or anywhere. At home. Or even better, in public or during your kid's library reading session. Haha It was an automatic thumbs up or a video like for wearing the Fat Nikocado Tee haha. New phrase - "Make Nikocado Fat Again". Hahaha. Erik The Electric sure was "gummied" out. That huge-ass Gummy bear looked disgusting - it's like chewing on red tire or rubber. Tuesday, February 25, 2025 Congratulations to Sean Wang and the "Didi" crew for winning Best First Film / Screenplay at the Independent Spirit Awards. "Didi" made my Top Ten list. This is the only awards show that actually matters for this year, along with the Unforgettable Gala. Otherwise - I never pay attention to any other shit. Call Tim Chantarangsu, the new "Sharp-Dressed Man". Quick - compose a parody off of that. Hahaha. Subtle nuances in classical music, when playing certain pieces, can add a lot of color and flavor. Otherwise - performers all sound the same and un-inspiring. To each their own. K. 331 Variations is coming along. Booyah! Monday, February 24, 2025 For posterity haha:
Sunday, February 23, 2025 It's always a pleasure watching David So's terrified reaction on a roller coaster, a ferris wheel, or a - swinging ferris wheel haha. *Damn - them swinging ferris wheels are no joke. D-So's reaction in this most likely surpasses the genuine terror The Try Guys experienced with their "Oh My Gawd!" terror on the Knotts Berry vertical coaster. We're so used to Quang Tran enjoying the meals he creates (more appetizing and probably tastier than most restaurants), it is rare that he has a 'this is a stinker' video. Subway - the cold cuts or meat taste like plastic, the bread is bland / tasteless, veggies are soggy and far from fresh. Condiments non-existent. What more needs to be said. Eat Fresh? More like, Eat Vomit Hahaha. Just go to your local deli. Sometimes, finding simple, slice-of-life content creators is what it's all about. Such as travel vloggers (to each their own), or just regular vlogs like Fred Liu (he probably had a following or was quite known before Youtube - otherwise, how else could he have amassed over 700K+ subscribers in just a few, scant years?). Saturday, February 22, 2025 This is my parable of robotic 'slow speaking': "Watch Ye therefore Ye not know when Rudy speaketh only 5 words in 1 minute" - jys 4:20. Haha. The Dadd-eh Dadd-ehs sure have dance moves (funky ones at that - the new nuhmeh "Weird Ass Dance"-Style?). For sure, the new Dance Dance Revolution by the Just Kidding News crew with special guest Tim Chantarangsu hahaha. Friday, February 21, 2025 Visting the Wing Luke Museum would be of interest to me. Goddammit - there needs to be a Ripley's Believe it or not somewhere. I'm glad Tomo Nakayama is donating something. Cultural heritage is priority number one. We need more like Tomo Nakayama, who writes / composes and sings about just everyday things. He performs in cozy, remote outlets as well as concert halls. Stays in down-to-earth, simple abodes. What happened to the days of just drinking coffee was the lyrics to a song. Probably not inspiring enough. Who finds inspiration in the noise pollution that is music today. I'll go as far as to say that lyrics or words are not needed in music at all. The purest form of music might be just instrumental music, whether it's from the Far East or the Far West. If the notes or the rhythms themselves can't speak to you, that's not our problem. Haha. Thursday, February 20, 2025 How often do married couples encounter this, especially husbands. "No - I was in the middle of doing something first and then you came in starting to talk". "And you're wondering why am I always doing something when you're talking to me?!!" Sheeeiit. Hahaha. I think Tim Chantarangsu's "Spitfire" is quite dope. Lovin' the freestyle and the eatin' extra spicy noodles (that's my M.O.). I heard it's parody off of that Watchumuhcallit show. No idea. Anywhoo, "Irritable Bowel Syndrome". While it has to do with indigestion or gas, it sounds like what internet trolls are - irritated at their unhappy life who'll never get any kind of reaction or acknowledgement. Hahaha. I finally did a full run-through of the K. 331 Variations. Some of them are quite tricky. W.A. Mozart's rhythms and phrasing can get tricky. For me at least, it helps not thinking too much about it and just feelin' it. Of course -study / learn the notes first. But the melodic theme is enticing enough. So working on this. We can all learn from one another. There are a lot of very gifted, young pianists out there with potential careers ahead of them. They are all technical wizards (case in point - one of Lang Lang Foundation's student's mastery over the difficult "Winter Wind" Etude from Chopin). But the common element of kids is the emotional maturity in expressing the music, which can only be fully developed when they become older. Wednesday, February 19, 2025 I don't play nor enjoy playing board games all that much. But I'm also in agreement that instead of taking forever when it's your turn, figure it out beforehand when other players are taking their turns. This is certainly a peeve, and a reason why I don't enjoy playing board games. And I have ADHD as well. K. 331 variations might be the next recording. Monday, February 17, 2025 A lot early content creators such as Wong Fu Productions are aware of the reality of Youtube - it is no longer a quality platform but unfortunately, the only one that is out there that everyone goes to. I'm more than happy to go the slow route - ignore and delete any 'trending' or main page garbage / crap, and just click on my Youtube Subscriptions for any new videos. They are all bookmarked. And you should, too. I believe Wong Fu is going to continue to be successful and high quality - they are one of a few who are truly the "light" in a world that is mostly "mass darkness of formless blob". Places like the Haunted Hill House is mostly a "halloween attraction" than a real haunted place. I do believe that the owners set up all the noises or hauntings somehow. If you litter the place with creepy dolls and other furnishings, it's a clear indication of 'fakery'. Still - the "Ghost Files" episode was entertaining, hilarious and frightening (if you believe ghosts were real there - probably). Sunday, February 16, 2025 You don't need to be fat to have to exercise. Even scrawny or deformed fucks like myself need exercising too haha. I've always perceived exercising as a damn chore - thus, never bothered with it. Still - if you can make it fun, then it's worth it. Cardio workouts dancing or moving to rhythmns or songs is like a compromise. I recommend "Reps To The Rhythmn". The beauty of music is that it can be used in any endeavor, whether it's to inspire the soul, or having fun with it while doing something productive. I'm still in the beginning stages of learning to cope with toddler or child tantrums, and what they say and their actions. Sometimes, if you take it personally (sort of like reacting like a child as well), it worsens things for yourself and the kid. *I've always believed that music should come from the soul, not for the wallet (that would be my tag line or selling point). If you can have the best of both worlds, that is ideal. Absolutely, having a career in music or what you are passionate about is considered a dream job. Unfortunately, most in today's society do things just for the money. You can actually tell that it affects the product, sounding or looking stale or too mechanical. Which is why I choose to only listen to and support my select favorites, such as Lang Lang. He encompasses both passion and success in music. Saturday, February 15, 2025 Watcher Entertainment was embroiled in controversy early last year when they decided to make their videos only available as a premium or pay-to-watch service on their new platform. In a sense, we get that Youtube has not been a reliable business model, as they are more dependent on what's trending and garbage algorithms. It was not very profitable for Watcher, or at least not what they were expecting. Well - at least they changed their minds. They'll post their content on Youtube, only after debuting on their new platforms and you'll have to wait for awhile. That suits me. I've been a fan of their "Ghost Files" (most credible source of paranormal show out there) as well as some other content here and there. I hope there's a season 4. My "Do Not Play" list also encompasses Do Not Click But Avoid, Block, Delete for most Youtube videos out there. While there are new content creators to be discovered (especially of the Asian persuasion), I'm only acknowledging content from who I'm subbed to. While this is not what Dumbfoundead and his guests were exactly talking about, I just went a bit off tangent haha. I think it is especially true in the music scene - it is too saturated, they eventually all sound the same. "Do Not Play Michael Jackson"?! haha. Friday, February 14, 2025 There isn't a better or more appropriate way to celebrate Valentine's Day than to watch Ke Huy Quan in "Love Hurts". Unfortunately, I have to wait until it's available to stream. Valentine's Day was like a Ralph Wiggum for a lot us when were kids - the school Valentine's Day box was empty, except for the token card from the teacher that everyone gets. Sort of like an automatic spam email that clutter your inbox to look like you received emails haha. Fast forward to today - I have a wife (thanks to my parents since I've been a perpetual reject), and kids to take care of. I couldn't be more blessed, although it's been an internal struggle fighting the need for individualistic freedom or independence. While dealing with tantrums and non-stop crying have been troublesome and still learning how to cope, I was usually always on that edge or cusp of experiencing Post-partum Psychosis. By the way, speaking of some real, productive toddler education. There's no one better than David So to read Children's books to your kids. Just have them slouch on your fat tummy, and read the damn book how it's supposed to be read. The illustrations tend to be so wack, you can literally think that crab is jackin' off to that clown fish. Hahaha. *I've always believed that music should come from the soul, not for the wallet (that would be my tag line or selling point). If you can have the best of both worlds, that is ideal. Absolutely, having a career in music or what you are passionate about is considered a dream job. Unfortunately, most in today's society do things just for the money. You can actually tell that it affects the product, sounding or looking stale or too mechanical. Which is why I choose to only listen to and support my select favorites, such as Lang Lang. He encompasses both passion and success in music. Thursday, February 13, 2025 So what am I most impressed about Sungwon Cho, Cho Sungwon or ProZD - his ability to learn new board games and win, his versatile voice acting, reciting every scene of Peter Pan at tempo with the movie's pacing, the ability to look grumpy 24/7 but really "That's just how I look" haha. Variations, K. 331 - seldom heard or played pieces or movements often are hidden gems. This has a tender or gentle melodic theme, and while W.A. Mozart might not be known for variations, this one appears overlooked or overshadowed from the Turkish March movement that's part of this piece. Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Master Lock or Bike Lock on a car exhaust?! Sung Kang sure isn't going to hire Bobby Lee anytime soon hahaha (I prefer to hire the Parking Lot Guy instead). The underbelly of a car - "I really thought it would look like a Lego Car" hahaha. I'm actually more astounded that there is over 1,000+ Pokemon characters that exist, than actually being able to name all of them haha. The creator sure had a lot of time on his hands. Monday, February 10, 2025 Ragtime is a genre that's very upbeat and happy. I was never into it. Still - it has a very jumpy or upbeat melody that is enticing enough to listen to over and over (while most modern day music, if you can tolerate to listen to a song just once - then please for the luh-ob of God, let that be it and then fugheddaboutit haha). The Video Game Pianist seems to be in a "Scott Joplin State Of Mind" - I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows the entire Joplin collection, or is learning them. Ragtime or Joplin music can be famously heard in the classic scam / hustle film "The Sting". I'm sort of in an "Amadeus State Of Mind", but it doesn't mean that I'm going for the entire Sonata repertoire. It's still possible, if I can't find new composers or repertoire anytime soon. Sunday, February 09, 2025 Perhaps Bobby Lee could propose a Sesame Street Munchkin puppet instead of having to hear his vocals haha. Hahaha. Fortunately, he was just reciting the words as the Shat would do (no singing involved due to the lack of vocals - same with myself admittingly). Or "in the arms of an angel, fly away" part II rendition to see how off-key he can really get. Hahaha. I would absolutely trust Jimmy O. Yang as Chief Security Officer. In Only Jimmy O. Yang We Trust. Saturday, February 08, 2025 Happy 40th - 1985 was a year for some iconic films that have been relevant and continue to be relevant; "The Goonies" (hoping for a sequel), "Back To The Future", and "The Breakfast Club". I really can't list favorite scenes or quotes - the entire script of these films are quotable to say the least. But if you really want a list, you'll get an "answer to that next Saturday. Or the Saturday after that." "Or Next Saturday Night". On the film forums page. There's this fascination with Saturday of all days apparently haha. Friday, February 07, 2025 "Geee. *pause* I wonder *pause* where *pause* my *pause* card is". Slo-Mo not needed, it's in real time haha. And all the while slowly going through the wallet or purse haha. Slow-ass talking is one thing, but slow-ass finding shit is another. To be fair, I'm similar only that I fumble around and stutter instead. I'm terrible with clutter, so I try to to keep as little as possible. Thursday, February 06, 2025 One of the most important and relevant quote in the past decade, comes from Sungwon Cho - "I'm Just A Guy" haha. Quang Tran - you sure have Mastery over burgers. My mouth just salivates or waters just lookin' at the thumbnail. Ryan Higa was an OG Youtuber in terms of popularity, original / creative content, and for Asian fans like myself to watch. Youtube has become a shithole (at least the algorithms) - I'm sure Sungwon and many others just realized that awhile ago. Tuesday, February 04, 2025 Congratulations to Ke Huy Quan for getting his Hand Print ceremony - he has "cemented" his claim as a bona fide celebrity. This is as newsworthy as it gets for this year so far in what has been lackluster. Also - "The Goonies" reunion with key castmembers attending. Had to save this image for posterity. While a sequel has been ruled out, ya know the saying - "Goonies Never Say 'There'll Never Be A Sequel!' " haha. ![]() Monday, February 03, 2025 I created a Fandango account just to rent / watch "Didi". But I'll keep it around a bit longer - if available, I plan to rent Ke Huy Quan's new action film. As a parent or someone who has and is showing signs of Autism symptoms, it's been challenging for me to deal with the tantrums and the crying. If there is any common bond amongst human beings, it's being a parent. And parenting well and to ensure your children are taken care of well (especially during the trying times) has been a challenge. Rick Lee expressed it well - "Decking the teachers". That sheeet is hilarious. He must've seen the Cobra Kai S2 School Fight when some of the Cobra Kai students knocked out a faculty member. Ah - the perks of being a high school teacher haha. Hell no. "Quang Tran Mon - ye be lookin' for a goood Chef Loa, me Bwomsamdi can help ya. For a per-AIIII-eeece" (only WoW BFA players would know the reference hahaha). Sunday, February 02, 2025 The question I've been pondering for awhile since subbing to Fred Liu, is - how did you accumulate over 700K subscribers in just a few years? This fascination, and the fact he is just a down-to-earth, chill or easy going guy is why I subscribed (which is lacking on Youtube and social media in general). Heavily-weighted Bonus points for being Asian. Again - Happy Lunar New Years! Simu Liu's involvement in an animated short for this Lunar New Years was cute. Winter wonderland finally is here. After what has been a pleasant, dry January, I suppose we were due for a snow event. Hopefully, it'll ease up. With winters getting colder, summers getting hotter, and air travel becoming less safe (really - Air travel and Medicine are the only two areas where they should be treated as "more than just a job" - people's lives are at stake. It should be taken as seriously as your own livelihood), we are living in dire times. Wednesday, January 29, 2025 Of course - Happy Lunar New Year's! The Year Of The Snake - unless you "hate snakes", hate "snakes on a plane", or laugh at the Home Alone 'Snakes' who pumped the guy full of lead over 10% thanks to A.C. haha. I think K. 533 (in particular, the first movement) characterizes the composer quite well. The first movement - very playful, a bit mischievous, light and bouncy. The bass melody echos the right hand throughout the movement as in a playful quarrel or conversation / dialogue. On paper - the music doesn't seem or appear complex. But when you have to pay attention to details, there are a lot of subtle nuances or jumps that make a world of difference in how it sounds and played. Tuesday, January 28, 2025 'O'Henry m'lad', more like Oh! not again Henry (fiendish leprechaun laugh - hahah). Dude is not just a simp, but a wimp. Turn dat Fat into Abs. Kidding aside, he took a lo' blo' near the liver or by the liver. While C-Mac took it to the gut. But c'mon, it wasn't that hard of a punch. Otherwise, the native would've been DQ'ed in competition. Not surprised Steffie Bay-eeeek was laughed at - "I can be your best wing man!". A terribad pick up or advice line like dat, it makes the snooty "I weep for the future" restauranteur at Chez pierre Whoever sound heavenly. Sung Kang and car culture. His GQ Taiwan interview shed a lot of light on what are passion projects, and not just about building cars. Inspiring. Monday, January 27, 2025 New creative content - the "Mis-Adventures" of C-Mac Raymond Yu haha. I would not have gotten in the car, you could have walked faster and made the meeting instead of waiting in that stand-still of a traffic mess. I cannot imagine tolerating just sitting like that, otherwise might have this been scripted. Scam artists and gangstas (especially sketchy ones) are all over the world. Bettah to get the weed hookup with Harold & Kumar instead haha (Kumar Patel has the connections after flunking his med school interview). C-Mac got ripped off, but I could've a sworn the dude showed his "piece" in a sign of a "threat" to get away or eat lead. While these videos are informative (not sure how much are scripted or not), the only downside is that it'll might turn off anyone from visiting the country. I found some David So's old standup. Fat jokes galore: "Y'all still laughing at my face?!" (well, sort of even today haha). "You Asian beeches reject us even before we get a chance to say anything" (relatable - hard knock life of the Asian Guy). Sunday, January 26, 2025 Nuhmeh marriage-counseling Style! Thach Nguyen is a success story in both family life and in his professional career (Self-Made multi-millionaire with a side of a Ferrari. G-Wagon as an appetizer haha). Relationships are a two-way street. Both have to be on the same page in order for it to last. Most relationships these days are just "do this for me" or "gimme that first" (ugly Asian dudes are usually easy prey to be used and abused - perceived as simps, either date in the Motherland or just focus on becoming more happy and successful in life). Which is why it's better not to get into one. Quang Tran - that Clam Chowder in a bread bowl looks more delicious than most restaurants combined. In Quang Tran We Trust Only. Clam Chowder is one of my favorite stews - the chunky kind of lots of clams and pot-ah-toes (it's with an e by the way). You gotta "Jam out with them Clam out" with Quang haha. Saturday, January 25, 2025 When most of us were 2 years old, we were just learning to form coherent sentences (or for some like Bobby Lee, still in the Gah-Gah Gooh-Gooh phase and arguably still today haha). When Lang Lang was 2, he was listening to classical music and probably was already learning to play the Sonata Facile or a J.S. Bach Prelude. I highly recommend reading his autobiography "Journey Of A Thousand Miles", detailing his journey from childhood to the beginnings of his illustrious career. It's the only book I still keep as a memento (after reading it several times). Are hobbits and dwarves the same size. If so, I guess Bobby Lee and Brad Williams are similar height haha. Doc Willis falls under "Munchkin", so that's a tad bit shorter than the other two (what, with them Tetris-piece like limbs) hahaha. And he had the audacity to whine, "Yawl didn't give me a big enough room!" While Bobby Lee would complain, "Yawl didn't give me a big enough room service". Friday, January 24, 2025 Gettin' Diggy Wid It - I'm definitely diggin' it. I certainly "dug" (past participle dug) haha. Probably my favorite The Other Ones By Lee (aka Asian Peanuts) comic of all. Sometimes, the best kind of sound is - nothing. Quiet. Nothing. As if Diggy and I were the only human beings on this planet. Or at least just the folks who actually are important to us. The outside world? Gone. Non-existent. Here is the comic I dub, "The Sound Of Silence is....goooooood". I plan on creating a new playlist of my favorites: Thursday, January 23, 2025 Big Smoke who?! Order from Quang Tran - you get both quality and quantity."I'll order a numbah 9, a numbah 9 Luh-AAAAAAJ-EH". That's certainly a lot of fried goodness, Quang. So much so, it's more about presentation than eating most of it. Well - I heard Quang was fat before. Don't let the food go to waste - let either Erik the Electric or Stonie eat all that in 10 seconds haha. Some struggles with parenting - while it sometimes helps to "act childish" (at least in moderation) when playing with your kid (to be more immersive), don't do the same when they're throwing a tantrum. Haha. It is difficult to deal with sometimes, but we just have to step back and embrace it all with having children. Congratulations to Jay Chou for his anniversary - now that's news. Some projects for this year - complete "The Flight of the Bumblebee" (in progress) / La Campanella (not sure about this one yet), a personal arrangement of a song, "Pictures At An Exhibition" in one video (unlikely - it would need a lot of practicing and takes which is limited now with the baby). Wednesday, January 22, 2025 I think the beauty and intrigue of the "The Choe Show" is that it is not conventional or goes against the norm. It is unique, and doesn't place Choe's artwork at the center. His artwork is more of a character or a sidekick that is. Instead, it's an immersive experience utilizing his artwork. I believe Choe might have been more famous and wealthy if he went the traditional route. He's correct - we don't go to art museums to look at art, we're more concerned about "how we look" in front of the art. Hahaha. I don't go to art museums period because they're boring excrement. However - I highly recommend a planetarium, Ripley's Believe it Or Not or that local horror wax museum. While laughter is the best medicine, is there a fine line where laughing at certain subject matters is considered insensitive or not acceptable. A person's death for example. While I might not give a rat's ass about most of society's shitty-ass, self-absorbed life or lifestyle, I do realize life is precious and everyone should cherish it. Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Tonka Toys Big Wheels, Hasbro Doom Buggies, and now Newspaper Boats! Now that's a lotta newspapers! "Mommy, wow! Phil Swift is a Big Kid Now" haha. Flex Seal Productions Presents: Flex Paste Clear, and it certainly has become "clear" that Phil Swift is having a mental breakdown of epic proportions haha. Newspaper boat woohoooo. The "Pro Formula" is Phil's Semen, the sticky residue that allows adhesion, and the transparency to hide any minor leakage here and there after application. Look at that glop he pasted on that crack. Put the 'sex taste' back in Flex Paste with Flex Paste Clear! haha. Monday, January 20, 2025 Roastin' your kids (havin' a large-ass head or lookin' like a Chucky doll) is fine, because it's all in jest haha. But blaming or talkin' smack is a different story. I think we're all guilty of thinking of it at one point or another. Parental attitude should always be - I want my kids to become better and happier than me. Also - please fee free to roast away the dads at least (the ones who still have fat rolls - you know who you are. Hahaha). Remember them carnival Haunted rides, you know - the ones with the little carts you ride on. I didn't know they still existed. With the advancement of technology, some of them might rival Halloween haunts. While you might not have to walk, it might be fitting for the Lazy. Fatties however - I'm not sure if they'll fit haha. Sunday, January 19, 2025 I was eventually going to create a new playlist of Sungwon Cho's skits. There's quite a few hilarious ones. He's on point with the "Re-COMP-Ense" Monocle Snooty Guy, as well as Non-Asians mispronouncing his name. Andrew Huang is in a video game? We definitely see the resemblance haha. Still - creating or coding any retro-type game (primitive 8-bit or whatnot) is still an accomplishment by an accomplished musician. Count me in Jimmy O. Yang, Comedian Extraordinaire and now Master Language Extraordinaire: Saturday, January 18, 2025 Nathan Xia - songwriter, musician, actor / director. I think he has potential - his short films were entertaining and well-made, moreso than most full-length films in mainstream. However - he stopped uploading / creating several years ago so I unsubbed. He seemed to have rebounded with "Adam's Song". A poignant short about the struggles of an up-and-coming musician. There appears to be a father-son theme in this one regarding career choices. I forgot Wong Fu Productions were showcasing directors or creators of several short films. Should check them out - "Good Boy" is another one that comes highly recommended. Friday, January 17, 2025 I was watching highlights - Xaivian Lee certainly has "Ball Handles" (not the "luv handles" or fat rolls kind David So used to have haha) - quick and agile. He's a top prospect for sure. I'll be rooting for Xaivian Lee all the way. Some very pertinent pointers in learning / playing a piece - relax and let go. Don't think too much. It's an on-going lesson for everyone. What differentiates performers from the non-performers like myself is whether you can relax well or deal with nerves effectively. Otherwise - you can't fully appreciate or express a piece. It's more important to "enjoy" playing than feeling obligated to "perform well" (I guess that's what they call pressure or stress). That helps. *"Spitfire" beats are "en fuego!" haha. Tim Chantarangsu appears a bit rusty with his freestyle, but he can still spit bars. Bonus points for that Mr. T / Clubber T-shirt. "Prediction? Pain". Thursday, January 16, 2025 Disguised Toast and Steven He are some of the most entertaining and creative content creators out there. Of course - "If Shark Tank Was Asian" is mocking the real show. While ideas might sound feasible or plausible at first, it'll become useless and tiresome after awhile. Nothing lasts. It's the ones that often get rejected right away that might have actual purpose. However, if you have their "Fart Bubble", now that's a novelty hahaha. I'll buy that for a dollah! My thoughts on Patreon - make sure the benefits is commiserate with the amount (or at least live up to the what you are offering). Too often, someone might have a 100 per month tier, only to have just a few scant benefits such as "access to my blog posts" (but don't really blog that much), and a commisioned song (which might never get finished to begin with), and not much else. Otherwise - it's better to just either sign up for free, and have a "Please fee free to donate" for $1 per month. Fortunately, most content creators do have generouse benefits. Nothing much to look forward to in terms of watching stuff - these days, mostly shows:
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 When Henry Cho was auditioning for the role of "A Guy" - No, not "That Guy" nor "This Guy", "A Guy". I wonder if it was for that "Revenge Of The Nerds 3" role haha. It probably was for something else. Nonetheless - Henry Cho's recent podcast interview shed more light on how Asian-Americans (whether acting or in any industry - even getting a job), we are pigeon-holed or typecast. Common folk or Non-Asians would just be flabbergasted - "You don't look the part, so we can't hire you". It's been fortunate that I was able to take some pics of some planets a few days ago - because it's been cloudy ever since. Since this year seems to be the "Year Of The Planets", I'll be updating my Celestial Gallery web page more often. Well - I hope it becomes clear again for conjunction or alignment events, or when planets are close to each other. Monday, January 13, 2025 Call Bobby Lee, the "Harma-lizing Guy". Couldn't be worse than "Strat-egery" haha. Or worse than the "in the arms of an angel fly away" off-keyness by Bobby Lee with Tino hahaha. In a group of 4, Bobby Lee would be like; "Nice Duet Guys!" hahaha. There are a lot of either tone deaf or musically / vocally-challenged folks out there. Advice - stick with what made you popular. Don't go for a second career. Hahaha. Sunday, January 12, 2025 Oh yeah - I'm sold. I want my "Timo-Tea DeLasspresso" right now haha. The greatest promo ever. Timothy could take it up a notch with the "Homegirl" song as the background music or theme - "Skin machiatto, thick like Gelatto. Damn, have you ever been to Thailand?" haha. I'm cool with Strictly Dumpling's Mikey Chen doing Top Lists of favorite eats, even if they are filler videos. Probably the most appetizing one is the state fair vids - calories and carbs galore. Mikey Chen makes all the food he showcases very appetizing. Even if you encounter the foods in real life, they look just bleh sometimes. *Ever hear of the rain dance? We'd like to offer the oppa "Byuntae Style" and "Nuoc Mam Style" dance to drought-stricken and "our resources were removed / taken away to pay for extended vacation time" areas since it'll be more effective. Thanks, D-So! hahaha. Saturday, January 11, 2025 You can count on Youtubers / podcasters such as Dumbfoundead and Just Kidding News to bring in new or different guests I've never heard of (aside from comedy). Never heard of - because they are all part of the new youth movement in content creation and influencers. I can't remember his name, but the guy with glasses and is a Guru in digital networking or investing. Recently, Superline Network. They are "Super" young, with a "super" name haha. Even better or bonus points if the guest is Asian - I would research or search them immediately. Otherwise, move on or "fugheddaboutit". While I might not be able to fulfill or finish planned projects from last year in terms of recording, I'll probably try to do ones that are less time consuming and more feasible. Some other ideas floating around - The Flight of the Bumblebee (having done the Liszt piece, this is more feasible. Just imagine the flightpath of a bee buzzing around in a frenzy. The dynamics are not uniform. Imagery absolutely helps or might be necessary - otherwise, it's just noise or very mechanical). Also - for the first time ever. A rudimentary arrangement of a modern piece from a soundtrack that I enjoy. Arranging and playing by ear is not my forte. Nor is improvising. Friday, January 10, 2025 From Lang Lang's "Dragon Songs" album, there are some favorites. It's been awhile, but it's an extensive album with a lot of tracks. Far East Asian music has unique Asian rhythms and melodies, so it's a breath of fresh air to take a break from the usual melodies and have a listen. Some tracks just discovering like "Spring Wind" - more mellow than Chopin's fierce "Winter Wind" etude for sure. Flex Seal Productions Presents: Flex 'Clear', the transparent family of products where you don't have to see the mess you leave with spraying, gluing or caulking haha. It'll certainly become "clear" that Phil Swift is having a mental breakdown of epic proportions hahaha. As winds become harsher, temperatures getter colder / hotter - it is imperative that societies prepare well. Not take vacations or cut funds haha. Thursday, January 09, 2025 I'd make sure to take a dump at home before going out, because of the very reason some public restrooms are filthy and stanky as hell (at least in malls). If you have to leave a pile of dookie in the toilet and it clogs, just be like; "Dayyum! - who's shit is this?!" haha. Subin - just get the hell out of the house without sayin' a word as opposed to using your hands to clean it?? I'd sponsor Diggy's baseball team right away - "Kim's Convenience" is just around the corner haha. That's one business you can absolutely trust. The fuckin' mayor of LA defunding the fire department, goes on vacation while the wildfires are happening (only to do her due diligence returning for photo ops only), and doesn't seem to care about it as long as she is paid well. Nice, cushy job you have there. Wednesday, January 08, 2025 David So holding Tim Chantarangsu's two kids while smiling or lookin' like a mannequin or a statue looks pretty damn creepy haha. Certainly not as creepy as that lady holding her "Chucky doll" look-a-like (huge ass, plastic-lookin' head). I thought Bobby Lee would be more fitting as a chubby Ewok. Hahaha. "If Shark Tank Were Asian" priceless moment - the Coffee pre-stained shirt or clothing. C'mon - we all stain ourselves trying to drink as much as we can, and having 2, 3, 4 mug refills. Steven He's priceless LMAO reaction. Sung Kang lookin' sharp around his RX7's or other automobiles. He can have a modeling career. Tuesday, January 07, 2025 The Liszt Concert Etude No. 1 was more than a year in the making - practicing on and off. While pieces can be learned within a few practices, some might take awhile or many months. My hands were not ready at that time, but conditioning as helped tackle a lot of the technical aspects of the music. But most importantly, it's how expressive this piece is. If I were too focused on getting every note correct, I would never finish this. While precision and proper playing is a focus, never lose sight on the flow and expressivity of the piece. Finally. The Liszt Concert Etude No. 1 and Mendelssohn's "Rondo Cappricioso" are my favorite recordings I have done, and wouldn't hesitate to upload / share them anywhere, anytime. Even if I end up receivng the "Nothing Special" or the "Worse Recordings Ever" award. Hahaha. More thoughts at another time about the breakdown or the Lo' down on the piece. So for this year - what is Lang Lang's new project / album. I'm also keeping tabs on Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert touring. Sunday, January 05, 2025 Gettin' "Diggy" Wid It 2: The Electric Fart Boogaloo haha. Farting is no resolution - I just let it rip. Bonus if you're frequently gassy or herniated haha. Some of the projects in the last that never came to fruition - recording "Pictures At An Exhibition" in its entirety, memorization of "The Flight of the Bumblee" and "La Campanella", and "Appassionata" third movement. It's possible that I'll be reinvigorated this year, and schedule some time as our baby grows older. But certainly - recordings are going to be few and far between if any. The Liszt etude is already lined up and about ready. Saturday, January 04, 2025 It's fortunate that the Lin bros. play basketball as a living rather than singing haha. If you have to sing, a Karaoke private room is ideal. Not embarrassing yourself at a Jay Chou concert. Hahahaha. For all Tim Chantarangsu fans, Chino Cochino himself is inviting fans to take a trip with the him this November and "party like its 1999" haha. Only airfare is not covered. Tim Chantarangsu is a well-known Youtuber / hip hop artist, and recently won some award I never heard of. As long as he got paid for it, it might be worth something. But really - awards are being completely made up now (like, I would probably win the "Most Awkward Incel Ever" award). All you are getting is just more metallic or glass clutter taking up space, while nobody is going to remember anything 50 years from now anyway haha. As for the trip, it sounds fresh since Tim C. is hella more exciting / interesting than anyone you used to know in your past life combined. Unfortunately though:
Friday, January 03, 2025 Stavros in Da house, or on patreon. Haha. Fittingly so, since Bobby Lee talkin' about jackin' off with Jim Norton and Stavros stretchin' is not exactly general audience material haha. Stavros is what Bobby Lee used to look like in terms of body shape (before trimming down a bit). Still fat - short like Doc Willis, fat like Stavros haha. Thursday, January 02, 2025 I have nothing profound to say except to: eat less, exercise, become a better parent / spouse, sustain positive energy to be more proactive and interactive, find new repertoire. Gettin' 'Diggy' Wid It. "I have no favorites" - it's another way of saying that there isn't or wasn't anything worth noting or mentioning. It was a lackluster year in general, but there were some notables. Such as Shohei Ohtani winning the World Series. "Didi" becoming a film favorite. Lang Lang's Disney album, which I found very inspiring (infusing classical style with classic Disney songs). And of course - the birth of our child in October (greatest thing). David So's newborn was just as secretive as Jeremy Lin's best kept secret of hiding his marriage and birth of his kid for four or five years. Or least I never got any hint. Quote of the day: "Any bozo can learn and play notes. It actually takes skill and passion to be expressive" - Me |